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Fear the Walking Dead - Season One - Sundays on AMC


How you don't pack your shit and GTFO after running a dude over twice, I don't know. But I bet the family goes home and tries to cook dinner and pay bills and shit.


Unconfirmed Member
Pretty good. Started slow but was to be expected since it's just the beginning of the outbreak. The drugy kid was the best, that actor done a great job selling the character. The ending reactions from the family were goofy though. "What's going on? " I don't know." Really? That's all you got for what you just seen?
I enjoyed it quite a bit, and wish that I wouldn't have to wait a week for each new episode.

Oh well, there are 40-50 episodes of TWD on my PVR that I haven't watched.
Liked the pilot a lot. I like that we know more than the characters do. There's a sense of dread that permeates the atmosphere. Everything that could seem innocent (like the boyfriend not responding to texts) gets heightened. The scenes in the drug den were well done. Very "horror movie don't go in there you idiot!" kind of thing.

I too got a Depp feel from Nick lol. Also, I know people are commenting about the shirt he was wearing at the beginning. My wife thought it was the girl's, like a light half sweater.


Over all I like the cast except for the drug son and the Mom's blindspot for drug son.

Calling my shot now there will be a story line where the kid will be going through withdrawal and either him or the mom will endanger everyone by trying to get some shit to try take the edge off
Did not like it, slowest start ever. The only good actor is the drug addict

I thought the pacing was fine (I was actually surprised they went as far as they did). That said this show has Kim Dickens of Deadwood, Lost, Treme (might be my favorite role of hers), and House of Cards on it. I think she is one of the best supporting actors working today, and I am happy she finally has gotten a lead role in a major series.

Set before the zombie outbreak starts but people want more zombies and action.


TWD fans/haters might be some of the worst. I guess it is due to the nature of the show (hey it's about zombies, so show me gore and action), but it seems you can never make them happy. I'm not saying the show is great (while it's not close to the level of a Mad Men or Deadwood, it is better than what SoA or Dexter became), but it is nowhere as bad as some make it out to be. Also in the day and age of serial television you never judge a show on one episode (it would be like judging a book one chapter). It is always about the season as a whole.


I loved how the background ambience really told the story, if you paid attention to it. You could hear the sounds of things happening, that these characters were oblivious to, because it's LA and these sounds are commonplace. As the episode went on, they became more and more prominent, until finally the highway scene where the characters were forced to pay attention to it.

Was really well done.

I agree with the earlier sentiment that it's fun to know more than the characters do, it's like watching Titanic and just waiting for that damn iceberg to make its appearance and all hell to break loose. We know it's coming, we're now just waiting for it.

I'm enjoying it.


That was a fantastic pilot tbh

Such a dense and heavy atmosphere throughout the entire episode, i'm in

if it doesn't go to shit like TWD
I thought this was a very very patient and well directed episode. Not bad.

Same, although the acting was wack. The story is exactly how I picture a TV show pilot about a zombie outbreak would go. It was pretty good only because I can see where they can go from here. So I hold out any opinion about it until well after the forth episode.


I liked it quite a bit as well. Love that it starts pre-apocalypse and is doing a slow buildup. Cool stuff.


I really enjoyed the pilot. I think the main cast is more likeable than most of the main show especially Trevor, Maddie and Nick. There was a general feeling of unease in some of the scenes, the church and highway being standouts. Yeah the spotty internet conspiracist was cliche and the teleporting zombie was dumb but overall it gets two thumbs up from me.
The Government and medical facilities knows whats going on but its at Conspiracy theorist level as far as the population goes. The Kid mentions its already on the net about incidents across 5 states. Governments blacking out the media

I absolutely believed that whole conversation would take place. That, the leaked videos, and the phones being out during class were so believable for me.

Kid: Yo i need that knife. Something fucked up is going on. I read on the internet that there are people turning into zombies.. There are videos and stuff of people actually eating other people.....People dying and coming back to life, or people getting sick and.....

Teacher: LOL. Nothings wrong. Those videos are fake, Don't believe everything on the internet. Besides, the authorities would've told us already.They wouldn't let us get harm. I'm locking your knife up. Go back to class fuck boy or I'll suspend you.
The Government and medical facilities knows whats going on but its at Conspiracy theorist level as far as the population goes. The Kid mentions its already on the net about incidents across 5 states. Governments blacking out the media

Doesn't make sense since technically those who died would come back to life. Around 150,000 people die every day. World government couldn't black out this even if they tried.

It makes the show hard to understand because their refusal to look at it from a medical or political point of view because, sadly, the writers aren't competent enough to make it believable or coherent. Once they give any insight on the actual cause and how it spreads the show goes to shit because the inevitable "what if" questions occur.

The series will continue with the same drawn out theme they've been doing with TWD.

Hari Seldon

If they tighten up the dialog and make better use of the fantastic Kim Dickens this show will be great. The cast is superior to TWD in every way.
Doesn't make sense since technically those who died would come back to life. Around 150,000 people die every day.
150,000 a day in the US or worldwide?

Because that's 0.000025 of the world's population and 0.00047 of the USA's population

I think that minuscule amount spread out across the world could easily go unnoticed for a while.

Government doesn't have to cover anything up. People's disbelief would be enough.
We've only been given ONE episode to see how things are going. We have been given the point of view of two families who have very busy and full lives. We're not going to be privy to every thing. I wish people could just enjoy it for what it is, but to those who are wanting more and by more I mean details, please give it another episode or two.
150,000 a day in the US or worldwide?

Because that's 0.000025 of the world's population and 0.00047 of the USA's population

I think that minuscule amount spread out across the world could easily go unnoticed for a while.

Government doesn't have to cover anything up. People's disbelief would be enough.

Exactly why I believe it and liked it.

I get what he is saying that it is almost impossible to cover up a pending zombie apocalypse...Which is why shit would get crazier each and everyday on the show...Hence the traffic scene and the overdosed chick.

Why in gods name would the government (LA?, not sure if the CDC knows at this point) tell everyone that they are all infected? and once they die they would turn into these raging monsters?

Why would you tell the world that? Especially before you have the vaccine?
Exactly why I believe it and liked it.

I get what he is saying that it is almost impossible to cover up a pending zombie apocalypse...which is why shit would get crazier each and everyday...Hence the traffic scene and the overdosed chick. Shit just not spilling over.
I love the uneasy tone. The boyfriend not answering his texts, the highway incident, the doctors rushing to get the dead guy out of the hospital room, zombies appearing sporadically

The end is already in motion, but people don't know it yet. A slow apocalypse


I think it's much more disturbing seeing "fresh" zombies than the ones that were already much more decayed in TWD.

I thought the show was OK, didn't really leave me wanting more to be honest but I understand it's a setup show. One thing I am curious about, will the writers nut up and kill all of these characters at the end of the season or will they leave it open ended for more potential episodes? I think it would be PERFECT if they all die off at the end, give it more a sense of hopelessness and put a real exclamation point on just how much people in this world had to do to survive it.
Going by the "150,000 die a day" statistic, that means between 250 new zombies every day in LA

250 people:
I love the uneasy tone. The boyfriend not answering his texts, the highway incident, the doctors rushing to get the dead guy out of the hospital room, zombies appearing sporadically

The end is already in motion, but people don't know it yet. A slow apocalypse

Yep, good shit. I think the show will depict the fall of LA incredibly. They're building up to it with the school and scenery shots and so fourth.

I swear to god with the shot on the back of the pick up truck while he was driving away from the traffic incident felt like the last of us intro car scene for some reason.

Also, I can't wait for that inevitable character who ends up meeting up with Rick or dying in TWD.
Wait, has it been made clear that "everyone who dies for any reason reanimates" has been the situation from the very start of the epidemic? I assumed that maybe that was something that would come later, or at least hadn't spread to the entire world yet. Dozens of people die of natural causes every day, just in one city! And we're supposed to believe that widespread panic still hasn't set in in L.A. over the three days that the pilot took place? That there's only been one viral video of a zombie attack?
Wait, has it been made clear that "everyone who dies for any reason reanimates" has been the situation from the very start of the epidemic? I assumed that maybe that was something that would come later, or at least hadn't spread to the entire world yet. Dozens of people die of natural causes every day, just in one city! And we're supposed to believe that widespread panic still hasn't set in in L.A. over the three days that the pilot took place? That there's only been one viral video of a zombie attack?
More believable than The Strain...

A few hundred or thousand zombies could go unnoticed when they're scattered and spread out across an entire city, not roaming in hordes, maybe trapped inside their homes and apartments, and still look like regular people rather than rotting corpses.

Things are already falling apart.
A few hundred or thousand zombies could go unnoticed when they're scattered and spread out across an entire city, not roaming in hordes, maybe trapped inside their homes and apartments, and still look like regular people rather than rotting corpses.

Maybe if everybody behaved like Travis ("Hmm, pile of skin and guts on the floor, that's disconcerting. I think I'll go home, sleep on this, and think about what to do tomorrow."). Some people would ignore it, sure. Other people would go screaming into the streets telling their neighbors and anyone else who would listen.

If initially only bitten people reanimate, and "everyone's already infected" came weeks or months later, it would be much more plausible that the plague stays under wraps for more than a day. That also would explain why that was new info to the people on TWD months after the infection began.
Maybe if everybody behaved like Travis ("Hmm, pile of skin and guts on the floor, that's disconcerting. I think I'll go home, sleep on this, and think about what to do tomorrow."). Some people would ignore it, sure. Other people would go screaming into the streets telling their neighbors and anyone else who would listen.

If initially only bitten people reanimate, and "everyone's already infected" came weeks or months later, it would be much more plausible that the plague stays under wraps for more than a day. That also would explain why that was new info to the people on TWD months after the infection began.
idk. Who's going to believe them? No one's going to think zombie or outbreak

And even if they find a zombie roaming the streets, the first thought would probably be "I'm going to cross the street and stay away from him", especially since they still look like regular people right now,

In fact the concept of a zombie doesn't even exist in the Walking Dead universe, so people don't even have a pop culture frame of reference to make that connection between what's going on and undead/zombie
Looking to see when it's on in the UK and can't find it (walking dead airs the day after US on Fox channel)...
...check the internets and find it's exclusive to BT customers.

haha. what a fucking mess. If you want to watch this show you have to subscribe to BT cable and if you want to watch Game of Thrones you need to subscribe to Sky.

We're not talking subscribing to two different channels or even streaming services here, you have to subscribe to a cable provider for FTWD and a satellite provider for GOT. That's one way to sabotage your audience numbers.
See people should take a breath and step away from the keyboard. Talk like this is insane and you should seek help.

Now that I think about it the whole family has plot armor. Except maybe the dad but I think theyll want to be as different from Ricks group as they can be.
Damn, lol. I just got done watching the episode, liked it and thought I'd come see if GAF agreed.

Well then.

Hell, I even found the mom to be my favorite character that episode. :| Oh well.
Looking to see when it's on in the UK and can't find it (walking dead airs the day after US on Fox channel)...
...check the internets and find it's exclusive to BT customers.

haha. what a fucking mess. If you want to watch this show you have to subscribe to BT cable and if you want to watch Game of Thrones you need to subscribe to Sky.

We're not talking subscribing to two different channels or even streaming services here, you have to subscribe to a cable provider for FTWD and a satellite provider for GOT. That's one way to sabotage your audience numbers.

That's pretty messed up but at least you have competition among cable providers unlike here in the US.
chick OD'd most likely and woke up and killed the black dude

even in the spin off, black people ain't safe!

Just watched the episode, and that comment slayed me. Three guys dead (or implied) in the first episode alone, lol!

I thought it was a solid pilot overall.


- That mounting sense of uncertainty and desperation once you start hearing the helicopters and sirens become more and more noticeable in the background mix.
- The episode came off as a sort of bittersweet ending before society starts to crumble. I could have watched this and nothing else from the series and been satisfied because of its quasi-prequel status. The cinematography was really, really good.
- Cliff Curtis' and Kim Dickens' acting is quite good (lame ending reaction aside).
- It does play to the L.A. mentality of ignoring things until they hit you in the face.
- The character slowly coming to grips with what's happening was very interesting.


- Something about the squeaky-clean teen who turns out to be the amoral drug dealer was hilarious to me. One minute he's scrubbing his car and the next he's some kind of elusive kingpin who offs the customers that speak out of turn.
- The daughter's acting was crap. Maybe she'll get better in time.
- That final reaction was hilariously bad. "What the hell is going on?" "I dunno."

Overall, I'm quite impressed. Will definitely keep watching.
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