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Far-right Dutch Politician Finds Islam

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AMSTERDAM – A leading member in far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders’ party has reverted to Islam after an extensive study about the Islamic religion and Muslims.

“I can understand people are skeptic, especially that it is unexpected for many of them,” Arnoud Van Doorn told Al-Jazeera English satellite channel.

“This is a very big decision, which I have not taken lightly.”

The news about Doorn’s reversion first came to the surface last month when he tweeted “new beginning”.

He later posted a tweet in Arab pronouncing the Shahadah (proclamation of faith).

The politician later announced that he reverted to Islam, giving no more information about the reasons behind the decision.

“In my own close circle people have known that I have been actively researching the Qur’an, Hadith, Sunnah and other writings for almost a year now,” he said.

“In addition, I have had numerous conversations with Muslims about the religion.”

Driven by his party’s anti-Islam discourse, Doorn decided to dig in for the truth about the religion himself.

“I have heard so many negative stories about Islam, but I am not a person who follows opinions of others without doing my own research,” he said.

“Therefore, I have actually started to deepen my knowledge of the Islam out of curiosity.

“My colleague Aboe Khoulani from the City Council in The Hague has brought me further into contact with the as-Soennah mosque, which has guided me even further.”

A member of the Dutch parliament and The Hague city council, Doorn’s name has long been associated with Wilders’ anti-Islam, far-right PVV party.

A member of the Dutch parliament and The Hague city council, Doorn’s name has long been associated with anti-Islam rhetoric by Wilders’ PVV party.

Wilders himself is known for his rants against Islam, Muslims and the Noble Qur’an.

New Beginning

Doorn’s decision to embrace Islam has won mixed reactions in the Netherlands.

“According to some people I am a traitor, but according to most others I have actually made a very good decision,” he told Aljazeera.

“The reactions are generally positive and I also received quite some support via twitter.

“It feels good that people who do not know me personally have understanding of my situation and support me in my choice.”

For the Dutch politician, finding Islam was finally guiding him to the true path in his life.

“I have made mistakes in life as many others. From these mistakes I have learned a lot,” Doorn said.

“And by my conversion to Islam I have the feeling that I finally found my path.

“I realize that this is a new start and that I still have much to learn as well.”

Departing from his earlier life as a PVV member, Doorn expects much resistance in his political life.

“The expectation is that I will continue to face much resistance, also from certain government institutions,” he said.

“I have all faith in Allah to support me and to guide me through these moments.”



Not that unusual, when I look at politics in Islamic countries all I can see is Far-right.
I never get people who become Muslims after extensively studying Islam.
I don't get what they see it in, and I've done my fair share of studying of the religion.

Wouldn't revert imply that he was returning? I believe the word the article is looking for is convert.

The article is from a website about Islam, so maybe it's a theology thing? Kind of like those Christians that were posthumously baptizing people into their denomination.


Lol how impressionable is this guy?

Geert says 'look how bad Islam is' and the guy runs to the far-right.

The he has a few discussions with Muslims and reads their holy book and runs to convert to their religion.

Wish I had this guys address, I want to knock on his door and sell him things.


So would this be like John McCain converting to Islam?

No, the party this guy belonged to was way more radical. This is more like Robert Spencer converting. Anyways, good to hear =) Reminds me of the Mongols. Destroyed Islamic world, then became Muslims lol


More like a Tea Party birther converting to Islam.

So Geert Wilders' party is comparable to the Tea Party now? Do you even realize that one of the big reasons Geert Wilders dislikes Islam is because he wants to protect gay and women rights? The guy isn't even religious.

People spout so much dumb shit on this forum. Anti-islamic does not mean far-right bigotted racist. In fact, any secular, sound-thinking individual should be very critical of the religion.


I don't like it.

makes me wonder.

these total conversions always have their share of issues.

this sort of person suddenly 'seeing the light?', it doesn't bring comfort.


So Geert Wilders' party is comparable to the Tea Party now? Do you even realize that one of the big reasons Geert Wilders dislikes Islam is because he wants to protect gay and women rights? The guy isn't even religious.

People spout so much dumb shit on this forum. Anti-islamic does not mean far-right bigotted racist. In fact, any secular, sound-thinking individual should be very critical of the religion.


From a quick wiki search:

The Party for Freedom combines economic liberalism with a conservative programme on immigration and culture. The party seeks tax cuts (€16 billion in the 2006 election programme), de-centralisation, abolition of the minimum wage, and limiting child benefits and government subsidies. Regarding immigration and culture, the party believes that the Judeo-Christian and humanist traditions should be taken as the dominant culture in the Netherlands, and that immigrants should adapt accordingly. The party wants a halt to immigration from non-Western countries. It is sceptical towards the EU, is against future EU enlargement to countries like Turkey and opposes a dominant presence of Islam in the Netherlands.[48] The party is also opposed to dual citizenship (see below).

Differences on gay rights aside, yes, it sounds very much like the Tea Party.


listen to the mad man
So Geert Wilders' party is comparable to the Tea Party now? Do you even realize that one of the big reasons Geert Wilders dislikes Islam is because he wants to protect gay and women rights? The guy isn't even religious.

People spout so much dumb shit on this forum. Anti-islamic does not mean far-right bigotted racist. In fact, any secular, sound-thinking individual should be very critical of the religion.

While it's true that Wilders does not have the Christianist elements of the Tea Party, I don't think Cyan was drawing the comparison to imply that PVV was in all respects equal to the Tea Party. Rather I think his point was that both are xenophobic (immigration-skeptic, loosely nationalist) reactionary populist movements with economically (Lockean) liberal approaches -- in other words, that an equivalence existed on the subject being discussed in the thread, Islam. It speaks to the impossibility of drawing a metaphor across comparative national political lines, of course. Just as Christian Democracy does not have a ready equivalent in the Anglosphere, nor does the PVV.

I suspect, however, that you were not reading his post in good faith to begin with.


So Geert Wilders' party is comparable to the Tea Party now? Do you even realize that one of the big reasons Geert Wilders dislikes Islam is because he wants to protect gay and women rights? The guy isn't even religious.

People spout so much dumb shit on this forum. Anti-islamic does not mean far-right bigotted racist. In fact, any secular, sound-thinking individual should be very critical of the religion.

It's still a far right party that for example denies climate change. And just like the other far right, islam bashing parties in Europe they don't hate Islam, the other abrahamic religions are just as bad, they just hate muslims.

Edit: I don't know much about Geert's party, but the sister party in Norway (FrP, progress party) opposes same sex marriage.


listen to the mad man
this sort of person suddenly 'seeing the light?', it doesn't bring comfort.

Many people feel severe social strain between the expectations of modernity and their capacity to fulfill them. For people who feel that, the content of the "answers" they seek is secondary to the fact that they desperately seek an answer. This manifests itself in participation in totalizing movements. You know the old thing about how if a kid was a troubled rebellious youth, send 'em to the army? Religion has the same capacity. Authority, right and wrong behaviours, a key role to play. Islam, literally meaning "submission to God" has one of the most totalizing visions of human behaviour, and thus is especially attractive to people like that.

I remember this unusual video, "Turning Muslim in Texas" from a long time ago. Basically a bunch of evangelicals decide their churches aren't strict enough so they become Muslim.

That the guy was previously interested in reactionary politics is no surprise. Reactionary politics also has the benefit of a simplifying, totalizing vision of society. Clear differentiation between right and wrong.


So Geert Wilders' party is comparable to the Tea Party now? Do you even realize that one of the big reasons Geert Wilders dislikes Islam is because he wants to protect gay and women rights? The guy isn't even religious.

People spout so much dumb shit on this forum. Anti-islamic does not mean far-right bigotted racist. In fact, any secular, sound-thinking individual should be very critical of the religion.

wonder what Dutch citizens of a muslim background have to say about that.
That twist kinda reminds me of Horst Mahler who made the switch from left wing terrorism to neonazism. I think ther's something wrong with such a person to begin with. It certainly doesn't come off like the life story of a reasonable and rational thinker.
Many people feel severe social strain between the expectations of modernity and their capacity to fulfill them. For people who feel that, the content of the "answers" they seek is secondary to the fact that they desperately seek an answer. This manifests itself in participation in totalizing movements. You know the old thing about how if a kid was a troubled rebellious youth, send 'em to the army? Religion has the same capacity. Authority, right and wrong behaviours, a key role to play. Islam, literally meaning "submission to God" has one of the most totalizing visions of human behaviour, and thus is especially attractive to people like that.

I remember this unusual video, "Turning Muslim in Texas" from a long time ago. Basically a bunch of evangelicals decide their churches aren't strict enough so they become Muslim.

That the guy was previously interested in reactionary politics is no surprise. Reactionary politics also has the benefit of a simplifying, totalizing vision of society. Clear differentiation between right and wrong.

Yeah, some people are just so in need of a black & white rule. This good, that bad. No gray areas. And thus they'll seek a system that provides them with harshly delineated answers. Do the answers need to make perfect sense? No. They just need to be clear and with confidence.

This explains the people who convince themselves that "the female body has ways of shutting that thing down" . . . the can't reconcile allowing abortion and forcing rape victims to have their rape assailant's baby, so they go into denial that such a thing can really occur.

Life is just not that simple



From a quick wiki search:

Differences on gay rights aside, yes, it sounds very much like the Tea Party.

Those sound like pretty reasonable stances to have, I don't recall supporting a multicultural society being purely far-right. I sure as hell am not far-right yet I strongly dislike the new multicultural society that is emerging in Europe.

It's still a far right party that for example denies climate change. And just like the other far right, islam bashing parties in Europe they don't hate Islam, the other abrahamic religions are just as bad, they just hate muslims.

Maybe you should actually take a look at the world around you if you think the other Abrahamic religions are just as bad. Every single country with Islam as it's predominant religion is pretty much horrible. Also, saying they "just hate muslims" is silly. It seems that nobody can seriously criticize Islam anymore without being called a racist, a bigot, or an idiot. That's if you manage to not get killed.
Makes sense.

Extreme right-wingers and extreme Muslims have a lot in common.

Yeah, it is pretty scary.
-Love guns
-Hate gays
-Deny evolution
-Ban abortion
-Not fans of birth control or women's rights
-Don't trust atheists

Luckily, they are deeply divided on which holy book to follow or else they'd make a powerfully oppressive coalition.


Those sound like pretty reasonable stances to have, I don't recall supporting a multicultural society being purely far-right. I sure as hell am not far-right yet I strongly dislike the new multicultural society that is emerging in Europe.

I'm not sure what your objection is, here. Is it that you view the Tea Party as awful and evil and think the Party for Freedom is neither?

As Stump alludes to above, it was meant more as a relative comparison than direct, though I think it holds up reasonably well as a direct comparison as well.


So being right wing means being disagreeable? It no longer means drawing from the centuries old traditions of liberty and limited government and the works of John Locke, Edmund Burke, William Blackstone and Edward Coke. Such is the cultural ascendency of the left that they've made any reasonable attempt at bona fide debate nearly impossible. I remember an Egyptian journalist talknig about how she despises the Western Right for wanting to ban the burqa, yet she equally detests the Muslim right, who want to impose it on everyone.

According to her, imposing or proscribing the burqa are both right wing positions. Being right wing has become someone who disagrees with the mainstream progressive left and not an actual discrete political position which has a very solid philosophical history and tradition.


I'm not sure what your objection is, here. Is it that you view the Tea Party as awful and evil and think the Party for Freedom is neither?

As Stump alludes to above, it was meant more as a relative comparison than direct, though I think it holds up reasonably well as a direct comparison as well.

The Tea Party consists of some of the dumbest people on the planet, who make choices based on irrational fears, misguided thoughts and religion. This is not the case with Geert Wilders; he has a rational fear based on his experience and knowledge of Islam, having spent alot of time in the Middle-East, etc. Whether you agree with his vision on Islam or not, at least it's based on facts, experience and knowledge. That's a pretty huge difference, at least to a a rational atheist like myself.

Basically, the Tea Party are a bunch of lunatics and Geert Wilders is not. I'm not going to defend the rest of his silly party though.


I have much better reason to hate islam than 99% of PVV voters, but I'm not going to let my personal feelings towards Islam cloud the reality that they're a bunch of xenophobic mouth-breathers. Characterizing them as the dutch version of the Tea Party is 100% apt, they even have their own little version of whinging about "librul media".
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