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Fighting Games Weekly | Feb 2-8 | The Great Cave-In Offensive

They should just do a single elim team tournament. There are still 3 hours left and the international players will probably ocv the other teams so it shouldn't take long.
Love how winners side is straight up all Japanese

Dogura made it through winners and he barely plays the game anymore. Not only that dude is using his Rolento instead of his Bison


Love how winners side is straight up all Japanese

Dogura made it through winners and he barely plays the game anymore. Not only that dude is using his Rolento instead of his Bison

How you know he barely plays? Dood could be grinding 8 hours a day for all you know
Looks like I wasn't wrong about Bonchan going to redbull kumite. The japanese event hubs have put the article of Bonchan saying he's going on stream along with a time stamp.

Snake Eyez

I think Dieminion hinted at it too in his tweet


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Coincidentally, I just popped in Soul Calibur for Dreamcast for the first time in years just to test my new Saturn controller adapter. Works great, but it only makes it that much more apparent at how the DC controller was a step back: I can only use 6 of the 8 buttons.


Coincidentally, I just popped in Soul Calibur for Dreamcast for the first time in years just to test my new Saturn controller adapter. Works great, but it only makes it that much more apparent at how the DC controller was a step back: I can only use 6 of the 8 buttons.

I could use a controller and an adapter for my Dreamcast so that I would play it more. The Dreamcast controller is such a step backwards. Great for Crazy Taxi though.

Coincidentally, they're also playing it in France.



From MKX trailer thread:

Seriously, NRS, you could find better amateur modeling artists on deviant art, like, WTF?!!

To be fair, I have also seen screen caps where Kitana looks pretty great. I can freeze frame just about any game at an opportune moment to make it look as bad as possile. Having said that, despite it being a step up from MK 9 I do think they have a way to go before they catch up to what we've seen other developers are capable of.


Spent most of today playing sbx. I forgot how funny the assists are... The first time you press the assist button, a gauge appears showing a little horse, and this represents how long it takes before your assists will rock up at the battle and be able to be called. And if you call the assist too early in the match, you get a gimped version that does less hits. Like there's all that broken stuff, but they went to extra lengths to try and make assists reasonable. Nothing like marvel where you can just call an assist from the start of the match that gives you a million years to hit confirm something.
MKX has preorder DLC and microtransactions. That, already, has made me go from "maybe this time" to "maybe next time". Unless it gets a bomba price. I would have been in there if Goro were standard on the roster.

To be fair, I have also seen screen caps where Kitana looks pretty great. I can freeze frame just about any game at an opportune moment to make it look as bad as possile. Having said that, despite it being a step up from MK 9 I do think they have a way to go before they catch up to what we've seen other developers are capable of.
Honestly, I can't think of any freeze frames you can do for Marvel, Street Fighter, Skullgirls, or Guilty Gear where it looks bad.


saw this on Romance twitter:


you guys think KOF was a "mistake"?

Only thing there that wasn't total batshit was the need for a new Fatal Fury.

If I won megabucks in a lottery- the one gaming-related thing I'd do is try to buy both Lab Zero and SNK, just to get Lab Zero to make Fatal Fury and Last Blade games. (I wouldn't let Mike Z near SamSho)

Other than that, I'd leave SNK alone outside of forcing them to use Z engine for KOF in future.



Could be better, sure. But it's not nearly as bad as that other picture makes it out to be.
This is still pretty bad, MKX's masked version is by far the best Kitana, I had high hopes. An AAA studio not knowing how to model a female jaw is redicoulas, more so if it's one of the things they have been critisized about the most when it comes to graphic.


Love how winners side is straight up all Japanese

Dogura made it through winners and he barely plays the game anymore. Not only that dude is using his Rolento instead of his Bison

He plays pretty often and talks to Nemo about Rolento a lot. Your sources are hella Dee Jay.


KoF is fine, the bigger worry is that SNK can't seem to get any new games out.

Wouldn't be surprised if they went through another bankruptcy in a couple of years.
you guys think KOF was a "mistake"?

No and yes. I made an article about this a month ago (click canadians that can read french) and to resume it:

Back in 94 most series were still experimenting with the idea of crossovers. You had Akuma in COTA, young Geese in AOF, and most of these tests were done undercover because each series had to be different from others. Competition was rude at that time. But from a fan perspective it was godlike as you could answer things like who's better between gouki and magneto. I mean look how much people were happy because you could fight a bear with Zangief in SFXT. It still works.
So KOF94 was almost avant garde when it came out with his cast full of heroes from other series and it had a big success because it was fantasy turned real. Next episodes gathered more characters and the series became more than a crossover: it had his own original story/characters and stopped being only a crossover.

When KOF98 came, they did a crossover of... A crossover. They tried to put all characters from KOF in KOF, it's almost meta at this point. They also did the same with the gameplay, added character variations from past games. At that time having hidden versions of characters and various gameplay modes was trending (look at Alpha 3 that came out in 98 too). This game is almost bulimic and it's the most problematic thing SNK could have done: how do you please your fans when you already gave them EVERYTHING you were able to give them?

SNK decided to start fresh with KOF99 and it was very risky. At that time a poll to the fans would have probably returned they wanted a better same of what they already got. So going striker gameplay and new characters was probably the most stupid thing SNK could do from a business perspective but they didn't have the choice and they were very arrogant and self confident about what they could do.
Now if you look back at all the post 98 games what do you see? Besides KOFXI that is still played a bit today, the only KOFs still played are 98UM and 2002UM, and 2002 is basically 98 with a more free combo system. 2002 should have been a mix of all characters from 99 to 2001 with the best striker gameplay possible, but it came back to 98 roster and mechanics. That was the confession of the mistake SNK did with KOF98 : they did things too well and satisfied fans too much.

All KOF are suffering the comparison with KOF98 because 98 was giving too much to fans. I think KOF13 was a big improvement for a single reason : ok it took KOF2002/98 systems but it managed to be the "SNK Crossover" again instead of falling into the "KOF crossover". KOF13 pulled the KOF characters back and considered them as a SNK series like AOF, FF...
But now they are stuck. They can continue being a crossover, but what fans want are characters that already appeared in KOF more than old SNK characters that never made it, what SNK should probably do anyway. But KOF14 is supposed to be a Dream Match... And if they do it again, they go back in the "enjoyment without a future" trap and they are doomed again by a too satisfactory game.
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