Fighting Games Weekly | Aug 11-17 | RIP Hitokage


There isn't a way to play GCN games (Melee) on WiiU is there? I just realized my ASUS monitor doesn't have composite and I can't use my Wii.
Well, there's a lot of hit stun, but I'm kind of confused as to what inevitably causes them to go back into neutral. I think you mean no hit stun deterioration.

Yeah, that is what I meant, and most likely the video upload meant too, I fixed it in the original post I did


GUYS, UMVC3 NO HIT STUN DETERIORATION(With the save state hex edit hack)

People really want to force a patch don't they...

How in the hell is hitstun deterioration tied to your save file?
I'm so confused right now.
The rabbit hole apparently goes pretty deep with the save files in the game.

Just a few days ago someone hacked the game so that the previous removed TAC mechanic game was incorporated back into the (ie. spend 1 bar to fast switch a character as a replacement to TACs). This is all using save edit hacks, no one is actually going and putting new shit in.


People really want to force a patch don't they...
Capcom ain't patching shit bruh.
The rabbit hole apparently goes pretty deep with the save files in the game.

Just a few days ago someone hacked the game so that the previous removed TAC mechanic game was incorporated back into the (ie. spend 1 bar to fast switch a character as a replacement to TACs). This is all using save edit hacks, no one is actually going and putting new shit in.
Yeah. The fast character switch made sense since you're just binding the unused functionality for it to one of your buttons.
I just don't get why the game would even look at something in your save file to calculate hitstun deterioration. You'd think that would be something implemented system wide in a generic fashion.


I know which is why I said PEOPLE as in people are trying to take matters in their own hands.
Oh, my bad. I misread that.

I thought you meant that people would use save hacking make online play miserable, at which point capcom would possibly be forced to patch the game...


I don't know what I expected for that Madden commercial, but I sure am entertained

I don't play many sports games (despite being a fan)
or any games, for that matter, since I'm usually working on OFL
, but I have a lot of friends that do and this ad perfectly captures how far it gets taken when they play Madden.
I don't play many sports games (despite being a fan)
or any games, for that matter, since I'm usually working on OFL
, but I have a lot of friends that do and this ad perfectly captures how far it gets taken when they play Madden.

the best strat in madden is to pick the 49ers when they had T.O. and do a cross play and pass it to him all day. No one could stop it lol


tagged by Blackace
I vote for all the titles, since no clear winner this week. Fall back you nerd is hilarious but only semi fgc related
Yeah, there's plenty more related things. The rest of this week was:

- Kano announced
- Chris G being an idiot over Robin Williams (we should stay away from this)
- RIP Aqua's PC
- Deckard actually paying up, stay free Ultradavid
- Ono saying please wait for next year
- Unconfirmed video of Jago breakdancing in gyms
- Canada Cup Cnacelled
- First Attack PR

I'm sure we can think of something better.

Mr. X

To my understanding, save files have to be checked and uploaded when a game starts. You can sneak in stuff that "patches" game files. They probably have the disc files and making "patches" to switch stuff in hidden on the disc or turn off or insert different variables to systems.
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