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Father of 4 detained by ICE while dropping his kids off at school

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helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
This is what it's like when a father of 4 is detained by ICE while dropping his daughters off at school

Romulo Avelica-Gonzalez, an undocumented father of four U.S.-born children, has lived in this country for more than 20 years. On Tuesday, he was dropping his daughters off at school, as he does every morning. He and his wife had already dropped off their 12-year-old daughter and were headed to drop off her 13-year-old sister next when Avelica-Gonzalez was detained by immigration officials a block from his daughter's school in Highland Park.

"My dad always takes my little sisters to school," Jocelyn Avelica, Avelica-Gonzalez's 19-year-old daughter told LAist. Jocelyn, who was at work at the time, said that the car that detained her father had been following him since he had left his house that morning.

"My dad dropped off my first sister and then when he turned around, they turned on their light," Jocelyn said. "My dad was really scared. He didn't want to pull over, but he did. As soon as he did, one car went in front of his truck and one in back of his truck. They took him out and they arrested him. My little sister was still in the car, she's 13. My mom was also there." Avelica-Gonzalez's wife and 13-year-old daughter watched as ICE officials, wearing jackets that just said "POLICE," arrested him.

"If we allow this as a community to continue, then we create an environment where children are afraid to go to school, parents are afraid to drop their children off at school, and people are living in a culture of fear," Emi MacLean, an attorney with the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) told LAist.

Avelica-Gonzalez is originally from Nayarit, Mexico. He's 48 years old, works as a food preparer at a Mexican restaurant and has lived in this country for more than half his life. His four daughters are Americans. Jocelyn, his 19-year-old daughter, describes her father as a hardworking man. "He always wanted the best for his family. He would do anything for his family," she said.

He also has a nearly decade-old DUI conviction, and "apparently a conviction from over 20 years ago related to having bought a car that he did not realize had a registration sticker on it that did not belong on the car," according to MacLean.

"Those are his criminal convictions in over 25 years in this country. And ICE is saying this is why he's a 'bad' immigrant and should be deported," MacLean explained. "Basically what ICE has told officials is that this man has prior convictions, as a way of essentially throwing him under the bus."


Video of the arrest here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDHM7Ef59FQ


You have to be a special kind of heartless to be working at ICE.

There's deporting those who are clear dangers, and then there's trying to convince yourself that you're really the good guy in the movie when you rip families like these apart.


Dropping his kids off at school? They should have been working in the fields...


You have to be a special kind of heartless to be working at ICE.

There's deporting those who are clear dangers, and then there's trying to convince yourself that you're really the good guy in the movie when you rip families like these apart.

I wonder how many that work there are the stereotypical immigration fearing racist

How is this man a danger to his community? Why isn't ICE going after actual threats? Why are they tearing families apart?

Ugh. This is so gross.

the family is the threat. if they're over here and Americanized they aren't 'going back where they came from', they're going to change things here. and stay.
How is this man a danger to his community? Why isn't ICE going after actual threats? Why are they tearing families apart?

Ugh. This is so gross.


I wonder how many that work there are the stereotypical immigration fearing racist

I'm not going to assume that every single person at ICE is a racist, because I'm sure there are those who just wanted to do some actual good, but yeah, I bet a good amount of them would use words like "purity" and "Competitive breeding".


I came here to create a thread on this because this fills me with such rage and contempt for every member of the Drumpf Administration that cannot be expressed properly at the moment. This needs to never be forgotten. ICE, but more importantly, this administration that enabled this level of heartless action, should be bloody ashamed of what has happened, if anyone in said administration is capable of feeling such an emotion or any emotion not blinded by their bile bigotry. This goes well beyond offensive, it's downright inhuman to do this in front of a child, let alone one being dropped off at school.

EDIT: There was a similarly fucked up story of tragedy befalling a parent and their child's school following Canada's 2015 election where a Muslim woman was robbed and put into the hospital by some backwards-ass racist trash who told her to "go back to her country". She was picking up her child from school. It's certainly not a shock, but it nevertheless remains repulsive to know these loathsome scum sucker live in the same country.


Literal insanity. This is Americas racist, xenophobic uncle's wet dream.

I couldn't bear the thought of my family, let alone any family having to deal with the terror that is ICE.


good credit (by proxy)
Is this thread gonna be a battle between drinking and driving hyperbole GAF and anti-Trump GAF?


It's a weird situation it seems in the US where people *are* there illegally, but enforcement has been so low that to crack down now seems rough.

At the same time, without any kind of amnesty in place, it is the law. Perhaps a pass for people who can prove they have been there for 10 years without any significant convictions (e.g. not one-off DUIs).


semen stains the mountaintops
You have to be a special kind of heartless to be working at ICE.

There's deporting those who are clear dangers, and then there's trying to convince yourself that you're really the good guy in the movie when you rip families like these apart.

These days I think about this a lot.

What kind of person feels good about this? They just destroyed a family for no reason, do they go home and feel proud of themselves when they see their own families? They know this man was no danger to anyone, he is just like any other person on the street.


Just watched the video, it makes me even more sick that it's other Mexicans doing this shit to their own people.


Drinking and driving is immensely shitty, but who is realistically going to go to bat that someone should be deported for it after 10 years?

Well they're deported for being in the US illegally, right? It's not like deporting someone on a visa for that conviction.
So can we just call them Gestapo yet or...

Hopefully this shit gets knocked on the head before a night of long knives happens. How much of a monster do you have to be to jump a father dropping his kids off at school Ffs.
Well they're deported for being in the US illegally, right? It's not like deporting someone on a visa for that conviction.

Enforcement decisions are always at the discretion of whoever's in charge, and with the new boss in town, it's apparently time to crack down, without regard for individual situations.


Enforcement decisions are always at the discretion of whoever's in charge, and with the new boss in town, it's apparently time to crack down, without regard for individual situations.

Oh for sure, and I'm not saying it's right. Just pointing out that the deportation is for being in the US illegally *and* having a DUI, not just for having a DUI.


These days I think about this a lot.

What kind of person feels good about this? They just destroyed a family for no reason, do they go home and feel proud of themselves when they see their own families? They know this man was no danger to anyone, he is just like any other person on the street.

Seriously, I have to assume that some segment of Homeland Security agents are sick to their stomaches by how much their job has changed since Trump got into office.

DEA is undoubtably going to be coming after all those people smoking marijuana in "legal" states soon too. Once we get videos of this happening to a white guy dropping off his kid because the feds saw him buying some weed maybe then people will be more outraged and call for change.


So he had the time in those 20 years to have kids and get a DUI and not bother to become a citizen? Sorry, but I've gotten a DUI and served jail time for my own mistakes. He could have served the same if he went through the process of becoming a legal citizen. No sympathy. Adios. 👋🏻

It sucks for the kids, but maybe don't break laws in a country you're not a legal resident in. His fault his kids will have to suffer through all this.
If I was working at ICE right now, I'd quit. Full stop. I couldn't allow myself to be behind what is going on right now. I couldn't sleep.

ICE should quit but unfortunately, I fear a lot of these people in ICE enjoy what they're doing.

Good that a bunch of midwest babies voted 3rd party though because both parties are the same. Hillary and Trump are the same!
So he had the time in those 20 years to have kids and get a DUI and not bother to become a citizen? Sorry, but I've gotten a DUI and served jail time for my own mistakes. He could have served the same if he went through the process of becoming a legal citizen. No sympathy. Adios. 👋🏻

It sucks for the kids, but maybe don't break laws in a country you're not a legal resident in. His fault his kids will have to suffer through all this.

Spoken like someone who has no understanding of how hard it is to become a citizen when you're in this man's position.

No sympathy? Biting my tongue here. Maybe another GAFer will speak their mind...


semen stains the mountaintops
So he had the time in those 20 years to have kids and get a DUI and not bother to become a citizen? Sorry, but I've gotten a DUI and served jail time for my own mistakes. He could have served the same if he went through the process of becoming a legal citizen. No sympathy. Adios. 👋🏻

It sucks for the kids, but maybe don't break laws in a country you're not a legal resident in. His fault his kids will have to suffer through all this.



( ≖‿≖)
All these cases have made me realize I'm clueless as to how illegal immigration works in the US vs. other places. He obviously wasn't hiding in the shadows and was convicted of a DUI while in the country, yet was allowed to remain anyway? Is this normal for other developed nations? I always assumed nations were more proactive in pursuing people that they knew weren't allowed to be in the country anymore.

Not living in my native country right now but I assume if I was in the country I'm in now illegally, I would have to get out ASAP or live in the shadows or something. Living here for decades illegally + being arrested + having a family and remaining sounds bizarre.

I get that the US is (presumably) unique in that is has millions of people living there illegally so the way they handle it would be different, just wondering how unique it is comparatively.
He also has a nearly decade-old DUI conviction, and "apparently a conviction from over 20 years ago related to having bought a car that he did not realize had a registration sticker on it that did not belong on the car," according to MacLean.

"Those are his criminal convictions in over 25 years in this country. And ICE is saying this is why he's a 'bad' immigrant and should be deported," MacLean explained. "Basically what ICE has told officials is that this man has prior convictions, as a way of essentially throwing him under the bus."

This..boils my blood...cabrones.
I'd wager this cat was worth at least two full citizens who voted for trump

So he had the time in those 20 years to have kids and get a DUI and not bother to become a citizen? Sorry, but I've gotten a DUI and served jail time for my own mistakes. He could have served the same if he went through the process of becoming a legal citizen. No sympathy. Adios. 👋🏻

It sucks for the kids, but maybe don't break laws in a country you're not a legal resident in. His fault his kids will have to suffer through all this.

You're not sorry, at least not in the way you meant it
So he had the time in those 20 years to have kids and get a DUI and not bother to become a citizen? Sorry, but I've gotten a DUI and served jail time for my own mistakes. He could have served the same if he went through the process of becoming a legal citizen. No sympathy. Adios. 👋🏻

It sucks for the kids, but maybe don't break laws in a country you're not a legal resident in. His fault his kids will have to suffer through all this.



All these cases have made me realize I'm clueless as to how illegal immigration works in the US vs. other places. He obviously wasn't hiding in the shadows and was convicted of a DUI while in the country, yet was allowed to remain anyway?

Is this normal for other developed nations? I always assumed nations were more proactive in pursuing people that they knew weren't allowed to be in the country anymore.

Not normal in other developed nations. Most countries if you're there illegally and come to the attention of the authorities, you're out. If you're there on a legitimate visa and catch a conviction, you're also out.


Well they're deported for being in the US illegally, right? It's not like deporting someone on a visa for that conviction.

He's being deported under that pretense yeah, but he's being singled out for a decision he made 10 years ago, while almost undoubtedly being in the general vicinity of other people with far more dangerous and timely convictions.


So he had the time in those 20 years to have kids and get a DUI and not bother to become a citizen? Sorry, but I've gotten a DUI and served jail time for my own mistakes. He could have served the same if he went through the process of becoming a legal citizen. No sympathy. Adios. 👋🏻

It sucks for the kids, but maybe don't break laws in a country you're not a legal resident in. His fault his kids will have to suffer through all this.

You either have no idea how the process of becoming a citizen is in the US and are just accusing the guy with zero knowledge in your part, which doesn't make you look good.

Or, you do know how impossible the process is and are accusing WHILE knowing it's pretty much impossible for him, which doesn't make you look good.

Which is it?
So he had the time in those 20 years to have kids and get a DUI and not bother to become a citizen? Sorry, but I've gotten a DUI and served jail time for my own mistakes. He could have served the same if he went through the process of becoming a legal citizen. No sympathy. Adios. 👋🏻

It sucks for the kids, but maybe don't break laws in a country you're not a legal resident in. His fault his kids will have to suffer through all this.

How about, he's already a citizen in pretty much every way bar a stupid piece of paper and now there's 4 kids who are missing a major source income meaning there's a good chance tax payers get to foot the bill where before the father likely provided for the family while also paying taxes. We also have 4 kids who are now more likely to end up criminals themselves from having a fractured home not to mention hate this country just a little more. That doesn't even bring in the monetary cost just to have him deported and the social damage to his community.

This is bad for everyone and you can seriously fuck off with your putrid worldview. With attitudes like yours, he probably deserved to live here more than you.
So he had the time in those 20 years to have kids and get a DUI and not bother to become a citizen? Sorry, but I've gotten a DUI and served jail time for my own mistakes. He could have served the same if he went through the process of becoming a legal citizen. No sympathy. Adios. 👋🏻

It sucks for the kids, but maybe don't break laws in a country you're not a legal resident in. His fault his kids will have to suffer through all this.

That DUI was 20 years ago, hence why ICE deported him for the "bad" hombre part, not because he here illegally. Obtaining a alien resident card takes a while.
So he had the time in those 20 years to have kids and get a DUI and not bother to become a citizen? Sorry, but I've gotten a DUI and served jail time for my own mistakes. He could have served the same if he went through the process of becoming a legal citizen. No sympathy. Adios. 👋🏻

It sucks for the kids, but maybe don't break laws in a country you're not a legal resident in. His fault his kids will have to suffer through all this.

This is pretty gross.


So he had the time in those 20 years to have kids and get a DUI and not bother to become a citizen? Sorry, but I've gotten a DUI and served jail time for my own mistakes. He could have served the same if he went through the process of becoming a legal citizen. No sympathy. Adios. 👋🏻

It sucks for the kids, but maybe don't break laws in a country you're not a legal resident in. His fault his kids will have to suffer through all this.

It's always fun when someone takes an issue full of subtleties and nuances, and boil it down to its most basic parts.

"You broke law, now you must pay!".

Fortunately, in most cases justice isnt served so heavy handed.


It's always fun when someone takes an issue full of subtleties and nuances, and boil it down to its most basic parts.

"You broke law, now you must pay!".

Fortunately, in most cases justice isnt served so heavy handed.

Especially for upper classes who face no responsibility for their actions
I love how Republicans had no problems with liberal immigration policies when it was helping them win votes in south Florida.


So he had the time in those 20 years to have kids and get a DUI and not bother to become a citizen? Sorry, but I've gotten a DUI and served jail time for my own mistakes. He could have served the same if he went through the process of becoming a legal citizen. No sympathy. Adios. 👋🏻

It sucks for the kids, but maybe don't break laws in a country you're not a legal resident in. His fault his kids will have to suffer through all this.

Your attitude only makes our country less safe. These kids just lost a father. What is he gonna do? He has no life anywhere else. Your attitude is ignorant, childish, disgusting and have no comprehension how hard it can be to gain citizenship. My dad is Mexican and pretty well off, and the path for him to get his citizenship is absursley complicated. I can't imagine what the father would have to deal with. Grow up, man.
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