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Honestly I can't tell the difference between Overwatch and Battleborn.

This might be bias and prejudice hard at work, and it probably is but

When I saw this screenshot
I had to spend a few seconds thinking why does it look so awful until I finally remembered that Battleborn was a thing that 2K was making.

Really those two characters are far less aesthetically pleasing than whatever notworksafe posted.


Tenchi's Izayoi Matchup Record

How he does against other characters and what the matchup seems to be for Izayoi vs the rest of the cast. The lack of mains and matches within his area contributes to why it is harder to find a concrete answer.



BlazBlue CentralFiction is still up in the air with this week's update after the BBBR results as well as other matches throughout the week. Discussion is made by the same group for group 1, Group 2 consists of Saigo, Hasshin, Muku, Sukoya + more. Group 3 is Poropicchi after discussing with other Kansai players.

Still a rough list that is being discussed and update at each meeting and matches each week. Should give you an idea on a consensus at the moment.

We just know for a fact that everyone is terrified as shit of Carl and Arakune.

Last week's results.

Thanks for posting these, I appreciate the insight.

You guys should really listen to her taunt


Her taunt is so bad it's good.


tagged by Blackace
Honestly I can't tell the difference between Overwatch and Battleborn.
Overwatch is a bit more PvP oriented, Battleborn is a bit more co-op (Borderlands style) oriented.

Overwatch has the bigger budget and looks a bit more visually refined/detailed. I thought Overwatch had slightly better designs/art from the initial reveal but after looking at what's on the other page, they're about even.


Overwatch is a bit more PvP oriented, Battleborn is a bit more co-op (Borderlands style) oriented.

Overwatch has the bigger budget and looks a bit more visually refined/detailed. I thought Overwatch had slightly better designs/art from the initial reveal but after looking at what's on the other page, they're about even.

i mean, i did pick the two ugliest characters. overall battleborn looks like ass compared to overwatch.
Who is up for lobbies tonight? Haven't played in a few days. I want to fight Blackule because one my friends I can't beat plays her, and he's cocky and I want to step him down a peg.

He dashes like crazy but it's in a position I can't reach. Like he'll do it constantly full screen.


Overwatch is a bit more PvP oriented, Battleborn is a bit more co-op (Borderlands style) oriented.

Overwatch has the bigger budget and looks a bit more visually refined/detailed. I thought Overwatch had slightly better designs/art from the initial reveal but after looking at what's on the other page, they're about even.

Thought battleborn was also trying to do a more moba type thing as well.


The only consensus is really the top 2-5 characters. Most others are still argued whether or not the are strong. A lot of JP players are surprised at Amane but a good amount don't think he is too great. Same with Taokaka, Platinum, Bullet, etc. Tsubaki too. I know a lot of Kagura players who are good, they win. But they acknowledge that their lack of tools give them a disadvantage.

There's a lot of matchups and tech still not know because of the amount of high level player per characters becomes thinner.

I was just wondering where the disagreements stem from cuz Anne told me a lot of American ride on SKD bias like crazy and convince Izayoi is the "best" when that certainly is not the case.

What are your thoughts? I just try to provide insight as to what different regional group in Japan think of the game now to give overseas players an idea before most get access to CentralFiction.

Yeah, this BB is very hard to figure out how to place the majority of the cast. I'm rather pleased with that since it shows that we're still trying to figure out the game this far in with character's we're familiar with. As for me, my knowledge on it is still limited. It's isolated to just the CF play here in SoCal while seeing JP match videos. Not the best, but I'm able to form my own opinion on what I do know.

In CF, I never made a full list. Kind of pointless for me since I have no idea about what the order would be for the majority of the cast. But top 3 I would say Izayoi/Carl and Arakune as the game's S tier. After that it would be characters like Rachel and such. I don't know who would be bottom, but the character that stands out as underwhelming for me would be Noel. That's all I can say on that matter. Characters I feel that are underrated and underrepresented are Kokonoe and Mu.

As for Izayoi, I will admit that I'm the type of player that thinks my character is really strong (if it's a strong character to begin with). Even in BBCPE I felt that Izayoi was one of the best characters in the game and that 1.1 she wasn't that bad of a character (but not amazing in 1.1 either).

CPE she can really shut down options with the use of her tools paired with OSes to the point where you're quite limited with defensive options. She can easily OS against backdash and Fuzzy Jump, her 2A recovery makes her safely meaty the majority of the cast's DP, GA 66j.A is like a 14 frame overhead, 6A has positive proration iirc, good OD in neutral, 2C jump cancel OD is good, etc.

Some of her CPE tools got removed, but I think CF added enough to make it even/better. When I see them let her keep some existing stuff from CPE while giving her the good stuff from 1.1 (Strike Fall changes, Trans-Am much better again instead of like CPE), I see her as a really strong character. I just don't know whether she's better than Carl or not. At this point, it doesn't really matter since I find them both incredibly strong.

So in Izayoi's case, some of it is SKD bias, but some of it's mine as well since I've been putting the time in this character.


Laura's got the best taunt in the game.
Without doubt.

Then what the hell is Overwatch?
Nothing about Overwatch is about space, actually it's a mix of transhumanism and machine war. The whole team was built to fight AIs with D'Va being a pacific rim knock off fused with AI war and starcraft. :p

Genji and Reaper and Soldier whatever is number are basically transhumans. :p

Very little space.


tagged by Blackace
i mean, i did pick the two ugliest characters. overall battleborn looks like ass compared to overwatch.
Battleborn is super inconsistent with respect to modeling IMO, some are super detailed, other looks considerably low poly, and I think there isn't as clear of a throughline between the character designs as there is in Overwatch, but there are some super neat ones in there.

The beta had promise but there's just way too much that needs to be refined for me to be confident in it. Doesn't help that most people haven't given a fuck about the game at any point. This is probably the most anyone is talking about it ever, and it's because of Overwatch.

Thought battleborn was also trying to do a more moba type thing as well.
This too, I don't think they're that comparable besides both being hero-shooters.

I just vomited in my mouth for using that term.


Overwatch is a bit more PvP oriented, Battleborn is a bit more co-op (Borderlands style) oriented.

Overwatch has the bigger budget and looks a bit more visually refined/detailed. I thought Overwatch had slightly better designs/art from the initial reveal but after looking at what's on the other page, they're about even.
I was talking about artstyle. Like if you showed me two game play images of both images I wouldn't be able to tell them apart.


Ran like 6 first to 5 matches with Native this weekend. Mika is really scary when she gets started. It's even scarier online because of the minor rollback dropping frames here and there, lol. I ran Zangief the entire time because that's all I've been playing online because he's too much fun in Casual matches. I should hit Ranked with Birdie again, lol


Ran like 6 first to 5 matches with Native this weekend. Mika is really scary when she gets started. It's even scarier online because of the minor rollback dropping frames here and there, lol. I ran Zangief the entire time because that's all I've been playing online because he's too much fun in Casual matches. I should hit Ranked with Birdie again, lol

Yeah mika is scary, I'm okay with using Sim in the matchup but recently picked up chun as a second.

It feels so good to have an ex spinning bird in case she ever gets me in the corner.
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