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Fear the Walking Dead - Season One - Sundays on AMC


Maybe they pulled into the tunnel from the left and he was walking from the right and turned around lol. Who knows that walking dead continuity ......

This stuff happens all the time with The Walking Dead. Don't get why this one is a big deal. Thought we'd be used to this by now.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
This stuff happens all the time with The Walking Dead. Don't get why this one is a big deal. Thought we'd be used to this by now.

My problem is more with the gun being right next to the car and the son not pointing it out/not being noticed. Nor there being a blood trail/blood from Calvin dying there. Same problem with the "fresh blood" in the church. Dude slips in it, gets his hands wet and thinks "oh geez! Something went on here, but I better not call the cops about it! lolz!"

I mean I'm used to the teleporting zombies now, but you're telling me these mysterious disappearing bodies wouldn't have alarm bells ringing in those two cases?


Super slow build up, but I get why. I woulda liked more done with the traffic jam scene, but ehh. Ill watch it regardless, Im a Walking Dead fanboy
This is showing the outbreak from the start feel the perspective of this one family, everyone in the world isn't over reacting in the show yet because no one has any clue what is going on or just how bad it's going to be like we do as viewers. If I saw what that family saw with Calvin I'd probably be in shock more than anything, like I was watching a dream. Their minds aren't ready to accept that it was real even though it obviously is and its a lot to process plus the lack of good sleep since their son was missing/found.

TV will never have the budget to do that HUGE large scale zombie apocalypse the way movies can and only a small handful of movies have been successful at that even with some very large budgets.

Signs did this situation right. The entire movie took place at a farm. One family, isolated. They went into town, people were talking about aliens. They drove in the car, it was on the radio. They went home, it was on the TV. This was well before the invasion happened too (which would be pre-outbreak in a zombie universe).

That's how I feel this should've gone.

A full blown outbreak doesn't need to happen immediately and I don't even want to see it on a global scale, but people are always dying. And those people are reanimating. And the people that saw this would talk about it. This news would travel SO FAST these days. EVERYONE in EVERY hospital is covering this up? People also die outside of hospitals. What happens to them? Nobody saw?

The school should have every student and teacher asking each other, "What do you think about that video where that man was shot and didn't die?" The two parents should've constantly been fielding questions from students about it.

Gloria was a flat out zombie at the beginning of the show. She wasn't there when that man went back to the church. So, nobody saw her except for the druggie kid? Convenient.

Maybe this will be the next episode and rest of the season. But it seemed a lot more isolated given the fact that we saw multiple zombies in this episode and nobody seemed to be making a fuss, except for Nick. Also, it's far enough along that the WHO is issuing bulletins to hospitals about how to handle the dead.

If it were me in this situation, I'd never turn the TV off. I'd never leave GAF! I think there should've been some of that shown in here.
Specifically Nick being on NeoGAF.


While the premiere was slow, the trailer showing off the rest of the season looked really good. I'll definitely keep watching!


Wait Nick is Stannis from game of thrones son?



I'll keep watching. I'm sure I'll watch all six episodes at this point. Need a lot more time to feel out the characters and where they are going with this one as compared to the main show.


Can I watch this show if I stopped watching the main one at Season 3? I stopped because I was tired of waiting for new episodes between seasons. I'm planning on catching up next month but I want to watch this one if it doesn't spoil anything.


Can I watch this show if I stopped watching the main one at Season 3? I stopped because I was tired of waiting for new episodes between seasons. I'm planning on catching up next month but I want to watch this one if it doesn't spoil anything.

Yes, it's a prequel series.


Junior Member
I liked it.

That shirt the stepson was wearing in the opening sequence was the biggest problem with the show. Also the stepfather finding ridiculous amounts of blood at the church and just continuing like nothing happened was lame. But in general I thought it was a good start. Decent direction and acting in general. I am in for now.


The drug addict son needs to stop running, I've seen more masculine running at a kindergarten field day. Other than that slow start considering only 6 episodes but it has promise.

Hari Seldon

I like the cast far better than the shit tier cast that is walking dead which caused me to quit watching that show in season 2. I will give this a little longer. The plot writing is weak. You would think someone would tell the police about the massive amounts of blood in the junky church.


So once The Walking Dead start again, will they both be on Sundays, because I would be burnt out with zombies. They should put Fear on Wednesday's once Walking Dead starts.


So once The Walking Dead start again, will they both be on Sundays, because I would be burnt out with zombies. They should put Fear on Wednesday's once Walking Dead starts.

Fear is only six episodes long. It ends the week before real Walking Dead starts back up
What if Fear decides to jump around and is not just centralized with one family? It could be nothing but stories from the start of the outbreak.
New seasons could be new families or friends or groups in different situations.
Is there any video of Frank Dillane doing interviews between Comic-Con and today? At SDCC he seemed really, REALLY off. High or anxious or something. He had trouble answering a single easy question and the producers had to bail him out.


I really liked the pilot. I'm not sure why so many are hung up on the character of Nick; he is a junkie and liar so I get why people dislike him, but poorly acted, really? Frank Dillane is a good actor and he really pulled off the scatterbrained, paranoid and panicked junkie.

I also liked the rest of the family, though I was a bit annoyed by how nonchalant they were about certain things. Travis, for example, just went to the church like it was nothing even though there was so much blood. Or Madison just seemingly not giving a fuck when Calvin turned into a zombie.

To its credit however, the show really got the mood down. I was engrossed and the time flew by. I'm actually already regretting the first season is only 6 episodes long. Here's hoping it stays good.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Calvin keeps coming back as a zombie character every other episode to be ran over by a truck or pushed off a building.

Bones sticking out everywhere. Dunno how he's still standing, but that's some voodoo magic virus voodoo keeping him walking.


Subete no aware
I totally understand the criticisms about the dramatic irony about the prequel nature of the show. Since we already know all the rules of this universe, it's going to be tedious seeing this cast of characters go through the exact same thing that Rick and his crew did in the first few seasons.
I thought that was decent. Definitely not boring, just a bit slow, but then again it's a drama not an action series and I loved that it was completely different to The Walking Dead in both tone and atmosphere. I liked all the characters even if the daughter was a bit of an annoying know-it-all. The guy playing the son, Nick, was fantastic. Easily the most interesting character. And was that Randy from The Wire playing the daughter's boyfriend? Sure looked a lot like him.

Looking forward to seeing where it goes for sure.
That was bad. Only way I'd continue watching is if they talk about the cause and cure. Right now it's playing on similar cords and it isn't good.

AMC must hate black people.


I really enjoyed it. Likable characters and a wholly different feel from the main series.

I fully expect it to turn to shit very soon.


you'd feel like the outbreak would spread SO MUCH faster in LA of all places where on average a bit less than 200 people die every day, but whatever.


Nork unification denier
I totally understand the criticisms about the dramatic irony about the prequel nature of the show. Since we already know all the rules of this universe, it's going to be tedious seeing this cast of characters go through the exact same thing that Rick and his crew did in the first few seasons.

I just hope that because they don't have to follow the comic book storyline that they can make the LA crew just a bit smarter than the Georgia people. Rick's group is so dumb I'm surprised anyone is left alive down there, really.


Gonna have to agree with the folks that called it boring. Frankly, none of the characters are interesting enough to make up for its slow pace. Also, I understand teleporting zombies as that is a staple of the genre, but come on now. You have to put SOME effort into their placement. It was a damn tunnel. There is no way for Calvin to get behind them without them noticing him. It was so silly that it took me right out of the show.

Not a good start.
It was pretty bad: cliched to hell and back, more than a bit stupid (why haven't there been more conspicuously undead deaths in a HOSPITAL in the middle of fucking metropolitan Los Angeles of all places?)
Maybe there have been. The medical community already knows about the virus. There are protocols in place
Anyone following the Story Sync? It has documents and polls on it and the documents delve into the story more.

One of them is from the World Health Organization basically telling doctors that if they cannot resuscitate in 60 seconds to immediately declare dead and move to the morgue asap.


Was it the greatest premiere? Of course not. Was it decent and worthy of continuing to watch? Sure.

I wasn't blown away by it but it was better than I was expecting. Gonna give it a 7/10.


Really liked it. The pace was right on. I didn't want full on zombies in the streets by the end of the first episode. Glad it's taking it's time.


Hunky Nostradamus
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Anyone following the Story Sync? It has documents and polls on it and the documents delve into the story more.

One of them is from the World Health Organization basically telling doctors that if they cannot resuscitate in 60 seconds to immediately declare dead and move to the morgue asap.

Here's that document in case anybody doesn't want to go through AMC's site.

They posted the full video of the walker on highway on YouTube

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