I did say a couple years ago that flossing is pointless.
Bingo.So what research that supports flossing are your universities basing their curriculum on that the U.S. federal government apparently could not find?
I'd really like to read from a large scale study, because the effects of flossing is really common sense.
I mean, I've done this before...
Got my teeth cleaned --> didn't floss due to laziness --> gums bleed
Then, got my teeth cleaned --> flossed daily --> gums don't bleed
Flossing disengages stinky-ass food particles that get stuck in between your teeth. At the very least it's good for your breath.
I mean yeah. There is stuff stuck between my teeth. I'd rather get that out.Flossing disengages stinky-ass food particles that get stuck in between your teeth. At the very least it's good for your breath.
I mean, I've done this before...
Got my teeth cleaned --> didn't floss due to laziness --> gums bleed
Then, got my teeth cleaned --> flossed daily --> gums don't bleed
Rinsing doesn't get those particles out.Rinsing/ mouth wash.
Using that analogy, we should be putting q-tips in our ears... Except we shouldn't.
Here's a good question:
Regular flossers, do you scrape your tongue or do you just use your toothbrush on it?
The conspiracy continues!
I mean, I've done this before...
Got my teeth cleaned --> didn't floss due to laziness --> gums bleed
Then, got my teeth cleaned --> flossed daily --> gums don't bleed
Y'all waterpik users know it doesn't work for the gum line right?
So, I only brush my teeth once a day (in the morning), don't floss, haven't been to a dentist in over 10 years, and I've never had a cavity. Am I harboring some unknown teeth/mouth infection because I don't know why people go to the dentist for anything other than braces. Teeth seem to require minimal maintenance and the whole flossing has always seem unnecessary to me.
Here's a good question:
Regular flossers, do you scrape your tongue or do you just use your toothbrush on it?
You should scrape your tongue some time. It's pretty crazy what stuff will come off of it, even if you brush it.I have a dedicated toothbrush for my tongue. I brush my teeth with my sonicare.
I knew it was nothing more than a less convenient toothpick.
What's up with these people with all these food particles? Rinse/brush after a meal if you're really concerned.
100%. My dentist flossed my teeth once and afterwards food would become lodged between my teeth. It took a long while for the gaps to close up again. Awful experience.I've tried flossing before but there are no gaps between my teeth. I feel like flossing would just encourage gaps with space for food to gather.
I have a dedicated toothbrush for my tongue. I brush my teeth with my sonicare.
Do your gums bleed? And if they bleed, do they do so often? If that's the case, then you're most likely in for some very unpleasant news if you haven't been to the dentist in a decade.
If your gums don't bleed at all, then the worst I'd expect is that you'd have some cavities.
100%. My dentist flossed my teeth once and afterwards food would become lodged between my teeth. It took a long while for the gaps to close up again. Awful experience.
Anecdotes are not data. If they were, my personal anecdote would then mean that rarely brushing and almost never flossing for the first 16 years of your life + eating sugars = 0 cavities.That's fucking disgusting.
Also, I don't buy this. At all. There has been a DIRECT correlation between how often I floss and how healthy my dentist says my gums are with every single visit.
Thank you. Yes, the variety between individuals is great indeed.°°ToMmY°°;212349200 said:I am a dentist and I rarely floss
It all depends on your teeth alignment and the spacing between your teeth and how gum fills those spaces.
Holy run-on sentence Batman. xD I think I got what you said but that was hard to read...If you have a tight contact between your teeth so much that you have to force the floss through and the teeth are perfectly aligned with gum who has a certain biotype which makes it adhere more to the teeth while filling the empty spaces between those you don't need flossing.
Me too.Yeah. I need an explanation for this. My gums get inflamed if I go long enough without flossing.
Anecdotes are not data. If they were, my personal anecdote would then mean that rarely brushing and almost never flossing for the first 16 years of your life + eating sugars = 0 cavities.
I'm not nearly stupid enough to think that my personal experience applies to everyone else. Why can't you people realize the same?
Thank you. Yes, the variety between individuals is great indeed.
Holy run-on sentence Batman. xD I think I got what you said but that was hard to read...
My gums only bleed if I'm cut or something. They don't bleed on their own, didn't know that was a thing.
I'm 99% sure I don't have any cavities. I don't see any, others don't see any, my teeth don't have any holes in them, and I haven't had an "unknown" toothache since my wisdom teeth came in.
I'd say the only thing "wrong" with my teeth are them not being perfectly white and I could use braces. Pretty minor all thing considered imo.
Seconded, they are amazing.Edit: also, while we're on the subject, get a tongue scraper. Thank me later.