Don't have ff16? Not to worry - you can download the files direct from microsoft.
1. Go to
2. Click "Download package" to download the .nupkg file.
3. Extract it. To do so, you can rename in to .zip or use 7zip or something like that.
4. Find the 2 DirectStorage DLL files in the extracted files. For most
people it will be the x64 versions, so the 2 DLL files in
5. Go to your FF7 install directory and find the 2 DIrectStorage DLL files there, probably under End\Binaries\Win64,e .g
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII
6. Replace the DIrectStorage DLLs in your game directory (step 5) with the newer DLLs from Nuget (step 4).