it's funny because dieminion got bopped at nlbc
Place your bets sheeple.
I got Dieminion winning the whole thing.
Art is upset.
Shine wants to go home
he's thinking bout dat leftover lasagna in his fridge...catching up on Orange is the new Black...raging at Mario Kart...
Forreal though this match is taking forever
FADC taunt too good
of course it's dieminion
this was barely over 3 hours for such a hyped up event, no excuse for doing all those matches off stream and not doing ft7.
The event was nearly 4 hours and they showed 1/4 of the matches. If it was FT7 and they showed more matches, it could probably hit 8 hours which is way too long.
I think Sanford needs to finally admit his admiration for Smug.
show 2 sets from each round, make them ft7, it would take no more than 6 hours.