I like how they call it IDERP in the pdf. Very clever.
Maybe they pulled into the tunnel from the left and he was walking from the right and turned around lol. Who knows that walking dead continuity ......
So the people who were saying it's boring, what exactly were you expecting from a show that's about the beginning of the outbreak?
This stuff happens all the time with The Walking Dead. Don't get why this one is a big deal. Thought we'd be used to this by now.
Haha very trueThis stuff happens all the time with The Walking Dead. Don't get why this one is a big deal. Thought we'd be used to this by now.
This is showing the outbreak from the start feel the perspective of this one family, everyone in the world isn't over reacting in the show yet because no one has any clue what is going on or just how bad it's going to be like we do as viewers. If I saw what that family saw with Calvin I'd probably be in shock more than anything, like I was watching a dream. Their minds aren't ready to accept that it was real even though it obviously is and its a lot to process plus the lack of good sleep since their son was missing/found.
TV will never have the budget to do that HUGE large scale zombie apocalypse the way movies can and only a small handful of movies have been successful at that even with some very large budgets.
that's some gta shit right thereI like how they call it IDERP in the pdf. Very clever.
Can I watch this show if I stopped watching the main one at Season 3? I stopped because I was tired of waiting for new episodes between seasons. I'm planning on catching up next month but I want to watch this one if it doesn't spoil anything.
Can I watch this show if I stopped watching the main one at Season 3? I stopped because I was tired of waiting for new episodes between seasons. I'm planning on catching up next month but I want to watch this one if it doesn't spoil anything.
So once The Walking Dead start again, will they both be on Sundays, because I would be burnt out with zombies. They should put Fear on Wednesday's once Walking Dead starts.
Fear is only six episodes long. It ends the week before real Walking Dead starts back up
Didn't know it was that short of a season.
Maybe he's aIs there any video of Frank Dillane doing interviews between Comic-Con and today? At SDCC he seemed really, REALLY off. High or anxious or something. He had trouble answering a single easy question and the producers had to bail him out.
Calvin keeps coming back as a zombie character every other episode to be ran over by a truck or pushed off a building.
The first season for The Walking Dead was just as short. The second season is suppose to be longer. Around 13 episodes if I'm remembering correctly.
That was terrible.
Didn't realize until watching the first episode that Johnny Depp was in this!
I totally understand the criticisms about the dramatic irony about the prequel nature of the show. Since we already know all the rules of this universe, it's going to be tedious seeing this cast of characters go through the exact same thing that Rick and his crew did in the first few seasons.
I really enjoyed it. Likable characters and a wholly different feel from the main series.
I fully expect it to turn to shit very soon.
Maybe there have been. The medical community already knows about the virus. There are protocols in placeIt was pretty bad: cliched to hell and back, more than a bit stupid (why haven't there been more conspicuously undead deaths in a HOSPITAL in the middle of fucking metropolitan Los Angeles of all places?)
Anyone following the Story Sync? It has documents and polls on it and the documents delve into the story more.
One of them is from the World Health Organization basically telling doctors that if they cannot resuscitate in 60 seconds to immediately declare dead and move to the morgue asap.
Anyone following the Story Sync? It has documents and polls on it and the documents delve into the story more.
One of them is from the World Health Organization basically telling doctors that if they cannot resuscitate in 60 seconds to immediately declare dead and move to the morgue asap.
Here's that document in case anybody doesn't want to go through AMC's site.