Bronson doesn't want any troubleThe plan is currently for Blue and Broson to go into a best-of-seven series. It will somehow end in a tie.
The plan is currently for Blue and Broson to go into a best-of-seven series. It will somehow end in a tie.
I'd pay to not watch that
One would think I'd find this funny but it has already happened, and there's nothing fun about realityThe plan is currently for Blue and Broson to go into a best-of-seven series. It will somehow end in a tie.
The plan is currently for Blue and Broson to go into a best-of-seven series. It will somehow end in a tie.
”I'm not sure what the finish was supposed to be for the match last night. But I know this for a fact, that John Cena insisted on putting Bray Wyatt over again last night, insisted on it. That's not just a rumor."
Wrasslin merch is the new wave in 2017?
Are we trendsetters?
Wrasslin merch is the new wave in 2017?
Are we trendsetters?
only a matter of time before kylie posts on instagram wearing this:
I knew blue wanted none of me.The plan is currently for Blue and Broson to go into a best-of-seven series. It will somehow end in a tie.
Make Kiryu look super duper strong.
He probably loses but he isn't wrestling H's like Booker T and Sting did, at least.I just realized that Lesnar is fighting Goldberg at WM. He'll be booked more worse that Sting with him being a "WCW guy"
Lesnar vs. Goldburg is going to be miserable as Lesnar just doesn't give a shit anymore.
I just finished watching his Hell in a Cell match against Taker from 2002 and the difference between a Brock that gives a shit and current Brock is huge.
I'm hoping they buck expectations and just have Goldberg squash him again just for the fuck of it.
That's 15 years ago....
It wasn't some high flying athletic extravaganza, just a solid match with some great in ring story telling.
I never shook Rusev's hand when him, myself, Lana, and Big E were at Dennys.
New Talk is Jericho just dropped and is Handsome Rusev and Lana
Lesnar had an excellent with Rollins/Cena at the Rumble before Mania 31, and then the match there with Reigns was pretty good too, and last year he had a pretty good match with Reigns/Ambrose
He also had a great set of matches with Taker after Mania 31...
I mean with all due respect what's Lesnar been given recently? Ambrose which was an ok Mania match not great sure but not horrible and Orton and now Goldberg...
Lesnar can still put on quality entertainment....
Rusev left, probably went to take a shit. Either way, he ducked me. Fuck Rusev for not shaking my hand. He's a midget should have just walked up to him, say "excuse me mr Po, I just want to say you are the best", shake his hand and walk off.
So NJPW have had an excellent showing so far in 2017 with the title matches delivering high on the entertainment and drama scales.
Has there been any mention of Okada's next challenger?
He's focusing on Tiger Mask W while the New Japan Cup next month sets up the next challenger for Sumo Hall in April. No word yet on who is expected to win. Omega is going to be the fan favourite for sure. Can't tell if it is too early to do the rematch. The April show last year had Naito being crowned champion so it wouldn't be a waste at all if Kenny gets that treatment this year.
What if Tiger Mask W beats Okada and reveals himself to be Ibushi? And then Omega wins the New Japan Cup and we get Ibushi/Omega at Sakura Genesis :O
I know there's not a chance in Hell that will happen but I can dream.
Omega needs to beat Okada, but they could do the Okada thing and have him win the title then beat Ok at Wrestle Kingdom
disclaimer: I have no idea how NJPW booking works
Okada is John Cena.
Now you know how NJPW booking works.