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Fate/Grand Order |OT| That's Hell You're Walking Into

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It's a F2P phone gacha game where the primary goal of most players is gathering many waifus. If you're not interested in what's going on, just log in daily for your bonus or something. This isn't the Destiny 2 of phone games, you don't need to grind 24/7 and you probably shouldn't. Some of these complaints baffle me TBH. I don't even have the time to play it 24/7 if I wanted to, but I still log in twice a day to empty my AP casually.


Screw you Arash!


I really don't understand why this game is moving so slow content-wise. There's SO much backlog they can work through, and while I'm sure they'd like to keep things on-track to sync up with the Japanese version when it was released, there's no reason they couldn't go faster than they are. We're actually moving slower, from what I can see, but I could be wrong on that.

There is a finite number of events before new year and finite number of story chapter(maps). If they rush now there wont be enough content for the next year.

We know that they plan to replicate JP and release last chapter in December 2018 and we know that they cant create completely new events for NA version. If they speed up now than we will have bigger content gaps next year. Its better to have some gaps now.

Did you see what have Taiwan done? They started in may and had xmas in august and now they have a New Year event. They dont care about game at all. Dont care about story and setting. All they want faster content and more banners and more money. F2P in TW FGO is dead. You cant gather quartz for banners and you cant clear events, you cant farm exp/qp/etc as you dont have enough AP and time. But asia like to whale in bad mobages so whaling in fgo is fine for them too.


There is a finite number of events before new year and finite number of story chapter(maps). If they rush now there wont be enough content for the next year.

We know that they plan to replicate JP and release last chapter in December 2018 and we know that they cant create completely new events for NA version. If they speed up now than we will have bigger content gaps next year. Its better to have some gaps now.

Did you see what have Taiwan done? They started in may and had xmas in august and now they have a New Year event. They dont care about game at all. Dont care about story and setting. All they want faster content and more banners and more money. F2P in TW FGO is dead. You cant gather quartz for banners and you cant clear events, you cant farm exp/qp/etc as you dont have enough AP and time. But asia like to whale in bad mobages so whaling in fgo is fine for them too.
Oh, I absolutely believe that seasonal content should be tied with real world events, so I wouldn't expect (or want) anything relating to Halloween/Christmas/etc. in a time where that holiday doesn't take place.

It's the story-related content that I wish we got a little faster, as it would give us more areas to grind during the downtime in-between the events. Considering how far ahead the Japanese version is, I doubt we'd catch up to them anytime soon if they gave us story content ahead of when Japan received it, just keep the seasonal stuff restricted to seasonal times.


IMO this is the known risk they took when they decided to launch in late June to a) get the game to market and start trying to make money sooner, and b) take advantage of being able to promote the live game at Anime Expo. At that point it was inevitable they were going to either have to stretch things out with longer content droughts for a bit, or eventually be holding holiday-themed events way too early and out of season.


Looks like I have to put off XP cards for another week. Maybe they'll do those the week after? /s This is going to be Moonfest levels of grinding hell, but at least you can change up what you grind.


I think i'm done with this game. Farming quartz takes way too long and when you do get to a point when you have enough to spend on something, you feel even worse, because getting some dupe 3 star servants and some shitty craft essence just isn't fun or rewarding.


I totally get the lack of content complaints. I do. But we knew this was going to happen the moment they announced the release date and said we aren't getting US exclusive events.

I don't get when people say they're barely hanging on. If you don't want to grind dailies, don't. Just login for the dailies like commish. The content isn't hard enough to warrant it and we have had an extra month of grinding compared to the JP version, which the game is balanced around.

If I waste AP, I waste it. If I go to bed with 80 AP, so be it. If I'm standing in line at the county fair and feel like doing a 2 minute ember quest, I'll do it, but if I don't, I won't.

We know it will get a whole lot better, likely as soon as next week.


+1 to Quonny post.

Even on JP I dont grind between events. Its enough for me to get daily login and wait for the next new map/event. No need to play fgo every day.


I totally get the lack of content complaints. I do. But we knew this was going to happen the moment they announced the release date and said we aren't getting US exclusive events.

I don't get when people say they're barely hanging on. If you don't want to grind dailies, don't. Just login for the dailies like commish. The content isn't hard enough to warrant it and we have had an extra month of grinding compared to the JP version, which the game is balanced around.

If I waste AP, I waste it. If I go to bed with 80 AP, so be it. If I'm standing in line at the county fair and feel like doing a 2 minute ember quest, I'll do it, but if I don't, I won't.

We know it will get a whole lot better, likely as soon as next week.

Well said. I'm just logging in daily at this point since I'm sure I'll eventually get enough resources via future handouts/events so I won't need to grind for monuments and hearts and whatnot.

I do admit that the game is way too grindy, but I'm sure the same can be said for all gacha.

Wish the half AP applied to the EXP card grinding.


If they are in need of something to do, then my suggestion is to do a rerun f the Nero event for those who missed it.
+1 to Quonny post.

Even on JP I dont grind between events. Its enough for me to get daily login and wait for the next new map/event. No need to play fgo every day.
This is what I'm doing right now.

When I catch a whiff of an event/update I'll hop back in.


Tragic victim of fan death
IMO this is the known risk they took when they decided to launch in late June to a) get the game to market and start trying to make money sooner, and b) take advantage of being able to promote the live game at Anime Expo. At that point it was inevitable they were going to either have to stretch things out with longer content droughts for a bit, or eventually be holding holiday-themed events way too early and out of season.

Honestly it sounds like they just didn't have the translations to put out content. Between that, releasing early, working around holidays, etc we're getting a clusterfuck of content droughts. Okeanos should've already been out by now. If all of this scheduling is intentional, then it's like Aniplex doesn't want to earn money lol. You increase playerbase and spending by having more content. Not adhering to the JP schedule with these long breaks.


I really think all they need to do is bump those fucking drop rates up to a percent that doesn't start with a .0

Giving us the updated dailies would also be a sign of good faith while requiring almost no translation.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I totally get the lack of content complaints. I do. But we knew this was going to happen the moment they announced the release date and said we aren't getting US exclusive events.

I don't get when people say they're barely hanging on. If you don't want to grind dailies, don't. Just login for the dailies like commish. The content isn't hard enough to warrant it and we have had an extra month of grinding compared to the JP version, which the game is balanced around.

If I waste AP, I waste it. If I go to bed with 80 AP, so be it. If I'm standing in line at the county fair and feel like doing a 2 minute ember quest, I'll do it, but if I don't, I won't.

We know it will get a whole lot better, likely as soon as next week.

Exactly. Give the game a few weeks (months?!) to kick into gear. There are plenty of other games out there to play :)


Barely touched alt ticketed Waver.

Impulse pulled 90 quartz on main and got Kintoki instead.

I can't complain, but Waver on main would've been nice.

Now I'm conflicted.

This is why you don't keep alts.



Haha, this is so true.

Yeah, I mentioned earlier that I wouldn't mind a faster pace for story content, but I'm nowhere near dropping the game because of it. I'm doing as you said earlier, logging in each day to get my login bonuses, as well as burning my AP for ember/material farming and logging back out. I'd probably be a lot more frustrated with the game if I didn't already have a handful of other gacha games I play (more upcoming, too), but thankfully this isn't an issue for me.

Games like F/GO are meant to be a supplement to other stuff and not a "main gameplay experience", so some people are probably expecting more from it than they should be. It's not something you traditionally sit down and dedicate hours to, more of a "log in, play for 15 minutes, log back out" kind of deal. It is unfortunate that there isn't more new content right now to spend those 15 minutes on, but it'll come. I'm okay with waiting.
My only issue is that you really should get a guaranteed 4* servant for a 10x pull. Especially with how expensive quartz is per real money cost. But obviously they're not hurting for whales if Japan is any indication.


I think I did 2 10x pulls and a 4 or 5 summon tickets ( or whatever their called). I didn't get a single servant.

The 10 draw has a guaranteed 3*+ servant so you must have had at least one servant with each of those 10 draws.

As for the whole "nothing to do" thing, I echo those that its ok for there to be a bit of a lull. For one, we'd be facing a lull at some point anyway. And it is ok to not have to do something all the time in this. There've been periods where I don't log in to GBF for a while. Also helps accumulate things like the potions to stockpile.


Nice. What was the strategy?

I used Tamamo, Koumei and Mashu. Tamamo to heal and buff NP for party. Used Mashu and Koumei for def buffs against his NP. Things went well until his last NP so I had friend Herc in the back to survive. You won't need Herc if you played it right with this party.
The 10 draw has a guaranteed 3*+ servant so you must have had at least one servant with each of those 10 draws.

As for the whole "nothing to do" thing, I echo those that its ok for there to be a bit of a lull. For one, we'd be facing a lull at some point anyway. And it is ok to not have to do something all the time in this. There've been periods where I don't log in to GBF for a while. Also helps accumulate things like the potions to stockpile.
Guess I must have over looked it since it was my first time summoning. I pretty muched looked for 4 stars.
The thing I love about this game is that it doesn't require me to invest loads of time like a FFBE or KHUX. I love being able to just log in once in a while in a day, do the dailies and feel like I've accomplished something like getting a few monuments or XP items.

Now if only the game would drop me a Serpent Jewel...


My only issue is that you really should get a guaranteed 4* servant for a 10x pull. Especially with how expensive quartz is per real money cost. But obviously they're not hurting for whales if Japan is any indication.
I wish this would happen but i think its a pipe dream.

In its current state, the 4* servant pool in the game is quite limited (even in JP there's like what...4-5 per class). 4* servants are also frequently featured on banners and having a 4* guaranteed in conjunction with the rate-up mechanics would make it too easy to obtain these units.

That said, sometimes generosity goes a long way to encourage player spending. I spend in FE:Heroes simply because aside from finding the game a blast to play, the developers are also very generous with the in-game currency (e.g: they've recently let players have a free pick between 4 of the best new meta units)


The game does give out a fair amount of 4*s. We've got 3 in the pipeline before year's end for doing their respective events (a caster, archer and rider).

After I refilled my archive with gold cards I decided I was going to do one set of each 40 daily for the mana prisms and that's about it until more stuff comes out. The drought does suck but I'm used to this with most of the games I play. Overwatch, LoL, FE Heroes, Record Keeper, FFXIV and such all have lull patches so as one gets regulated to logins and dailies I focus more on another and so on.

I still haven't spent a dime, I'm good until more content arrives


I wish this would happen but i think its a pipe dream.

In its current state, the 4* servant pool in the game is quite limited (even in JP there's like what...4-5 per class). 4* servants are also frequently featured on banners and having a 4* guaranteed in conjunction with the rate-up mechanics would make it too easy to obtain these units.

That said, sometimes generosity goes a long way to encourage player spending. I spend in FE:Heroes simply because aside from finding the game a blast to play, the developers are also very generous with the in-game currency (e.g: they've recently let players have a free pick between 4 of the best new meta units)
They gave us a guaranteed 4* at the start, and then they let us pick a free 4* as well. I mean the rates are bad yeah, but they have been generous so far. And then on top of that we'll get the welfare servants who are pretty good.
I wish this would happen but i think its a pipe dream.

In its current state, the 4* servant pool in the game is quite limited (even in JP there's like what...4-5 per class). 4* servants are also frequently featured on banners and having a 4* guaranteed in conjunction with the rate-up mechanics would make it too easy to obtain these units.

That said, sometimes generosity goes a long way to encourage player spending. I spend in FE:Heroes simply because aside from finding the game a blast to play, the developers are also very generous with the in-game currency (e.g: they've recently let players have a free pick between 4 of the best new meta units)

This game is extremely generous compared to any other gacha game in terms of giving you useful units which you can use to clear content.

Of course if you want a specific waifu, you better be incredibly lucky or incredibly rich. Or both.


Yes, they gave the free 4* and then time limited free pick at a 4*. There's also 3-4(?) welfare servants coming within the next two years of content.

However, The original poster was talking about a guaranteed 4* per 10 pull, so i'm referring to generosity when it comes to the actual gacha.


Sure, but the example you used was FEH and wasn't that free pick a one time thing as well? So pretty much the same thing as FGO. And currency wise we've gotten how many free quartz and tickets since launch?

I mean it's not perfect, but I don't really see how FGO is any less generous than the other gacha games out there, especially when unlike some of the others it's entirely possible to clear the content as a F2P player. I won't defend the 1% or whatever it is rate, but we all know it's garbage lol.
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