I didn't see anything Uncharted related. Am I overlooking something?
I feel like I should go into this with low expectations but I'm excited.Just browsing the Japanese forums, and a user noticed if you change the numbers in the url for the TGS titles you can find some that haven't been posted up yet:
Until Dawn, Uncharted, Sankoku Senki, Final Fantasy Type 0 HD, GTAV
3 Mysterious titles that just say coming soon for PS4
1 Mysterious Vita title and RE Revelations 2 for Vita
Also, Uncharted's subtitle in Japan is "The Pirate King and the Final Secret Treasure."
Edit 2: Sony has taken some of the links down, but they are only pictures of generic title logos anyway. The whole point isn't the pictures but the numbers in the URL, and of course some of the titles already mentioned. You are not missing anything not being able to see the pictures!
Edit 3: Please note that these announcements will moooost likely be made on the show floor at TGS from 18th~21st and not at the Asia region stream.
LMAO! Second best post I've seen here in the past 12 hours. Only beaten by that forklift post that took down an entire section of aisle in a wear house.
I'm curious to see if we'll get gameplay footage of Uncharted 4.
C'mon son ,Sony wouldn't save Unchared 4 gameplay for TGS. It will be E3 trailer with Japanese voice acting.
It's the exceptions that prove the rule.
That actually makes sense. They also prolly releasing The Last Guardian for the PS4 6 months after the PS5 is released and it won't be cross Gen or supported on Playstation now.
And what the hell is Sangoku Senki?
It's hard to believe this is a new Knights of Valour game.
I was thinking that and this is all I can figure
Dynasty tactics?
And what the hell is Sangoku Senki?
It's hard to believe this is a new Knights of Valour game.
Oh i just saw Deep Down there, maybe it's time for a new beta date.that will be delayed
Anyway, this is shaping to be a really good show after all, we just need P5 and FFXV and we're golden.
Because they have to announce Revelaitons 1 along with it. It's pretty obvious.Regarding Revelaitons 2... if there was a Vita version why on Earth wouldn't it have been included with the initial announcement?
Common sense, people!
P5 is confirmed. The thing about FFXV... usually, if SE wasn't going to have it show up at a new event with a new trailer, they'll say it beforehand, like they did with this year's E3. We're less than 20 hours away from the 19th in Tokyo and SE hasn't said anything about XV not showing up. So I'd say that's a good sign, but then again, I'm not sure. Not much longer until we find out.
Did anyone check out Vita's image folder thoroughly before Sony nuked the hidden ones? I ask because the Vita images start at 04.png while PS3 and PS4 both start with 01.png.
Revelations 2 (which I'm guessing is a mistake, and was probably meant for the PS3 folder) is at 17, with the Coming Soon Vita game at 7.
C'mon son ,Sony wouldn't save Unchared 4 gameplay for TGS. It will be E3 trailer with Japanese voice acting.
Will be considerably pissed if FFXV doesn't show up. It's been 15 months since it last appeared with a brand new trailer... they have nothing new to show? Come on. Ridiculous.
At least I think this is Uncharted.
Why is that funny? It's the obvious conclusion. ND isn't going to bother creating a new trailer or a vertical slice for TGS.
At least I think this is Uncharted.
They were Soul Sacrifice, Helldivers and Freedom Wars.
Yeah, it's Uncharter.
Save yourself the disappointment. You're setting yourself up for it
2 weeks ago. I imagine some of these are being announced at the publisher conferences.
Yeah I'm already expecting the worst.
Thanx, I'll try to google translate it.
I really think people should stop linking that IGN article.
What is there to google? Everything was translated at first page.
It's the freaking ASIAN press conference. There was another thread. Most of us already said not to expect anything from it. It's usually a rehash+Chinese/Korean localizations.
No real conference. The one tonight is for "Asia", so it's a rehash of the announcements 2 weeks ago for the rest of the asian market.When is the conference guys?