The guy is a spectacular coward heel, better than Orton even. Thanks for making me notice DaveYou can thank Batista, gave Del Rio the rub so that he could finally get over. Good Guy Drax, you're welcome.
The guy is a spectacular coward heel, better than Orton even. Thanks for making me notice Dave
Chris Fox @psychof0x
Benoit's been Royally Farooqued on the #WWENetwork
The very same. And look who replaced Farooq - The Ghost Of Wrestling Past
Is this woman meowing?
Because he bulked up.Why did they take away Dean's flack vest?
Why did they take away Dean's flack vest?
Am I a mark for believing that Ziggler will win?
Because he's the LOSE CANNON.
He's like a cop that carries a revolver instead of a pistol.
Why does JBL always pronounce Ziggler as "Zigger"?
Batista calling out the WWE for not having any real men.
I'm back on #TeamBatista, whether or not he's gassed in 3 moves.
I love how Batista keeps tweeting about how he doesn't care about the haters. He's clearly pissed that him sucking combined with the WWE's horrible booking of Daniel Bryan has ruined his mania program.
Yup, saw it quite clearly behind the SHIELD. Don't have screen capping utility.
So it looks like they've stopped with the Shield breakup storyline, right?
Why in the fuck is THIS march happening again? #gurlwhy?
So it looks like they've stopped with the Shield breakup storyline, right?
Had quite a bit of exposure.
Dirty Dean Ambrose.
Did he fire six shots, or did he only fire five?