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favorite movie scenes?

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Off the top of my head--

Empire Strikes Back--The Battle of Hoth
Pearl Harbor-- The bombing of the Harbor
Desperado-- The gun fight in the bar
Two Towers--- The fight with the Warg Riders
RotK-- When Eowyn and Merry fight the Witch King
25th Hour-- When Edward Norton talks to himself in the Mirror
Kill Bill Vol.2---When Uma gets burried alive, GREAT SCENE!!
Kill Bill Vol.1--- The animated sequence
Saving Private Ryan--- The endifight at the Bridge
8 Mile-- When Eminem rips up the Free World at the end.
Lock, Stock, 2 Smoking Barrels--The card playing scene, excellent filming with great music.
Bad Santa--- When he beats the shit outta the skateboard kids.
From Dusk Till Dawn Michael Parks monologue followed by gas bar shootout

Goodfellas When they go back to Tommy's mother's house for a shovel.

Kill Bill Vol. 2 The Bride punches through a casket. Love the music in that scene. And the Pai Mei sequence leading up to it is a brilliant setup.

Office Space The fax machine beat-down.

True Romance Walken and Hopper's big smoke-filled scene.

Godfather Part II Don Vito stalks Fanucci from the rooftops. Unscrews the lightbulb. Wraps towel around his hand to conceal his weapon. Towel ignites as he's shooting. When he's finished, busts the gun apart and throw the different pieces down the seperate chimneys.

Scarface Tony confronts Frank.

Natural Born Killers Deleted court scene with Ashley Judd.


Braveheart: "FREEDOM!!!!" If you didn't shed a tear during that scene YOU ARE DEAD INSIDE. DEAD.

The Godfather undoubteldy has one the best scenes in a film ever concieved. I'm talking about the baptism scene, of course. :p

The Godfather Part II: When Vito Corleone kills Don Fanucci.

Kill Bill: At the blue leaves there's a reaaaaaaally long shot where the camera mostly follows Sophie as she heads into the bathroom, where The Bride is waiting for her. I really like it for some reason.

Saving Private Ryan: D-day.

Hehe, so far I've seen people misspell Vader as "Vadar" and "Vador" in this thread. I thought it was funny. :p

Full Metal Jacket: God, some many great scenes in this movie. I'll just say that the first half of the movie is fucking perfect.


The first 15 minutes of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

The Nazi scene from A Clockwork Orange (and the scene where Alex beats up his droogs)

The "Ecstasy of Gold" and final showdown scenes from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The intro to Battle Royale

The intro and newsreel of Citizen Kane

The blood test scene from The Thing

The end of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

The end of Das Boot

The end of Planet of the Apes (and the end to Soylent Green)


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Of the top of my head, here are a few of my favorites:

Boogie Nights
The whole scene in the Alfred Molina character's house. The music, his ravings, the Chinese kid with the fireworks, and the black bodyguard make the situation so fucking tense. That long closeup of Dirk's face is awesome as well.

28 Days Later
When Jim wakes up in the hospital and wanders through the vacant London streets is pretty memorable. The lack of people along with the Godspeed song make the sequence so eerie.

The ending. Wow.


Some good ones were picked so I won't repeat those. Some more:

O Brother Where Art Thou:

"Any of you guys smitties? Or further trained in the metalurgical arts? Whoops!" (the look on Cloonies face as he's dragged out of the train car because he is still chained to Pete and Delmar, who didn't run fast enough!"

Pappy O'Daniel with his son & brain trust, something like this, Pappy says glumly, "you had better start writing mah concession speech write now"

"Right, away pappy" as the guy gets up from the table.

"SIT DOWN YOU SUM B!TCH! I'M MAKING A POINT HERE!" as he throws his hat at the guy."And GIMME BACK MY HAT!"

Spider-Man: when Spidey saves MJ from falling, and Elfman's beautiful score perks up, and the people in amazement break out in applause as you see Spidey and MJ zipping through the city, (I love that scene with a lightpost & parallax), and as the chorale really reaches its peak, MJ kind of opens her eyes and looks around ... that is one of the most heroic scenes I've ever seen. The music is dead on in this scene.

Jaws: telling stories at night in the boat, about Quint and the U.S. Indianapolis. (shivers!)

Forrest Gump: well, there is always Bubba and "Shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, sauté it, .... (on & on) ... that's about it.."

Also in FGump: the rescue at Vietnam. "I got-ta find Bub-ba!" as he runs back into the woods. ANd I like the "I'm not a smart man ... but I know what love is" scene too.


- Breakfast Club
Andrew: Okay, so now let's see yours?

Bender: Mine? Oh, it's real easy. Stupid, worthless, no good god damn freeloadin' son a bitch, retarded, loudmouth, know-it-all, asshole jerk. You forgot ugly, lazy and disrespectf--Shut up, bitch! Go fix me a turkey pot pie! Well, what about you, dad? Fuck you. No, dad, what about you? FUCK you NO, DAD, WHAT ABOUT YOU? FUCK YOU! :motion of being hit:

Brian: Is that for real?

Bender: You wanna come over sometime?

Andrew: That's bullshit. It's all just part of your image.

Bender: You don't believe me?

Andrew: No.

Bender: No?

Andrew: Did I stutter?

:Bender goes over, rolls his sleeve up, showing a burn mark:

Bender: You see this? It's about the size of a cigar. See, this is what you get in MY house when you spill paint in the garage. See, I don't think I need to sit with you fuckin' dildos any longer.

:Bender trashes some stuff:

- Kiki's Delivery Service: when Tombo and Kiki ride the bike down the hill, and Kiki sees that Tombo's not some weirdo. Then later on when Kiki saves Tombo. Good movie :)

- Transformers the movie: When Prime steamrolls the Decepticons and then his death scene.

- Field of Dreams: "Hey dad? Wanna have a catch?"

- Natural Born Killers: "It's just murder, man. All of god's creatures do in one way or another." That whole interview scene is presented really well imo

- even though it doesnt count, Cacuts Jack's ECW promo about how the fans are a bunch of bastards and pro wrestlers will never be respected.


Transformers the Movie: Megatron meeting up with Unicron and being turned into Galvatron.

Also Unicron transforming: It was so expected that I guess I didn't expect it. ;)

Terminator 3: Skynet using the Internet...when you think about when Terminator and T2 were released and when the Internet took off....


A few more:

Minority Report: The part where Cruise enters the timeframe seen in the Precrime visions and he confronts the killer. Ultra tense moment, you couldn't really guess what the outcome was going to be.

Kill Bill: Any time The Bride looks at her assailants with revenge in her eyes, and everything turns red and that crazy klaxon-like music plays. Absolutely hilarious.

American History X: Ed Notron goes off on her mom's Jewish boyfriend. Obviously I don't agree with what he said but the fire in Norton's delivery was unbelievable.

Ran: Kaede loses her head! SPRTZZZZZZZ
Dekajelly said:
Heat's city shootout.
The sound mix in that scene is amazing.
impirius said:
Ragin Bull
DeNiro and Pesci are magic together. Whatever happened to Joe Pesci, anyway?
calder said:
Untouchables: A suddenly badass Costner tosses the assassin off the building. "Did he sound anything like THAT!" See note above re: sweet sweet payback.
:lol I think everyone was dying to see Costner finally lash out at that point. I don't think he's ever been cast as a cretin as far as I can remember.
Guzim said:
Why do so many people hate Jackie Brown? It's such a great movie.
Loved Jackie Brown!

Ordell (to Louis): I hope you felt appropriately guilty afterwards! :lol
mac said:
Strange Days - When you think the movie is about to end, and then Ralph Fiennes and Angelela Basset kiss.
Great movie, but it's been so long since I've seen it that it's mostly a blur. Picked it up on DVD a while back, I should get to watching it this weekend.
Eminem said:
Good Will Hunting: ... the "It's not your fault" scene with Damon and Williams near the end.
That scene almost made me bawl like a little baby. :(
AniHawk said:
Big Fish The entire ending
That ending had such an impact that I just sat there blankly staring at the credits roll while Eddie's "Man of the Hour" is playing in the background. That song nicely wraps up the spirit of the movie.


My favs:

The Scene from New Jack City where Nino has the dudes roll by on a motorbike and do a drive-by on the mob family, that was kickass, I want to do that someday........in a game!

The scene from surviving the game where Charles S Dutton gets blown off his ATV after Ice-T rigs it to blow, him laying on the ground laughing with no legs was like, one of the best scenes ever. :)

Mac and Me: Okay this was like the funniest, freakiest thing ever! A store manager sees the aliens, real alien beings that should normally fascinate an unknowning person, yet here this guy is and all he has to say is, "Dammit, get these things the hell away from my store before the customers see them!!!" I laughed my ass off after I saw that, it was so wrong, but it totally shows just how much of a commercial world we live in.

Toxic Avenger: "Now, now, don't worry, my friend Ben is gonna make everything alright."

"Ben who?"



trippingmartian said:
Kill Bill Vol. 2 The Bride punches through a casket. Love the music in that scene. And the Pai Mei sequence leading up to it is a brilliant setup
I can't believe I forgot that scene. What made that scene so great was Ennio Morricone's L'Arena was playing too.


Apocalypse Now - The helicopter attack with Ride of the Valkyries playing, Robert Duvall trying to convince the surfer guy to surf on the beach, Kurtz's whole speech starting with "I've seen horror...", the French plantation dinner scene


Fellowship of the Ring - Khazad-dum, Amon-hen
Two Towers - Helm's Deep, Ride of the Rohirrim
Return of the King - Gandalf saves Gondorian soldiers, Faramir's charge, Ride of the Rohirrim, 'For Frodo', Sam carries Frodo
Pulp Fiction - Vincent saves Marsellus
The Empire Strikes Back - Luke vs Vader
Return of the Jedi - Luke vs. Vader
Reservoir Dogs - Mr. Blonde's dance
Kill Bill - Battle with the Crazy 88, Bill's death
The Godfather - Vito's death, Baptism scene
The Godfather Part II - Vito's history, Fredo's murder
Saving Private Ryan - D-Day, Rainy battle, End battle
Braveheart - Wallace's speech
Grave of the Fireflies - 'I made these for you'
Mystic River - Jimmy finding out about daughter's murder, Jimmy killing Dave
Coming To America - Pretty much the whole thing

God, so many others I can't remember :(


The fight between Puco (I think that's his name), Angel Eyes, and the man without a name at the end of The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Then there's also the dual between Kyuzo and some guy that gets his ass kicked in Seven Samurai. Oh, and the fight between Toshiro Mifune's Miyamoto Musashi and Koji Tsurata's Kojiro Sasaki in Samurai III and then Miyamoto after the dual on the boat.
Damn, I really like fight scenes.

Oh, and the scene in Kubrick's The Shining when the crazy guy is talking to his son. And Jesus on the cross in The Last Temptation of Christ.
I agree with a lot of these but I won't repost them. I got one to add:

Rocky: training sequence and the Art Musuem run and the end when he yells Adrien. Classic scenes.


goddamit, Griese!
oh fuck, I forgot about Jerry Maguire. The part where Cubs screams "No heart? I'M ALL HEART MOTHER FUCKER" and when Cruise and Cuba hug after the MNF game.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
aliens : when they first enter the hive and the aliens start silently waking up and slowly coming out of the walls

welcome to the dollhouse : the dinner scene where dawn is left at the table because she refuses to tell her sister that she loves her - DAWN! YOU ARE NOT LEAVING THIS TABLE UNTIL YOU TELL YOUR SISTER THAT YOU LOVE HER! *defiant look* *angry music* GOLD

jurassic park : the t-rex escaping - actually my favourite shot in that whole movie is the one looking out the jeep as the t-rex crosses the road in front of the car - looks so unbelievably real

death becomes her : the scene where madeline visits liesl (sp?) for the first time


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.<<<

Naw. The best scene in Princess Bride is Dread Pirate Roberts/Wesley vs. Inigo.


TAJ said:
>>>Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.<<<

Naw. The best scene in Princess Bride is Dread Pirate Roberts/Wesley vs. Inigo.

"Aha, but I know something you do not know!"

"what's that?"

"I am left-handed too!"

Fucking great movie, although I have to agree that the scene with Inigo and the Six Fingered man is the better scene. It's in my top five comedies for sure.

Probably my favorite movie scene of all time.

Of course True Romance had a number of other godlike scenes...




Ned Flanders said:

Probably my favorite movie scene of all time.

Of course True Romance had a number of other godlike scenes...



Isn't that the truth. It's easy to watch True Romance and forget that Gary Oldman was even in the flick.

I showed that movie to my ex-s sister under the pretense that it was kind of a chick flick, and she agreed it was one of the most romantic flicks she's ever seen. What an awesome movie that works on so many levels. Don't forget Brad Pitt and the Honey Bear bong as well as Tony Soprano in a great role.


Well, that's a long list:

Hard Boiled: Hospital Scene
A Bullet in the Head: The Gold Stealth
The Hitcher: Rutger Hauer/Young guy first scene on the car.
Dr. Strangelove: Dr. Strangelove explains the plan for saving mankind.
Breathless (a bout the Soufle): Ending.
Pierrot Le Fou: Ending.
The 7 Samurai: Mifune fishing with the hands.
RedBeard: Mifune operating...
Game of Death: Billy Lo vs Karim
I Vitelloni: Car Scene (Laboratori di la massa....)
Goldfinger: "Do you expect me to speak ?" "No, I expect you to die Mr Bond..."
ChunKing Express: Faye Wong-Tony Leung
ChunKing Express: Tony Leung talks to the house.
Fallen Angels: Takeshi Kaneshiro (death+ketchup)
Atolladero: Iggy Pop following the robo-dog path along the tube...

That's all on top of my head.... :p


Junior Member
I've got a few:

I can't believe more people haven't mentioned way of the gun, it was the only reason to see that movie. To see Sarah Silverman get bitch punched.

Bar Patron: Hey, hey. Yeah you, get up. What are you retarded, get off the fucking car.
Raving Bitch: Hey dickless get off the fucking car. Hey fuck suck get your slippery fucking ass of the car. Listen to me, get off the fucking car with your fucking ass.
Parker: Shut that cunts mouth or I'll come over ther and fuck start her head.
Raving Bitch: You're gonna wish you never got up this fucking morning asshole, because my boyfriend's gonna fuck you up, and then after that while he's fucking up your fucking gay uncle over there I'm gonna cut off your cock and mail it to your mother. You fucking faggot bitch. You gaylord fucking bitch. How do you like that? You like that a lot you fucking faggot? You like to ass fuck? Fontanella fucking baby head. You like to fuck baby head?
Bar Patron: Go ahead
Raving Bitch: You like to fuck boys. He's gonna fuck you in the ass, how do you like that he's not even gay but he'll do it just...
Bar Patron: Honey honey. She's got a big mouth but she's not kidding. I'm gonna whip you silly and I'm gonna fuck you stupid. You wanna do the man dance? First dance is yours.

The last scene where Will Muny goes after the entire bar and Lil Bill with a shotgun and all. The opening of that scene where they are celebrating and Will Muny gets to the door. The whole mood changes and you know alot of people are gonna die. Revenge at it's finest. Seeing Clint all in black in a rainstorm at the front door of a tavern was started one of the best scenes in one of the best westerns of all time.

Pulp Fiction:
Two quotes:
'It's the one that says Bad Muthafucka!'
'I got to go pee.'

Blazing Saddles:
'The sheriff is a *dong*'


shitting in the alley outside your window
A Woman is a Woman - When Ms. Karina is spring cleaning and just plops down on her bed to spread her blanket out. <3 <3
Before Sunrise - the scene in the record store listening booth
Before Sunset - the walk up the spiral staircase and the car ride
Waking the Dead - the subway train ride
The Dreamers - The scene where Matthew discovers Isabelle is a virgin
Dogville - sooo many. the conversation on love, the entire ending... can i just say the whole movie here?


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
"...Bring me everyone."

"Wh...what do you mean everyone?"


whoops, fuckin typo


aoi tsuki said:
Off the top of my head, i'd say the Morovingian's Chateau in The Matrix Reloaded -- the wide angle shot in slow motion where Neo's on the left somesaulting onto the leftside banister, an enemy on the right has a pitchfork and has taken a big jump to follow him, and a second enemy in the background is running on the side of the second floor... sideways.

Shots from later portions of that scene:



i don't remember much, but i'd have to say much of Cool Hand Luke. It was one of the movies my dad record to VHS years ago that i watched on a whim one night. i've got to remember to pick that up on DVD when i can find it.

Exactly. Everyone talks about the Neo vs Smiths scene (and yeah that's an awsome scene), but the Chateux fight was so much more grounded. Although 'Matrixy' things happen in the fight scene, it never really gets too crazy. It's almost perfect.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Mandy Patinkin rocks!!! Him and DeNiro should do a movie together because 1) They look so much alike. And 2) They're both fucking bad asses! It'd be a movie about bad ass dudes. The revenge scene in Princess Bride was awesome.

But every scene in Pulp Fiction owns, so I can't choose.


True Romance Walken and Hopper's big smoke-filled scene. Fucking brilliant.
There is too many in Tarintinos stuff to list them all.

Deer Hunter Russian Roulette

Run Lola Run when she bust in on Daddy and his Mistress. Also the initial phone call when she starts running. The do you love me after sex scene is brilliant.

Aliens when Hudson does the showing and goes down like a bad ass after they kind of set him up to be a bit of a coward.

For some reason the scene in trainspotting where the chick thows him into the hall and he standing there naked makes me laugh. He is just like WTF.

The ending of Red Dragon when they Mother shoots him and screams is super powerfull.

Goodfellas when spider gets it after telling Peci to fuck himself. First time you see an automatic in the film and the impact is perfect.

Man I could go on all day.

Poo Poo

2001: A Space Odyessey.

HAL's death scene. Dave Bowman is disconnecting HAL 9000.

HAL: Just what do you think you're doing, Dave? Dave I really think I'm entitled to an answer to that question.

HAL: I know everything hasn't been quite right with me, but I can assure you now, very confidently, that it's going to be all right again. I feel much better now. I really do.

HAL: Look, Dave, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over. I know I've made some very poor decisions recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that work will be back to normal. I've still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in the mission and I want to help you.

Dave begins to remove HAL's memory chips.

HAL: Dave, stop. Stop, will you? Stop, Dave. Will you stop, Dave? Stop, Dave. I'm afraid. I'm afraid, Dave. Dave, my mind is going. I can feel it. I can feel it. My mind is going. There's no question about it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I'm a-fraid.

HAL's dying.

HAL: Good afternoon gentlemen. I am a HAL 9000 computer. I became operational at the H A L plant in Urbana, Illinois on the 12th of January, 1992. My instructor was Mr. Langley, and he taught me to sing a song. If you'd like to hear it, I could sing it for you...

Dave: Yes, I'd like to hear it, HAL. Sing it for me.

HAL: It's called, 'Daisy.' Dai-sy, dai-sy, give me your answer true. I'm half cra-zy, o-ver the love of you. It won't be a sty-lish mar-riage, I can't a-fford a car-riage---. But you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle - built - for - two.


Unconfirmed Member
Just stuff I haven't seen listed...

The Big Lebowski: The Dude & The Chief of Police of Malibu is fucking hilarious. So is when The Dude & Brandt first meet Bunny. Brandt's laugh is priceless.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: When Joel & Clementine are laying in bed, and Clem talks about her ugly doll, and Joel leans over and starts kissing her and saying "you're pretty..." then starts to get drug away while saying "Just let me keep this memory..." Oh god, it was so perfect.
Mulholland Dr.: Silencio! & The Cowboy.
Magnolia: Jim & Claudia's date, best kissing scene ever.
Amelie: 2nd best kissing scene ever.
Mallrats: "That girl is only 15 years old..."
Adaptation: "Fuck fish." & When Laroche talks about how he lost his nursery. :(
Cannibal! The Musical: Let's Build a Snowman reprise, The Trapper Song & the discussion afterwards, and "Hey guys! Abraham Lincoln."
Orgazmo: "Dad, I'm not going to do Hampster Style anymore..."
Pi: Um, pretty much everything, but the last 15 minutes was super awesome.
Punch-Drunk Love: The kiss when they first meet in Hawaii, "You're so cute, I just wanna smash your face in with a hammer," and Barry calling the phone sex line.

That's about all I can think of off the top of my head.


Hard Boild: warehouse scene
Dragons Forever: the final battle
Rushmore: The scene where Bill Murry jumps the gate and block that kid that is trying to shoot the ball.
Heat: The scene in the coffee shop with Pacino and De Niro
Heat: The bank scene
Rush Hour: Whene Chris Tucker tells that guy "wipe yourself off, you dead"
Metrix Reloaded: Highway scene
Saving Private Ryan: Omaha Beach

White Man

More foreign flick love!!!!

The cannibal leader, before his execution. His one line in the entire movie: 'I killed my father, I ate human flesh, and I quiver with joy. '

Well, hoooooooooly shit.

The first 15 minutes, documenting Lemmy Caution's arrival in Alphaville, are some of the most disorienting and amusing minutes in all cinema. I adore this movie.

Also, The 400 Blows is comprised of only excellent scenes.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
The Professional - The scene where Jean Reno hangs from the ceiling and kills all those FBI guys that keep entering his apartment.

Hannibal - The scene at the end when Ray Liotta's brain is exposed and Hannibal feeds him some of it and he says it tastes good.

Final Destination - Bus, of course.

Final Destination 2 - Plate glass kill.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
The chaos in Picadilly Circus at the end of American Werewolf In London.

The ghost in the hospital in The Eye

The moment Bambi is told his mother can't be with him. :'''''(

evil ways

A few more:

*The blood test scene in John Carpenter's The Thing.

*Rambo stealth killing russian soldiers one by one in the jungle on Rambo II.

*Freddy's resurrection on a Nightmare on Elm Street 4;

Freddy: "You shouldn't have buried me, I'm not dead"

Kincaid: *gets stabbed* "I'll.....see you in hell"

Freddy: "Tell them Freddy sent ya"


Poo Poo said:
2001: A Space Odyessey.

HAL's death scene. Dave Bowman is disconnecting HAL 9000.

HAL: Just what do you think you're doing, Dave? Dave I really think I'm entitled to an answer to that question.

HAL: I know everything hasn't been quite right with me, but I can assure you now, very confidently, that it's going to be all right again. I feel much better now. I really do.

HAL: Look, Dave, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over. I know I've made some very poor decisions recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that work will be back to normal. I've still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in the mission and I want to help you.

Dave begins to remove HAL's memory chips.

HAL: Dave, stop. Stop, will you? Stop, Dave. Will you stop, Dave? Stop, Dave. I'm afraid. I'm afraid, Dave. Dave, my mind is going. I can feel it. I can feel it. My mind is going. There's no question about it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I'm a-fraid.

HAL's dying.

HAL: Good afternoon gentlemen. I am a HAL 9000 computer. I became operational at the H A L plant in Urbana, Illinois on the 12th of January, 1992. My instructor was Mr. Langley, and he taught me to sing a song. If you'd like to hear it, I could sing it for you...

Dave: Yes, I'd like to hear it, HAL. Sing it for me.

HAL: It's called, 'Daisy.' Dai-sy, dai-sy, give me your answer true. I'm half cra-zy, o-ver the love of you. It won't be a sty-lish mar-riage, I can't a-fford a car-riage---. But you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle - built - for - two.

God you're right, that is one of the greatest scenes ever. I also love Dave in the strange room before he becomes the star child.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Top Gun: When Maverick gets on his motorbike and goes off to meet the blonde instructor. It's just a cool scene especially with the berlin - breathaway instrumental. Then, followed by my two other favorite scenes later in the movie. The briefing in the aircraft carrier when Maverick is alerted of his new mission, Iceman questioning Maverick's involvement in the mission. All ending in the glorious celebration with Maverick lifted on the shoulders of the crew. "You can be my wingman anytime" , "Bullshit, you can be mines"

Matrix Reloaded: I agree with the chateu battle. It is just really terrific. The music, the scenery, it is neo's best fight since "Enter The Matrix".

Shawhshank Redemption: The escape. Followed by the embrace outdoors with the cold rain.

Fast and the Furious: Meet the Eclipse. Man this was a badass scene. Brian stepping into his turbo eclipse, blow off valve going off, him pushing his new mods to the limit. Maybe it's just the street racing enthusiast in me, but anyone who's into modding cars knows what this sh*t is about.

Just a few.... of my fav scenes.
From Swingers:

Trent: You know what you are? You're like a big bear with claws and with fangs...
Sue: ...big fucking teeth, man.
Trent: Yeah... big fuckin' teeth on ya'. And she's just like this little bunny, who's just kinda cowering in the corner.
Sue: Shivering.
Trent: Yeah, man just kinda... you know, you got these claws and you're staring at these claws and your thinking to yourself, and with these claws you're thinking, "How am I supposed to kill this bunny, how am I supposed to kill this bunny?"
Sue: And you're poking at it, you're poking at it...
Trent: Yeah, you're not hurting it. You're just kinda gently batting the bunny around, you know what I mean? And the bunny's scared Mike, the bunny's scared of you, shivering.
Sue: And you got these fucking claws and these fangs...
Trent: And you got these fucking claws and these fangs, man! And you're looking at your claws and you're looking at your fangs. And you're thinking to yourself, you don't know what to do, man. "I don't know how to kill the bunny." With *this* you don't know how to kill the bunny, do you know what I mean?
Sue: You're like a big bear, man.
Mike: So you're not just like fucking with me?
Trent: No I'm not fucking with you.
Sue: Honestly, man.

There are other good scenes from that movie but that one always just sticks with me.
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