I recently heard something on a podcast that made sense, but I wish I could quote it fully. It was in a discussion about if there’s life out there, and he said although the numbers seem too big for life to not be out there, there’s also a number of incredibly low chance events that led to humans. So the incredibly high numbers (billion trillion) don’t seem nearly as high when you start filtering out through probability.
But as they said, it’s a depressing thought that we’re the best there is and we’re sat on Twitter arguing among ourselves over dumb shit.
Yeah, and even if life could exist how likely it would be that they'll have arms, hands and even fingers they would quite certainly need to build any spacecrafts? Would they have eyes, ears? Would they even be capable of hearing us or seeing us?
It's not as if evolved life means that 100% certainly they would have our type of physical form that have eyes, ears and fingers. I have a hard time thinking any form of life would be able to build some FTL space travel stuff without the majority of those beings having hands to grab things well enough. No other life form on Earth use different pieces of metal and even build a tool with them. It seems that for any kind of a technological item to appear to this Earth has required two hands, five fingers and certain kind of sight, hearing and brain. There's nothing that would suggest a machine could be built by creatures that don't have physical features that we have. I know people like to downplay our place and form in the space but if you really think of it, we are pretty damn amazing things to appear from nothing.
And even with our capabilities we have many many times had the means to do something that removes us from existence. Wars, using biology (diseases etc) against each other, building bombs that blow away whole cities. If there would be plenty of creatures with our capabilities to build things and if they've had way more time to do stuff, chances are at least some of them have already destroyed themselves. But it would be pretty likely there really aren't many living creatures that would even have the possibility to do harmful things like that and if they don't, I kinda doubt they have the capability to build spacecrafts either.
Unless of course there could be life that builds things by mental power or something like that, but at that point we could as well talk about them as angels.
What comes to our Twitter use, isn't that pretty amazing too though? Imagine that at one point there was nothing. And now there is this. If any of this would be something that, say, bears or antlions do, it would be amazing! Them creating that system alone would be super interesting, but imagine how interesting it would be to find out that they are arguing about stupid stuff using that system. While it on the surface seems like the stupid stuff we do is just stupid, it actually is pretty damn amazing all things considered. Living beings coming out from nothing is one thing, but
culture, no matter how stupid it might seem, is a whole another thing and even more amazing.