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Fast food drive up window confessions and opinions...

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aoi tsuki

Funny, this morning at about 1a i pulled up to McDonalds to get some fries. When i got to the window, the girl looked familiar. i couldn't place where i had seen her, and i didn't want to stare so i just got my fries and pulled off. i drove a couple of blocks away, then decided to turn around. i went back through the drive through and kinda gazed into her eyes. She asked me what i needed and i just told her "It's not you... but i thought you were a model." She looked really confused and said "No... I'm not a model." i told her i was sorry to bother her or something like that and drove off, as her coworker asked her what the problem was.

i know she thinks i'm a weirdo or i was trying to hit on her, neither or which is true. Well, maybe a little of the first one, but she wasn't anything too special.


let me just comment, that was the biggest dumbace ever, not only does he do something lame like through a drink, but he parks the car?, any way the coolest drive through experience i had was when a woman came to Taco Bell, she was in her night gown, and not any night gown, but a see through lingerie,and she was no average girl, i say she was good enough for playboy. i must have offered her three cups of ice water. she went home happy with a perfect bean burrito and some free! cinnoman twists -_-


What a couple of dumbasses. The got owned!

Here's a story for yah. I was cruising along with a friend he's driving and were smoking a joint. In our infinite wisdom we decide we need some food so off to Mc's we go. So we order and pull up to the window. Not paying attention were still smoking the joint. He's looking at me in the passenger seat and the girl asks for the money. Without looking or thinking he passes her the joint. She freaks out, and says I don't want that. He still not realizing that he dosen't have money in his hands get's pissed and starts in on what it's not good enough for you. Meaning his money while he is trying to shove a joint in this poor girls face. Suddenly he realises and then I just lose it laughing one of the funniest things I ever saw.


darscot said:
What a couple of dumbasses. The got owned!

Here's a story for yah. I was cruising along with a friend he's driving and were smoking a joint. In our infinite wisdom we decide we need some food so off to Mc's we go. So we order and pull up to the window. Not paying attention were still smoking the joint. He's looking at me in the passenger seat and the girl asks for the money. Without looking or thinking he passes her the joint. She freaks out, and says I don't want that. He still not realizing that he dosen't have money in his hands get's pissed and starts in on what it's not good enough for you. Meaning his money while he is trying to shove a joint in this poor girls face. Suddenly he realises and then I just lose it laughing one of the funniest things I ever saw.



Shit you guys reminded me of another classic yet scary story. I worked at a Burger King years ago. Usually the night shift as it was open after three. So this lady pulls up complete pissed drunk with no top on. Tits hanging out. Not bad looking but not a babe or anything. Orders her food and drives off into this mall parking lot next to the Burger King. I think she just passes out as the car just rolls to a stop crooked into a light standard. Right behind her is a van full of young army bucks all pissed up and on the town. Were talking to each other about how this topless girl just came through. They hear us get food drive up to the car grab the chick and drive off. We didn't know what to do. But I'm sure she had a rough night.


darscot said:
Shit you guys reminded me of another classic yet scary story. I worked at a Burger King years ago. Usually the night shift as it was open after three. So this lady pulls up complete pissed drunk with no top on. Tits hanging out. Not bad looking but not a babe or anything. Orders her food and drives off into this mall parking lot next to the Burger King. I think she just passes out as the car just rolls to a stop crooked into a light standard. Right behind her is a van full of young army bucks all pissed up and on the town. Were talking to each other about how this topless girl just came through. They hear us get food drive up to the car grab the chick and drive off. We didn't know what to do. But I'm sure she had a rough night.

That's fucked.
I remember drinky crow telling me some punk ass kids were harassing him on the road and throwing shit at him or something. I guess he grabbed a cup thinking it was empty and chucked it out his window and nailed the idiot in the face full on haha.


let this be a lesson for all those who use the drive through, once again at the fab Taco Bell we ran out of beans at ten in the moarning, i quickly stired some hot water and bean mix. just then i got the ding "Thank you for choosing Taco Bell, would you like to try our Grilled Stuff Burrito?" man at the drive-"No, just two bean burritos, and..." ME-"i am sorry we are temporarily out of beans, they wont be made until another thirty minutes." Man at the drive-"WWhat??, your out of beans? how can taco bell be out of beans?" Me-"A lot of people like our bean burritos." Now the guy gets all pissed off that he can't have his bean burritos, like there is any difference in anything else we have. Man at the Drive-"Well i should go to taco time, but instead i will get a grilled stuff." at this point i am already pissed off that the guy for holding up the line, but now he is grinding me for not having beans and orders a grilled stuff, what the hell? i am happy to say that i did not do anything, but the guy who was making the food, decided to take out a tortilla from the trash, drop it on the floor, walk on it a bit, fill it with beef an cheese, wrapped it and sent it out.. that will teach the man and his dammned bean burritos.


Well, they don't like it when you walk up to a drive through. And the Krispy Kreme drive through will not give you a cup of glaze, now matter how much you ask.


I work at a place with a drive thru, and although I never witnessed it, one of the people on midnights says taht she once had a guy drive up while GETTING HEAD by some girl in the passenger seat. The guy paid, took his food, and drove off, and the girl never even looked up. Now that's fucked up!


Banstick Emeritus
LakeEarth said:
I work at a place with a drive thru, and although I never witnessed it, one of the people on midnights says taht she once had a guy drive up while GETTING HEAD by some girl in the passenger seat. The guy paid, took his food, and drove off, and the girl never even looked up. Now that's fucked up!


Sort of a side note: kids who do things they see on Jackass or some similar program are idiots. Especially when they fuck it up. Think of something original, dipshits. And don't fuck it up.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I love how he throws a cold slushy/slurpy at her, and she throws ICED COFFEE! Hahaha. Stupid fucks.



Friend of mine blowing chunks when he was just leaning over to get his food. Went all over the girl in the window.

My ex-boss wanted to get some BK, so we asked around and we had a order for like 7 people, totaling about 90 guilders (about $40). I got all the money from the people who wanted some and drove off to BK. Ordered everything and the girl told me to drive to the second window instead of the first to pay for the food. I drove to the second window, another girl handed me like 5 bags with all the shit in there. I looked in her eyes and she had the "what the hell do you want now?!" look on her face. I shrugged it off and drove off, pocketed the money from everyone and never told anyone about it till after I quit working there :D

Also, a friend and I went to McD and we ordered some stuff. We got the stuff and drove off. When finding a parking spot we opened the bag and turned out we didn't get what we paid for. So we went back and the bitch didn't want to give back our money or our food and closed the window thingy in our faces. We then decided to bomb the window with the stuff she did gave us. fries, burgers and shit, looked nasty as hell. Some guy in his car saw us verbally abusing the poor girl and was yelling at us, trying to call the cops or something. I had a milkshake in my hand ready to throw at the window but decided to throw it on his windscreen instead. The thing splattered all over his car, exploded almost. He was trying to clean it with his windscreen wipers but he couldn't get through the thick gooey substance of the milkshake. Haha, we had fun that day :)


I went to McDonalds and ordered chicken nuggets and some fries. They handed me the bag, and I look inside and realize it wasn't my order. There was like 2 twenty piece chicken nuggets, fries, and a couple of burgers. I took off before they realize what happened.

I think that it was the Dick Tracy promotion at McD's when my sister reached behind the drive thru window and took a bunch of the sticker things where you can win a free fry or something. She got a couple of free meals from that.

My friend was making a video for Spanish class. He went to Burger King and ordered a Big Mac in terrible spanish. The drive-thru attendant said, "if your not going to talk right, get off my mic".
Nikashi used to live right across the street from an all night Drive thru McD's. I would .. 'volunteer' to go over and get food from the drive thru after the rest had closed. Standing in line.... no car..... They let me do it for a good 5-6 months before even being told once I needed to have a car.

I was very happy on those nights when there wasn't a lineup.
I was at Wendy's in the ghetto, and was waiting at the drive-thru. A girl walks past the front of the store, which was slightly visible from the pick-up window. The guy working the window is about to hand me my bag when he spots this girl, turns back inside and yells "Hey! Check out the booty on this white girl!"

About 8 guys crowd around the window peering out, staring at this girl's ass. Once she was out of sight, the guy finally gave me my food.


darscot said:
Here's a story for yah. I was cruising along with a friend he's driving and were smoking a joint. In our infinite wisdom we decide we need some food so off to Mc's we go. So we order and pull up to the window. Not paying attention were still smoking the joint. He's looking at me in the passenger seat and the girl asks for the money. Without looking or thinking he passes her the joint. She freaks out, and says I don't want that. He still not realizing that he dosen't have money in his hands get's pissed and starts in on what it's not good enough for you. Meaning his money while he is trying to shove a joint in this poor girls face. Suddenly he realises and then I just lose it laughing one of the funniest things I ever saw.

Drugs are bad, mmkay?


ChrisReid said:
Drugs are bad, mmkay?

Some of us realise that not all drugs the same and some of them are acceptable as recreation. "If you don't like my fire don't come around. Cause I'm going to burn one down."


go eat paint
The local ghetto McDonald's here used to be open late, like 1 or 2AM.

Used to...

One night, a guy walks up, pulls out a knife, and proceeds to climb in through the drive up window. He runs off with the money.

Two months later, the restaurant shuts down... the building is still there, with all the Mickey D logos removed, and boarded up.

First time I ever saw a McDonald's just pack the hell up. (This particular restaurant would give dine-in customers their food in bags, because too many trays were stolen)

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Once me and a couple of friends drove through the drive through at mc d's and we all ordered a burger, we were all so starving that we had to eat right away, so I pulled into one of the "please park here while we get the rest of your shit ready" parks. I'm eating my Big Mac and then this knock on the window. I wind it down, look at the girl and say hello while biting my big mac, she says "heres your order" and hands me 4 bags of food.

I didn't really know what was going on, but I calmly said "thanks" handed the food to my friend and started the car and took off. The guy in the other park must have been gutted. As was the girl judging by her physical reaction when she realised she just gave 40 bucks of food to the wrong car.
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