So what exactly is the cause of the zombie outbreak? Or that hasn't been explained yet?
So what exactly is the cause of the zombie outbreak? Or that hasn't been explained yet?
"Watch this. This is the new real. Killshot bitch."
Laughing out loud haha
And Tobias with that stare on the bus. I can't handle this show haha.
Regarding the infection/turning
Everyone's infected. Being bitten doesn't turn you, it just gives you an incredibly awful infection due to how disgusting zombies' mouths are, you die, then come back
In The Walking Dead I pretty much assumed thateveryone was already infected because of the whole "touching zombies on a daily basis/constantly getting drenched in their blood juices" thing. But if that's not the case and the whole country is already infected somehow, then I dunno, that just seems really ridiculous to me.
I know right?! My god that teen dialogue is not real haha. At least I hope it's not. That shit was ridiculous I couldn't take it seriously until the last 10 minutes.
That was really good. Love that Paul Haslinger score.
Is that who it was? Never heard of him.
Yup, it's The Walking Dead alright.Shit was chunky as fuck.
The daughter is going to get a lot of hate. I can already see it. She is just too perfect and therefore annoying for many. The whole "I am a 20-something actress playing a teen that is too cool to go to or care about class, too cool for authority figures like teachers and my mom, am gorgeous, and also brilliant because I am going to Berkley" is a bit much.
I thought AMC made an exclusive deal with Hulu for this show? Where's the pilot?
I watched the preview clip on Huluplus of this and at the end it said 2016.
I hated the episode. Slow, grating characters, and cliche after cliche. That being said I'll keep watching and hope it gets better but wow so bad.
Meh....I think it will get better. I just cant get over how fucking worry free and clueless they all seem. Their facial expression doesn't seem to match the severity of whats going on. This one in particular...
She might as well be Zombie. She is so devoid of emotion. She saw a man get run over, get up, get run over again and she had the same fucking look on her face from time they came on the scene until the incident with the son.
Yeah, Johnny Depp guy was the only one that reacted believably in that scene.
Just watched the episode, and that comment slayed me. Three guys dead (or implied) in the first episode alone, lol!
I thought it was a solid pilot overall.
- That mounting sense of uncertainty and desperation once you start hearing the helicopters and sirens become more and more noticeable in the background mix.
- The episode came off as a sort of bittersweet ending before society starts to crumble. I could have watched this and nothing else from the series and been satisfied because of its quasi-prequel status. The cinematography was really, really good.
- Cliff Curtis' and Kim Dickens' acting is quite good (lame ending reaction aside).
- It does play to the L.A. mentality of ignoring things until they hit you in the face.
- The character slowly coming to grips with what's happening was very interesting.
- Something about the squeaky-clean teen who turns out to be the amoral drug dealer was hilarious to me. One minute he's scrubbing his car and the next he's some kind of elusive kingpin who offs the customers that speak out of turn.
- The daughter's acting was crap. Maybe she'll get better in time.
- That final reaction was hilariously bad. "What the hell is going on?" "I dunno."
Overall, I'm quite impressed. Will definitely keep watching.
Meh....I think it will get better. I just cant get over how fucking worry free and clueless they all seem. Their facial expression doesn't seem to match the severity of whats going on. This one in particular...
She might as well be Zombie. She is so devoid of emotion. She saw a man get run over, get up, get run over again and she had the same fucking look on her face from time they came on the scene until the incident with the son.
The fact that one person was freaking out was enough. Not everyone reacts the same way to a shocking event, especially when it's something your mind might not be able to process. Not everyone will break down into fits of screaming.
I still can't get over how stupid the title is.
They went for the lowest common denominator with that title. It's like they absolutely wanted to make sure that everyone, everyone would know that it's a spin-off of TWD.
Didn't want to risk any small % of people not tuning in. Somewhat cynical choice of title.
And it was the most-watched series premiere ever, so it was probably the right choice.
Yeah, this. Don't think I've seen her in anything else, but not a fan of her acting after the premiere.
Gone GirlI think she was in House of Cards.
Doesn't make it any less of a shit title.
Gone Girl
Sons of Anarchy
House of Cards
Well they're not going to pick a title that would intentionally stunt the show's viewership. At least they didn't call it Walking Dead: _______.
I still can't get over how stupid the title is.
They went for the lowest common denominator with that title. It's like they absolutely wanted to make sure that everyone, everyone would know that it's a spin-off of TWD.
Didn't want to risk any small % of people not tuning in. Somewhat cynical choice of title.
I still think the creepiest scene in the Walking Dead is in season 2, when Rick and Shane are driving back to the farm (with Randall) and the camera pans to the lone walker walking through the field in a suit jacket.
This is pretty much where I'm at after one episode. It hasn't quite pulled me into the world like the original show did but there is promise. Hoping the eventual societal collapse will deliver. That's always been one of my favorite sequences in zombie flicks.
I still can't get over how stupid the title is.
They went for the lowest common denominator with that title. It's like they absolutely wanted to make sure that everyone, everyone would know that it's a spin-off of TWD.
Didn't want to risk any small % of people not tuning in. Somewhat cynical choice of title.
Well they're not going to pick a title that would intentionally stunt the show's viewership. At least they didn't call it Walking Dead: _______.