Was gone for over a week. Sorry for the delay! Yes, the March period is 5 weeks, so the thread should go up later this week. 
Since not all the results are public, no numerical results are shown here. Also, to prevent backing out the numbers, only the monthly results for the top 3 predictors are shown. Annual results are still full results, though.
NeoGAF Prediction Results - February 2017
1. Conduit
2. Primethius
3. Raylan
Congratulations, Conduit!
Since not all the results are public, no numerical results are shown here. Also, to prevent backing out the numbers, only the monthly results for the top 3 predictors are shown. Annual results are still full results, though.
NeoGAF Prediction Results - February 2017
1. Conduit
2. Primethius
3. Raylan
February 2017 Overall 2017 Top (2/2)
01. Conduit ---.-- ethomaz ---.--
02. Primethius ---.-- BlackBuzzard ---.--
03. Raylan ---.-- noobie ---.--
04. ---.-- Primethius ---.--
05. ---.-- Raylan ---.--
06. ---.-- RexNovis ---.--
07. ---.-- Sterok ---.--
08. ---.-- Kayant ---.--
09. ---.-- mejin ---.--
10. ---.-- Fdkn ---.--
11. ---.-- theprodigy ---.--
12. ---.-- freefornow ---.--
13. ---.-- Elandyll ---.--
14. ---.-- Ravage_Hydra ---.--
15. ---.-- Rymuth ---.--
16. ---.-- CorporateClown ---.--
17. ---.-- robo ---.--
18. ---.-- Bruno MB ---.--
19. ---.-- allan-bh ---.--
20. ---.-- Sangetsu-II ---.--
21. ---.-- jayu26 ---.--
22. ---.-- Trust me, I'm a PhD ---.--
23. ---.-- blakep267 ---.--
24. ---.-- pitseleh ---.--
25. ---.-- kyser73 ---.--
26. ---.-- archnemesis ---.--
27. ---.-- Shizza ---.--
28. ---.-- Bitch Pudding ---.--
29. ---.-- donny2112 ---.--
30. ---.-- vivekTO ---.--
31. ---.-- Welfare ---.--
32. ---.-- jjonez18 ---.--
33. ---.-- noshten ---.--
34. ---.-- Darth Smurf X ---.--
35. ---.-- Cow Goes Moo ---.--
36. ---.-- Hammer24 ---.--
37. ---.-- Thorrgal ---.--
38. ---.-- 1993dan1 ---.--
39. ---.-- Stanng243 ---.--
40. ---.-- Kill3r7 ---.--
41. ---.-- GifGafIsTheBestGaf ---.--
42. ---.-- Pachter ---.--
43. ---.-- Conduit ---.--
44. ---.-- onemanasylum ---.--
45. ---.-- harrisk954 ---.--
46. ---.-- Hydrargyrus ---.--
47. ---.-- Shock32 ---.--
48. ---.-- jroc74 ---.--
49. ---.-- HalfBaked ---.--
50. ---.-- Tratorn ---.--
Congratulations, Conduit!