"Hey Capcom...why aren't you acknowledging the things people like about Marvel vs Capcom the most as a series in this new game?"
To which old man Capcom mearly chuckles and does this...
...Every. Time.
For real Combofiend? People have zero character loyalty or fan affinity apparently. All about the tools. Tools is only true to a point. As folks here have said about many games before, if it didn't have a character they got into they still wouldn't play them. Be it anime or non anime if they just didn't jive with "the dude with the tools" so much as "the dude behind the tools" then they never played as that dude regardless of if they had 8 way dashing or whatever.
Character appeal is huge and ignoring ones with fanbases in a licensed title is silly. Its one of the biggest selling points in any form of entertainment. I hate seeing folks overlook it in hoodie and short hair design number 900 or space marine number 9 million in games these days. No appeal. It really hurts to see folks ignore entire fandoms in a licensed game to say its all about the tools over the roster's faces as they pick B lister after B lister over top draw staples to comic/game fans. Theres a reason games have less iconic new faces cropping up in them these days if this "toolset is good enough" mindset is a sign of how things go in the developer room these days. You gotta have both tools and cool characters for folks to notice you. Looking cool and having cool gameplay need to go hand in hand. Marvel needs more cast with higher appeal than third stringer from "___" team filling the roster.
lol. My gif has the same exact smile as the new Dante model in MVCI too XD