Litigation Manuel
There are so many inconsistensies throughout the zombie genre that it makes no sense to exclude 28 Days Later for its own. For one, films like All Souls Day and others rely on voodoo to explain the origins of their zombies. There are others to use the disease explanation, and I believe Resident Evil roughly follows this as well, yet no one argues about this (maybe because they die, but hey, it's still a disease). Keep in mind, Romero has never fully explained how his zombies came about, it could very well be a disease, or maybe something else. Just because the origins of the zombies in 28 Days Later is different from others, it doesn't matter, because they're ALL different.
Also, I liked the last Rolling Stones tour, pretty clever to make them all look like zombies.
Also, I liked the last Rolling Stones tour, pretty clever to make them all look like zombies.