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Fighting Games Weekly | July 7-13 | EVO 2014: Putting Q in more games than Capcom



can you post the hat's png?


Slayer of Combofiends
Wave dashing is literally just air dodging into the ground. So what you're doing is jumping out of your shield and then air dodging. It's the same as wavedashing out of a shine. Its just jump canceling and then air dodging. In Melee there's a lot of JCing involved in techniques, you can treat it like how most other fighters treat JCing.

And what do you mean DIing out of your grabs? Like they DI so it's hard to combo after it?
It really depends on the matchup or how your opponent is. There's no right answer. You can choose to try and read their DI and go after them or you can consider them DIing a win since they're closer to the edge now. Or you could mix it up and go for a different grab so they DI the wrong way.

Ok, got jump canceling in my head. I'll try it out when I get the chance. I was trying to do pillar combos with Falco but it wasn't happening correctly but I guess I wasn't jump canceling. Also, thanks for the DI advice, I usually don't grab too much in Melee but grab a lot in PM because grabs, personally, are a lot more useful in PM when you can get in on your opponent, unless their Sonic or Pit. Those two are just too good right now.
I'm, uh, sticking to fighting game and sports related threads from now on.
A wise decision, sir.

For some reason I completely forgot about this.

Time to practice Melee and use L-Cancels.
Get to it!

WAT. What about kids that can tell me what defensive packages they use but are too young to play the game? You don't have to be a player to love a game.

That would be a person you wouldn't call a "football player" not a "football fan".

precisely, and you shouldn't get irritated for so little, it's not good for you

Yes! Let's be friends. ;)

Are you being facetious or are you really that stuck up? It's hard to tell on the internet and on GAF.

This is a real special kind of mental issue. I recommend seeing someone.
It's actually not an issue of semantics, like you are all making it out to be. I get tired of having this conversation with people everywhere:

Someone: "Did you see the game last night?"
Me: "No, I don't watch sports."
Someone: "Oh, you don't like football?"

This is why I think the distinction is important. It gets old having someone assume I don't like football because I don't like watching football. If everyone would stop being a presumptuous ass, I wouldn't need to make the distinction!

Also re: Dahbomb: the word "fan" is an abbreviation of "fanatic"; it doesn't mean something like "supporter".

I struggle to comprehend any joy or interest related to watching other people play sports.

are you unfamiliar with Karsticles

Yes, so I guess he is being facetious?
JC never ceases to put a smile on my face.
Isn't this pretty similar to watching other people play video games?
I play the games I watch, though. I don't watch the games I don't play. It's a learning experience for me. Actually, this last weekend has been the first time in months that I've watched Marvel for an extenuated period of time, and I did it on the side while working. There just hasn't been anything to learn. I've turned off plenty of grand final matches just because no one is using the characters I do and I know the players. At Curleh last weekend, 2/3 of my characters were in GF, so I kept watching.

Watching sports is not like this. You aren't learning how to play baseball every time you watch a game.

I can understand deriving joy if you are related to a player on the team, of course. That's not something I experience, though. Personally, I don't care who wins in fighting games unless there is an underdog, and then I like to see the underdog win because it means I get to see and learn more about characters I see infrequently. Once there's nothing left to learn, I tend to lose interest.

Fan is a derivation (not an abbreviation) of fanatic, but its still its own word and definitely means supporter.
I don't mind using the word "fan" to mean "supporter", but most folks use it interchangeably with that meaning and being actively involved. I think it's important that it only mean one, but I don't particularly care which one it means.
On the teaching new players stuff, I know james chen/ultradavid try to do it during street fighter like explaining links and terms like yomi/reversals but how this helps the new person understand I'm not too sure.
Has anyone here read

"From Masher to Master: The Educated Video Game Enthusiast’s Fighting Game Primer (Super Book Edition)"?

I don't really disagree with anything in it, but the fact that this is being shown as a "beginner" guide while being over 100 pages is very telling.

I don't really think that fighting game basics can be shrunk down to a pamphlet and given to someone for a quick crash course. They are innately complex.
Lots of books aimed at beginners are long. I think the important factor is the desired result. If something is only a page long, the beginner is likely to still be a beginner when they're done reading it. If it's 100 pages, that's not going to be the case. I think that holds true regardless of subject.


The anime fighting games are going to get all of FGW banned aaaaaaa
ok not really unless start posting about Super Strip Fighter 4 or something equally gross (and if it's not obvious, that game is not safe for work... or anything)

Although it makes me wonder about all of my posts about Arcana Heart
but really guys it's a good game :(
Kartsicle, I really like the way you break down fighting games but the way you phrase things can be abrasive.
If I can accept people liking Anime (seriously, what is the appeal?!) I think you can accept people liking sports. To say you have to play/continue to play a sport to really enjoy it really bothers me as I stated before.
Kartsicle, I really like the way you break down fighting games but the way you phrase things can be abrasive.
If I can accept people liking Anime (seriously, what is the appeal?!) I think you can accept people liking sports. To say you have to play/continue to play a sport to really enjoy it really bothers me as I stated before.
I accept people liking sports, and I accept people enjoying the observation of sports. I just don't like it when people refer to the latter like it's the former, and I don't understand enjoying the latter. If folks want to watch sports, I'm okay with that.

Also, I don't know how someone can dislike all anime unless you fundamentally have a problem with animation. There are so many types of anime that I think everyone should be able to find at least one show they like. I had a long break from anime, and then I found Death Note. Loved it.

If you have particular feedback regarding abrasive phrasing for me to reflect on, I would appreciate it. I know I'm not likeable, but that just seems to be my fate thus far in life.


Never mind, I guess Tsujikawa got it sorted out and is going on a flight to the US tomorrow? I don't know :<. I shouldn't be following Twitter so much and just wait for things to settle by EVO lol.


Watching sports is not like this. You aren't learning how to play baseball every time you watch a game.
You aren't watching a sports match to learn how to play that sport at a basic level, you are watching it to appreciate high level play and learn more advance techniques in advance situations.

I will use Tennis as an example because that's the only sport I play well enough. I enjoy watching Federer or Nadal play because I enjoy watching their technique. I can learn from watching them play, their form, their decision making etc. I can always learn something from watching a pro play Tennis simply because I am not a pro myself.
You aren't watching a sports match to learn how to play that sport at a basic level, you are watching it to appreciate high level play and learn more advance techniques in advance situations.

I will use Tennis as an example because that's the only sport I play well enough. I enjoy watching Federer or Nadal play because I enjoy watching their technique. I can learn from watching them play, their form, their decision making etc. I can always learn something from watching a pro play Tennis simply because I am not a pro myself.
If you do this, then more power to you. The vast majority of people do not watch sports for this reason. They watch them because they have intertwined their self-worth in with a team that vaguely relates to their life situation in some way (i.e. same state or school), and seeing the team win provides personal pleasure for them. The rest are folks who don't actually inherently like sports, but like to socialize, and it provides them with an excuse to gather/socialize with others. It's likely why fantasy football became so popular.
I accept people liking sports, and
Also, I don't know how someone can dislike all anime unless you fundamentally have a problem with animation. There are so many types of anime that I think everyone should be able to find at least one show they like. I had a long break from anime, and then I found Death Note. Loved it.

If you have particular feedback regarding abrasive phrasing for me to reflect on, I would appreciate it. I know I'm not likeable, but that just seems to be my fate thus far in life.

I read everything you post on FGW and UMvC3 and learn/enjoy it. Its the phrasing that can be, I dunno, harsh/direct? Don't take my observation as not liking you.

If I could concentrate why I don't like anime are the tropes/archetypes and the way those character interact with each other. The characters nor the setting interest me either.

There are exceptions; Kiki's Delivery Service. Maybe because I am trying to raise a little girl but this movie speaks to me. There is a lot of conflict within Kiki that she has to face; being a kid/having responsibilities, talent/expectations, tradition of her being a witch/modernization. Totoro is also another wonderful film that plays with child's imagination and learning/dealing with grown-up issues as a young person.

Also its easier to not watch & get bugged about Anime, especially at work; we have so many anime fans in the office.


If you do this, then more power to you. The vast majority of people do not watch sports for this reason. They watch them because they have intertwined their self-worth in with a team that vaguely relates to their life situation in some way (i.e. same state or school), and seeing the team win provides personal pleasure for them. The rest are folks who don't actually inherently like sports, but like to socialize, and it provides them with an excuse to gather/socialize with others. It's likely why fantasy football became so popular.
The people who only use sports as a way to socialize during seasonal team matches are easy to pick out, you can just ask them a few questions about the sport and you will know if they seriously follow it or not. I wouldn't call them fans, they are what you would consider "supporters".

And there isn't anything wrong with being a supporter either.. if you get something out of it or even if you learn something from it then all the power to you.


Can I rep a Q mask too? I played him once in SFxT, I really hated him because his Ogre kept beating me. Good luck Q!
I read everything you post on FGW and UMvC3 and learn/enjoy it. Its the phrasing that can be, I dunno, harsh/direct? Don't take my observation as not liking you.

If I could concentrate why I don't like anime are the tropes/archetypes and the way those character interact with each other. The characters nor the setting interest me either.

There are exceptions; Kiki's Delivery Service. Maybe because I am trying to raise a little girl but this movie speaks to me. There is a lot of conflict within Kiki that she has to face; being a kid/having responsibilities, talent/expectations, tradition of her being a witch/modernization. Totoro is also another wonderful film that plays with child's imagination and learning/dealing with grown-up issues as a young person.

Also its easier to not watch & get bugged about Anime, especially at work; we have so many anime fans in the office.
Oh okay, so you don't inherently dislike anime. There's a lot of it that is trope-free, you know. The genre has definitely been on the decline, though, it seems.

Have you watched any of the Studio Ghibli films?

I wish I had anime fans at work. Everyone just talks about sports and church. That's my fault for moving here, though!

The people who only use sports as a way to socialize during seasonal team matches are easy to pick out, you can just ask them a few questions about the sport and you will know if they seriously follow it or not. I wouldn't call them fans, they are what you would consider "supporters".

And there isn't anything wrong with being a supporter either.. if you get something out of it or even if you learn something from it then all the power to you.
I'm okay with that, too.


tagged by Blackace
I don't think I see eye to eye with Karst on anything. I find most of his reasoning sethkillianmindblown.jpg but he really has some unique perspectives on things, which I appreciate. He's the spiritual successor to scytheavatar in many ways, though I think I tended to agree with scytheavatar a wee bit more.


Kiki's Delivery Service IS a Studio Ghibli film.

Karst can't be the spiritual successor to scytheavatar because he was here way before scythe.


If someone can Q-ify my avatar that'd be awesome. Leaving Vegas tomorrow. :( I'll be rooting for everyone participating.


Never mind, I guess Tsujikawa got it sorted out and is going on a flight to the US tomorrow? I don't know :<. I shouldn't be following Twitter so much and just wait for things to settle by EVO lol.

Yeah, looks like Errol tweeted that. So he should still be going (unless he forgets it again lol)
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