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favorite movie scenes?

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here are two of my fav's at the moment...

Royale with Cheese, you know why
they call it that?

Because of the metric system?

Check out the big brain on Brett.
You'a smart motherfucker, that's
right. The metric system.
(he points to a fast
food drink cup)
What's in this?


Sprite, good, mind if I have some
of your tasty beverage to wash this
down with?

George McFly: Lou, give me a milk (pause) chocolate.

(takes out notepad, walks towards lorraine)

George McFly:
Lorraine, my density has bought me to you.

Lorraine Baines:

George McFly:
Oh, what I meant to say was...

Lorraine Baines:
Wait a minute, don't I know you from somewhere?

George McFly:
Yes. Yes. I'm George, George McFly.
I'm your density. I mean... your destiny.

another that im sure is probably one the best scenes of all-time is in goodfellas where they take the back door through the kitchen to get into the club.

aoi tsuki

Off the top of my head, i'd say the Morovingian's Chateau in The Matrix Reloaded -- the wide angle shot in slow motion where Neo's on the left somesaulting onto the leftside banister, an enemy on the right has a pitchfork and has taken a big jump to follow him, and a second enemy in the background is running on the side of the second floor... sideways.

Shots from later portions of that scene:



i don't remember much, but i'd have to say much of Cool Hand Luke. It was one of the movies my dad record to VHS years ago that i watched on a whim one night. i've got to remember to pick that up on DVD when i can find it.


well not really...yet

11 years later this whole movie still holds up and imo this scene was the pinacle. Terrifying and jaw dropping.


One of my favorite scenes from Fotr i love it the sweeping shot from it, the heads to the ground all the while the heroes drift down the river. The atmosphere is great.
neo vs. the smiths is one of my favorites too.
Favourite Scene -
The Matrix. When neo and smith are fighting, and smith starts pounding into neo's ribs, and his arms blur (due to the incredible speed, no doubt).

That is when i thought, this is the greates movie ever.

the bluring did it.


"Now you will receive us. We do not ask for your poor or your hungry. We do not want your tired and sick. It is your corrupt we claim. It is your evil that will be saught by us. With every breath we shall hunt them down. Each day we will spill their blood ‘til it rains down from the skies. Do not kill, do not rape, to not steal. These are principles, which every man of every faith can embrace. These are not polite suggestions, these are codes of behavior and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost. There are varying degrees of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth not to push the bounds and cross over into true corruption, into our domain. But if you do you, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three, and on that day, you will reap it. And we will send you to whatever god you wish. And shepherds we shall be, for thee my Lord for thee, power hath descended forthfrom thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. We shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti."


FORREST GUMP (greatest move ever made IMO)

Forrest: Why don't you love me, Jenny?

Jenny: Forrest, you don't even know what love is.

Forrest: I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is!

(Just for the combination of anguish and longing in that scene. Great scene, great flick)


Too many to list. From the top of my head:

Clear and Present Danger: When Jack Ryan tells off the President of the United States ("No! Don't you think about playing that game with me.")

The Matrix: When Neo reawakens and owns Smith for free

Matrix Reloaded: Neo vs Smiths

Bad Boys II: The highway chase

Ronin: The highway chase

Shawshank Redemption: The prison escape

Pulp Fiction: Jules reasoning with Ringo at the end

Scarface: The scene that has 'Push it to the Limit' playing in the background

Mulholland Drive: The hot lesbian scene

Kill Bill 2: Pai Mei! "Ahahahahaha Yankee dog!"
Terminator 2 - The first interaction between the T800 & T1000

Terminator 3 - The Crane Scene/Bathroom Brawl

Spiderman 2 - The Clock Tower/Train Fight Sequence

Pulp Fiction - The whole Marcelous Wallace/Butch Story

Evil Dead 2 - Ash/Evil Hand Plate Smashing


And I guess this doesn't count as a particular movie scene, but I liked Nancy Sinatra's 'My Baby Shot Me Down' playing at the beginning of Kill Bill. All the music in both movies rocked.


being watched
aoi tsuki said:
Off the top of my head, i'd say the Morovingian's Chateau in The Matrix Reloaded -- the wide angle shot in slow motion where Neo's on the left somesaulting onto the leftside banister, an enemy on the right has a pitchfork and has taken a big jump to follow him, and a second enemy in the background is running on the side of the second floor... sideways.

Heh that was my one of my favourite scenes in the movie as well. The music in that scene is perfect.

I loved all the big scenes in Reloaded, some terrific stuff, some wonky model CGI or not...

Although the best (and one of my alltime faves) is still the Architect scene. A great Planet of the Apes mindfuck.

Agent Smiths Humans are viruses from the first film is awesome as well.

Return of the Jedi - the final battle between Luke and Vadar - probably the most pefect combination of visuals and music I've ever seen in a movie. Beautiful, stirring and epic.

ALIENS - Escape from operations. Starting with Hudson getting a signal on his Motion Tracker confirmed by Vasquez "Hudson may be right...".

"5...4....what the hell"

"That can't be...that's inside the room"

Then Hicks realises their coming through the ceiling sub-flooring.

Then chaos as the Aliens drop down.

Hudson going apeshit. Burke trying to do a runner.

Vasquez kicking arse with grenades. Hicks barrell rolling as the Alien tries to jump him.


Into the air vents - only Cameron can make a cliche kick ass!

Vasquez injured! Suicide explosion!

Newt gets capture by the Aliens.

Into the elevator. Not working. Hiss! Acid splash!

"Hicks, don't let him leave!"

"Don't worry we're not going anywhere".

Awesome scene and proof that when it comes to action, Cameron = GOD.


I'm just going to mention what has not been covered yet.

The opening sequence to Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark right from the opening Paramount logo to the plane gliding into the sunset. Fucking brilliant opening to a movie.

The scene with the ninjas in the last samurai was pretty awesome as well.

The lightcycle sequence with Flynn, Tron, and Ram in Tron.

The Pearl Harbor bombing in Pearl Harbor.

The opening and ending sequence to Leon (though not limited to those scenes in particular in this film).

The broken arrow scene in We Were Soldiers.

The ending and openign to Saving Private Ryan.

The take-off scene and the ending to Black Hawk Down.

When they make a deal with the German tank driver in Kelly's Heroes.

The ending to the Rock and the chase sequence through San Francisco were pretty cool scenes.

When John McClane uses C4 on the terrorists in Die Hard. "Geronimo motherfucker."

The final 20 minutes or so in Training Day

When the T-800 pumps the T-1000 full of about 30 M4 rounds while he's driving that truck full of liquid nitrogen.

The entire Star Destroyer/asteroid chase scene in Empire Strikes Back.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.



"My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius..."


"Leia...do you remember your mother?..Your real mother?"


"You will not touch him again!"


"Would you like a lesson sir, in the rules of war? ...Or perhaps your children would."

evil ways

*When the Terminator first encounters Sarah Connor in the club and Reese comes to the rescue.

*From Predator:

Billy: "I'm scared Poncho."
Poncho: "Bullshit! You ain't afraid of no man!"
Billy: "There's something out there waiting for us, and it ain't no man. We're all gonna die."

*In ESB when Han Solo gets frozen in carbonite.

*From Kill Bill the battle at the House of Blue Leaves.

*From OUaTiM, when a blind Agent Sands duels with 2 cartel gunmen.

*From The Crow, when Eric Draven watches T-Bird's car explode and he lights up the crow symbol with fire on the street.

From Scarface:

*Tony: "Fuck Gaspar Gomez, fuck the fuckin' Diaz brothers, fuck 'em all. I'll bury those cockroaches."


Yoda vs. Dooku

Any scene in Last Samurai where they weren't waxing poetic about how Japan roolz, America droolz

Joker's news coverage in Batman ("get a load of me")

Final Smiths vs. Neo battle (the music and setting just made that whole thing work perfectly)


Jake LaMotta:
I remember those cheers, they still ring in my ears, and for years they remain in my thoughts. 'Cause one night I took off my robe and, what'd I do?, I forgot to wear shorts. I recall every fall, every hook, every jab, the worst way a guy can get rid of his flab. As you know my life was a jab. Though I'd rather hear you cheer when I delve into Shakespeare: "A horse, A horse. My kingdom for a horse." I haven't had a winner in six months. And though I'm no Olivier, if he fought Sugar Ray he would say that the thing ain't the ring, its the play. So give me a stage, where this bull here can rage, and though I could fight, I'd much rather recite: That's Entertainment.


Diggstown: the 'twist' at the end. Fucking sublime.

There's Something About Mary: When Pat Healy introduces himself to Mary at the driving range. "Isn't that a little politically incorrect?!" "The hell with that. No one's gonna tell me who I can and can't work with."

Sword of Doom: Toshiro Mifune's master swordsman character Shimada just fucking owns about 50 assailants one snowy night.

The single greatest scene in movie history:
Count Rugen:
Good heavens. Are you still trying to win? You've got an overdeveloped sense of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble someday.

Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

Count Rugen:
Stop saying that!

Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father! Prepare to die!

Count Rugen:

Offer me money!

Count Rugen:

Power, too. Promise me that!

Count Rugen:
All that I have and more! Please!

Offer me everything I ask for!

Count Rugen:
Anything you want.

I want my father back, you son of a bitch.


Pulp Fiction - The Bonnie Situation
Reservoir Dogs - Stuck in the Middle With You and when Mr. Orange tells his joke
Kill Bill - The Man from Okinawa, Showdown at House of Blue Leaves, The Cruel Tutelage of Pai Mei, and Face to Face
Back to the Future - Johnny B. Goode
Star Wars: A New Hope - The Battle of Yavin
The Empire Strikes Back - Luke vs Vader and the asteroid field
Return of the Jedi - The entire sail barge sequence
Enter the Dragon - the entire mirror fight
Police Story - when Jackie Chan goes down the lights at the mall
The Godfather - the restaurant scene
The Godfather Part II - any scene with DeNiro, and the ending
Amadeus - when Mozart is making his Requiem
Patton - when Patton shoots at the airplane


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Pulp Fiction going to the job:

Vega: I don't watch TV.

Jules: But you do know there is something called TV....

(the whole thing is was just plain awesome!!!)

Darth Vador kicking Luke's ass....


"Are you Sarah Conner?"




The Usual Suspects : The realization of who Kaiser Sosai really is

The Exorcist re-released version : Meagan's backward climb down her mother's stairs ... (last film i went to see that made me turn my head in fright)


Star Wars The empire stikes back The Hoth Battle "Luke.... I am your father"


Seven: the ride in the squad car with John Doe. The whole thing is just so tense - you feel like the good guys won, the sun is shining, the bad guy is caught... so while you know something terrible is about to happen you just can't imagine what it will be.

Raiders of the Lost Ark: Indy gets a horse and tears off after the Nazi's while the diggers mark out. I dunno, but I always love scenes where everything looks grim but the protaganist perseveres and gets through the worst of it, the music swells, and you know sweet sweet payback is on it's way.

Untouchables: A suddenly badass Costner tosses the assassin off the building. "Did he sound anything like THAT!" See note above re: sweet sweet payback.

LotR: FotR - the Uruk-hai assault on the hill, especially Aragorns showdown with the whole Uruk crew (cheesy, yet I loved it), and Boromir redeeming himself with his sacrifice for the hobbits.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Once Upon A Time In The West - the entire opening sequence at the train station
In Sabotage, the kid carrying the bomb.

In Rushmore, the Yearbook montage and the Revenge scene with that Who song playing. The cold storage / '2000 Man' scene from Bottle Rocket - 'they'll never catch me.... because I'm fucking innocent.'

'We're going to need a bigger boat.'

The second money exchange in Jackie Brown - everything from that sequence until Sam Jackson realizes 'It's Jackie Brown.'
The ending is incredible, and it is my favorite sequence in all of cinema.

Princess Mononoke
Ashitaka's banishment.

The Stay-Puft Marshmellow Man.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The lighting of the beacons.

The opening scene.

John Carpenter's The Thing
The dog kennel scene.

The Godfather
Michael Corleone in the restaurant.

Saving Private Ryan
Storming Omaha beach.

City Lights
The ending is a beautiful tear-jerker.

There are many more, but I think these are my favorites.


Chesapeake Silt said:
The second money exchange in Jackie Brown - everything from that sequence until Sam Jackson realizes 'It's Jackie Brown.'
Why do so many people hate Jackie Brown? It's such a great movie.

Mr Gump

How about that scene in swordfish with the huge slow mo explosion at the beginnning with the camera circling the whole scene?

Good shit.


Not my absolute favorite, but it's recent, so...

Infernal Affairs -
When Yan is shot in the head by the other Mole, then Lau shoots the Mole


well not really...yet
Guzim said:
Why do so many people hate Jackie Brown? It's such a great movie.
I didnt know this. I love Jackie Brown, id rate it right behind Pulp Fiction


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
DeadStar said:
I didnt know this. I live Jackie Brown, id rate it right behind Pulp Fiction

that's exactly why a lot of people didn't like it at the time. It was coming off of Pulp Fiction, some jerks loved that movie too much. Looking back I'd say people view Jackie Brown more favorably.

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
Lost Weekend said:
FORREST GUMP (greatest move ever made IMO)

Forrest: Why don't you love me, Jenny?

Jenny: Forrest, you don't even know what love is.

Forrest: I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is!

(Just for the combination of anguish and longing in that scene. Great scene, great flick)

I agree wholeheartedly.

Pulp Fiction - The whole dead nigger storage dialogue. As well as what was mentioned in the opening post.


The Hulk - Dog Fight
Jaws - When Quint dies
Jurassic Park - When T-Rex gets out
The Matrix Reloaded- Neo vs. The Smith's
Star Wars II - Yoda Fight and Anakin's revenge
Terminator 3 - The toilet fight
X-Men 2 - Wolverine goes berserk at the soldiers in the school


Oh, and let's not forget American Pie 3's gigantic strip scene! I love it! Especially in the DVD since the scene is extended with 10 minutes or so :D


way more

Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai - The way he kills the guy near the end.

Strange Days - When you think the movie is about to end, and then Ralph Fiennes and Angelela Basset kiss.
The Salton Sea - The intro concerning meth
28 Day Later - The ending

Way of the Gun - The Intro, sniper scene, and ending.
Unbreakable - The train depot and ending

Minority Report - The chase scene that starts when his name comes up as a murderer
Blade Runner - The ending
Bringing out the Dead -

Scent of a Women - The Tango and "I'll have a Jack Daniels and my friend will have a Shirly Temple."
Rob Roy - The final fight.

Royal Tenenbaums - Most parts with Owen Wilson.
The Long Kiss Goodnight - Anytime it got crazy

Good Idea for a post.


Braveheart: Priest-"the prisoner has something to say"

also the battle with qui-gon and maul was not too bad.


goddamit, Griese!
Good Will Hunting: From when they're at the Harvard bar until "Do you like apples? I got her numba, how do you like dem apples?", and the "It's not your fault" scene with Damon and Williams near the end.

Pulp Fiction: The whole Marvin sequence/clean-up

Fight Club: The very last scenes of the movie where Ed Norton and the chick are standing there, and the camera pans out to show the destruction. A very calm, eerie shot.

Clerks: Randal and the whole "ruse" scene


The Beast - When the Russians "punish" a Mujahadeen fighter for destroying a Russian tank. War is nice isnt it?


The Last of the Mohicans - One of the last scenes which take place in the mountains.. Very emotional.

Full Metal Jacket - Bathroom, rifle.. bam.. Revenge!


Gozer: Are you a god?
Ray: ...No?
Gozer: Then.... DIE!
*Everyone gets blasted back*
Winston: Ray, when someone asks if you're a god, you say "YES!"

Ray: Everything was fine with our system until the power grid was shut off by dickless here.
Walter Peck: They caused an explosion!
Mayor: Is this true?
Peter: Yes it's true... this man.. has no dick.

Big Fish The entire ending

The Matrix

Security guard: Could you please remove any metallic items you may be carrying, keys, loose change...
*Neo opens his trench coat to reveal dozens of guns underneath*
Security guard: Holy shit!

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

The Terminator being lowered into the liquid metal, and gives the thumbs up to John.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Tombstone - The scene where Johnny Ringo twirls his gun around and Doc answers by twirling his shotglass.

Old School - The scene where Frank the Tank gets shot in the neck with a tranq dart and falls into the pool. I laugh my ass off everytime I see that.
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