Fatal 8 was on the Xbone. Yay corporate sponsorship.If they are playing XB1 version I can understand since crushed blacks are a common thing on the XB1.
Fatal 8 was on the Xbone. Yay corporate sponsorship.If they are playing XB1 version I can understand since crushed blacks are a common thing on the XB1.
Yep if both player using the beta patch the online is much better.They did?
Damn markman.....you crushing my hope. I really wanted mkx to have a decent netcode.My online experience with MKX has been horrid. I couldn't even combo... I got this though...
My online experience with MKX has been horrid. I couldn't even combo... I got this though...
Floe is now saying 'worst netcode evar'
My online experience with MKX has been horrid. I couldn't even combo... I got this though...
Pretty sure people are gonna have to care about Story Mode if they wanna unlock Shinnok.
Worse than KoFXII or launch T6? Jesus Christ.
I think you know something
It was obviously a joke referencing to a time when Ono swore up and down that no one in the community would figure out the mystery 5th character for USF4 when most people knew it was Decapre.
During a lot of time in France many people though it was Santamu.
So a while back on Excellent Adventures Gootecks was wearing this amazing Randy Savage T-shirt that is purple.
I've been checking online to find the same one/same quality but no luck.
Does anyone randomly know where I can get that same purple Macho Man T-shirt? I need it in my life.
Do you have a picture of it?
Since there is a new fighting game coming out this week it's time for...
Shoutouts to Cossner BTW
Slide slide slippity slide...
Worse than KoFXII or launch T6? Jesus Christ.
Aris is awesome @ breaking down games
if it's worse than those two, then fuck my life.
It's this, but it was a darker purple.
Floe is now saying 'worst netcode evar'
I may have to risk that Ali version. I need a Medium size, and 80's tee's lacks the correct size sadly.
Next payday we in there!
I kind of have to wonder if MKX online is being affected by the fact that not a lot of people have it yet, so its probably matching people with people who are far away from them. I've seen people say that close/local connections are absolutely fine.
Is Aris streaming story mode of MKX? I want to watch him play the game but I don't want to spoil the story for me.
IIRC Didn't Aris win a WNF in Injustice when the game was pretty new?
Oh shit, Steam released got pushed up to 5 hours from now instead of 20.
As many Steam community members have noticed, the size of the initial pre-load for Mortal Kombat X is about 3 GB. This is because we are using a new feature of Steam that allows the game to be played while the full download is streamed and installed in the background.
As soon as the game is played for the first time, a batch of DLC content will appear in your download queue. Check the Steam client to see the download progress on DLC items labeled Mortal Kombat X Install Pack 01 through 23.
Youll be able to play the game while these downloads complete.
Is Aris streaming story mode of MKX? I want to watch him play the game but I don't want to spoil the story for me.
Steam is awesome <3
It'll come out @ 9PM PST/midnight EST
Oh man I'll probably not sleep tonight
Great tournament great experience
My online experience with MKX has been horrid. I couldn't even combo... I got this though...
Lmao, Mike Ross hanging out on stream with Steve Aoki, and Mike Shinoda.
He's made it to the big time, boys.