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FF creator starting new company; Myst Walker


Hironobu Sakaguchi will Next Generation RPGs machen

21.07.04 - Hironobu Sakaguchi von Square Enix hat laut der aktuellen Famitsu die Firma 'Myst Walker' gegründet und will Rollenspiele für Next Generation Konsolen entwickeln. Für welche Systeme der Erfinder der Final Fantasy-Serie Software herstellen will, ist nicht bekannt.
Dafür will Sakaguchi mit anderen Entwicklern zusammenarbeiten, wie z.B. dem Designer Yoshitaka Amano.

Basically they're working on RPG for next gen console.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Then again it's about games now, not movies. I'll get interested as soon as they announce something with massive Amano influence.

Ill Saint

Because of Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, anything Hironobu Sakaguchi does will be taken with a big pinch of salt.
I'd say that's quite over-dramatic.

A mediocre movie sets the precedent for mediocre games, does it? Why ignore everything else he has accomplished?


Ill Saint said:
I'd say that's quite over-dramatic.

A mediocre movie sets the precedent for mediocre games, does it? Why ignore everything else he has accomplished?

Because then we can't make baseless assumptions lololol
Babelfish said:
Hironobu Sakaguchi wants to make NEXT generation RPGs for 21,07,04 - Hironobu Sakaguchi of Square Enix created and wants the company ' Myst Walker ' according to the current Famitsu games of roles for NEXT generation consoles to develop. For which systems of the inventors that wants to finally manufacture Fantasy series software, is not well-known. But Sakaguchi with other developers wants to co-operate, e.g. the designer Yoshitaka Amano.
So wait... it doesn't mention that he's left Square-Enix (which would be huge), but if that isn't happening... he's going to run a second developer on the side?


Junior Member
You forgot to mention he's working with Yoshitaka Amano - one of the greatest artists EVER!!



It’s a phony studio to put RPGs onto consoles until they can decide which nextgen console will be blessed with the genuine FF and DQ

sounds that way due to Bakafish


JoshuaJSlone said:
So wait... it doesn't mention that he's left Square-Enix (which would be huge), but if that isn't happening... he's going to run a second developer on the side?

Sakaguchi has been persona non grata at Square ever since Spirits Within. His name is on FFX and FFXI as executive producer, but he had sweet fuck all to do with making either game.



u_neek said:
Yeah, imagine a high budget RPG like FF with next gen gfx... mmmmm droool..

After TSW, who would trust Sakaguchi with their money to finance a big budget rpg.... Xbox2 exclusive maybe?:)


Kinda funny that the FF name/game milking increased 2 fold after Sakaguchi was out.

It's a shame they put all the blame on him for FF:TSW. Even still, they should have kept him involved in the games.
Sakaguchi has been persona non grata at Square ever since Spirits Within. His name is on FFX and FFXI as executive producer, but he had sweet fuck all to do with making either game.

That's not entirely true. Sakaguchi didn't work directly on those games but he had some involvement in the early stages of getting the teams assembled, etc. (it was his idea to appoint Toshiro Tsuchida as FFX battle director for example)
The non-explosion of interest in this story saddens me.

The fact that I now have to add this into my book saddens me even more.

DFS: you did some reporting on this at 1up. If you have any more info, PM, IM, or email me...


Has problems recognising girls
I'd buy their games on Amano's name itself. He has done some amazing stuff, yet so fucking bizarre and warped it's not funny.


but most of his paintings and artwork wouldn't translate very well into 3d.

but I'm sure there will be other approaches, I just hope it'll look good.
Kobun Heat said:
The fact that I now have to add this into my book saddens me even more.
I've forgotten, and obviously I can't search back for more information from many months ago: is your book a general gaming history book, then?


force push the doodoo rock

with the power of next gen systems we might actually finally get a game that looks like amano's artwork! that would be dreeeeeeeeeeeamyyyy.
I never liked the fact that Amano's work was redrawn for all the games. It was at his request in the sprite-based first game, as he didn't want to draw in a grid, but it is no longer necessary.

Kartia is the only game I have played that looked like his artwork (well, in SD). I love the art he did for Final Fantasy X, but I saw so little of it until years after it released because all the advetising used Nomura's redesigns. Even IX, which advertised with his art, had the characters redrawn and little resembled his art.

Maybe now we will get to see Amano's art actually used in a game with graphics that do them justice.


(more a nerd than a geek)
You know, the last few groups of folks to leave Square went on to start up small companies and teams to produce GBA software, using Nintendo cash... I sort of doubt that in this case, though.


dont forget vampire hunter D and vagrant story (i think?). dint he also do some stuff for the sandman series? can someone post some artwork from sandman?


Vagrant Story's designs were by Akihiko Yoshida. Amano did indeed work on Vampire Hunter D, though. His earliest stuff was in animation, he worked for Tatsunoko Pro for a while.



Sakaguchi has been persona non grata at Square ever since Spirits Within. His name is on FFX and FFXI as executive producer, but he had sweet fuck all to do with making either game.

He actually hasn't had any direct input in any FF game since FF5 (the last FF game that he directed). FF6 and later, he may have written summaries of the stories and given ideas for characters, but all of that was pre-production and got totally changed in the final product anyway. He did contribute significantly to the FF:Movie though.


how does one make 3d models (good looking ones) based of such elegant and graceful paintings without tweaking it a little?

Maybe with the power of next gen most of this can be done in real-time.






(more a nerd than a geek)
I always liked the sprite characters for the older FF games... and I have to admit that I couldn't stand the conceptual artwork for them. I know that tastes differ, but it just looks ugly to me... reminds me of some of the popular art styles from the 1920's here in the USA.
I've always like Amano's work more than Tetsuya's (sp?).

I would love a Sandman game, go through people's dreams and nightmares, picking up pieces of some sort of story which you have to then solve.
Sort of like a dark, good Alundra :p
I kinda like Amano's stuff but some people 'round here, you'd think he was the second coming. I just find a lot of his stuff gets very samey, particularly his characters. It's got to the point where you don't even need to see it to predict what his drawings of the latest batch of FF characters are going to look like.

I think a lot of the arse-kissing he gets has more to do with him being seen as part of the Nintendo FF team, whereas Nomura is part of the dastardly Sony FF team. You know something's up when people bash FF characters for being effiminate but then splooge over Amano. I'm not saying that the bashers are necessarily the sploogers but there's definitely some overlap which you then have to think that they aren't basing their agenda on the artwork.
Die Squirrel Die said:
I kinda like Amano's stuff but some people 'round here, you'd think he was the second coming. I just find a lot of his stuff gets very samey, particularly his characters. It's got to the point where you don't even need to see it to predict what his drawings of the latest batch of FF characters are going to look like.

I think a lot of the arse-kissing he gets has more to do with him being seen as part of the Nintendo FF team, whereas Nomura is part of the dastardly Sony FF team. You know something's up when people bash FF characters for being effiminate but then splooge over Amano. I'm not saying that the bashers are necessarily the sploogers but there's definitely some overlap which you then have to think that they aren't basing their agenda on the artwork.

You're probably right but I first got intrested in the series by Final Fantay VII and from what I remember got really intrested in Amano's work after seeing concept work for FFIX.
Personally I feel Tetsuya's artwork very good but rather generic. However his concept work, I feel is better than Amano's (Amano's human characters seem to be always the same from what I gather). Amano has a east meets west artstyle which I find very unique.
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