really should've saved this wyatt/shield match for mania
Yes, she's very solid. Lance Storm-trained and one of NXT's better female wrestlers.
Gotcha, thanks.Good wrestler, with a well thought out "awkward" gimmick that got over well with the NXT crowd.,, been recreated on RAW horribly
This should have been a Wrestlemania match/build with Ambrose causing The Shield to lose. This would lead to the Shield break-up the Raw after Mania
Why isn't shield vs Wyatts headline Wrestlemania?
Why isn't shield vs Wyatts headline Wrestlemania?
Bray has to be the latest monster built up and fed to Cena.
You mean Cener will defeat him AGAINST ALL ODDSBray has to be the latest monster built up and fed to Cena.
You're in full 'Insane Vince' defense mode tonight despite having no evidence to back this up.He doesn't do it himself. He does demand rewrites, though.
This Diva promo is awful. Their voices are annoying. Wow.
what u meanDid they tape the feud?
I think they
maybe the camera angle (reigns being closer to it than renee) but look how big reigns' arm is compared to renee. his arm is like 3 of renee's arms put together, or her head.