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favorite movie scenes?

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Kills Photobucket
Opening from Chasing Amy. Never laughed so hard at a movie before.

For years in this industry whenever an
African-American character - hero or
villain - was introduced usually by
white artists and writers - they got
slapped with racist names that singled
them out as negroes: Black Panther,
Black Lightning, Black Goliath, Black
Mantra, Black Talon, Black Spider,
Black Hand, Black Falcon, Black Cat..

She's white.

She is?
Well bust this - regardless.

(holds up comic)
Now my book, `White-Hating Coon',
doesn't have any of that bullshit. The
hero's name is Maleekwa, and he's a
descendant of the black tribe that
established the first society on the
planet, while all you European mother
fuckers were still hiding in caves and
shit, all terrified of the sun. He's a
strong role model that a young black
reader can look up to, `Cause I'm here
to tell you - the chickens are comin'
home to roost, ya'll: the black man's
no longer gonna play the minstrel in
the medium of comics and Sci-
Fi/Fantasy! We're keeping it real,
and we're gonna get respect -
by any means necessary!

(calling out)
Bullshit! Lando Calrissian was a
black man, and he got to fly the
Millennium Falcon!

Who said that?!?

I did! Lando Calrissian is a positive
black role model in the realm of
Science Fiction/Fantasy.

Fuck Lando Calrissian! Uncle Tom
nigger! Always some white boy gotta
invoke `the holy trilogy'! Bust this -
those movies are about how the white
man keeps the brother man down - even
in a galaxy far, far away. Check
this shit. You got cracker farm-boy
Luke Skywalker, Nazi poster boy -
blond hair, blue eyes.
And then you've got Darth
Vader: the blackest brother in the
galaxy. Nubian God.

What's a Nubian?

Shut the fuck up! Now Vader, he's a
spiritual brother, with the force and
all that shit. Then this cracker
Skywalker gets his hands on a light-
saber, and the boy decides he's
gonna run the fucking universe - gets
a whole Klan of whites together, and
they're gonna bust up Vader's `hood
the Death Star. Now what the fuck do
you call that!

Intergalactic Civil War!

Gentrification. They're gonna drive
our the black element, to make the
galaxy quote, unquote `safe' for white

But Vader turns, out to be Luke's
father. And in Jedi, they become

Don't make me bust a cap in your ass,
yo! Jedi's the most insulting
installment, because Vader's
beautiful, black visage is
sullied when he pulls off his mask to
reveal a feeble, crusty white man!
They're trying to tell us that deep
inside, we all want to be white!

Well isn't that true!


Other Favorites
Dances With Wolves - The Buffalo Hunt
Planet of the Apes (original) - The Ending
Crouchng Tiger Hidden Dragon - Yu Shu Lien Vs. Jen
Nausicaa: Valley of the Wind - Nausicaa stoped the Ohmus
End of Evangelion - Unit 02 Vs. Eva Series
LOTR: The Two Towers - Gandalf Vs. Balrog
Officer And A Gentleman - Richard Gere Vs. Louis Gosett Jr.
The Right Stuff - Astronaut Test Competition


From most recent to the oldest I can cogently recall:

The Village // Lucius and Ivy slomo scene to get away from the monster
Starsky & Hutch // When Starsky shoots behind his back and hits Captain Doby (hahaha!)
Return of the King // Pippin's song
The Two Towers // Gandalf vs the Balrog
The Station Agent // The inevitable running over the dwarf with the SUV scene (roofles)
Hulk // Hulk against the tanks
Matrix Reloaded // Neo versus the thugs in the Merovignian's chandelier room
The Phantom Menace // Qui Gon vs Darth Maul on Tatooine.. well, in my mind this fight goes on for 10 minutes
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon // Li Mu Bai vs Jade Fox part 1
Signs // The whole freaking movie.. to pick one out: when the angelic Bo peers through the borken glass to see Merrill going up against the alien (the music was awesome)
The Royal Tenenbaums // Owen Wilson crashes the wedding
Gladiator // Maximus vs Commodus
Grave of the Fireflies // The ghost of Setsuko playing
Tombstone // so many.. how about when Wyatt belittles that billy bob look-alike in the saloon in front of everyone?.. and also when Doc mocks Johnny Ringo with the tin cup
Macross Plus // Isamu finds Myung in the SDF and dodges away from the turret fire
Bottle Rocket // The opening "escape" scene when Dignan (Owen Wilson) is signaling to Anthony (Luke Wilson)
Equilibrium // The final hallway before entering Father's office
Sixth Sense // Opening scene when Bruce is shot by his crazy ex patient
The Abyss // when Lindsay convinces Bud to let her drown in the minisub
Matrix // Neo pulls Trinity from the falling helicopter
Die Hard // When McClain pushes the computer monitor and C4 down the elevator shaft and blows up the whole building.. if I had to pick one scene
Princess Bride // Man in Black vs Inigo Montoya
Pee Wee's Big Adventure // Large Marge
Return of the Jedi // Luke vs Darth Vader
The Empire Strikes Back // Luke vs Darth Vader

and of course, the mother of all scenes:

Drunken Master II // The entire final fight sequence

...just off the top of my head.
The atomic bomb sequence from Terminator 2.

The opening narration of FOTR.

The parking lot chase in Back to the Future.

The young Indy beginning in Last Crusade.
kid - looks at the signed ball. "Wow~ Avoid the clap. - Jimmy Doogan."
Hanks - yells to the kids walking away. "That's good advice!"


Blade Runner-Mother scene, Roy's Death Speech and chase
Pulp Fiction-Anything with sam "Do they speak English in what?"
Usual Suspects-ending
Scarface-Tongue scene, chainsaw
Raiders of Lost Ark-When the guy is doing the fancy sword shit and indy shoots him
The Godfather Part II-Vito flashbacks
Orgazmo-Hamster style scenes, Dont want to sound like a queer, Need a hand!, and of course COCK ROCKET
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