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Fighting Games Weekly | May 25-31 | Marvel vs. Comcast

to you, what is the worst console port of a fighting game? and what's the best?

Maybe not the worst, but the most offensive to me gotta be Groove on Fight.

Arcade version was an ST-V game for fuck sakes. Saturn version had every right to be arcade perfect. However, even with the 1MB RAM expansion it still lacks all the animation from the arcade. I wish they tried a 4MB enhanced release later, but alas no.

Best memories-wise gotta be Xmen vs SF on Saturn. I couldn't believe how good that shit was at the time. After that we got the DC with near flawless Naomi ports and took that shit for granted... but damn, XvSF still sticks out in my mind.


to you, what is the worst console port of a fighting game? and what's the best?

Worst: Arcana Heart 2 Suggoi on ps2. Nearly all characters lag up the game in matches. Only card girl is remotely playable without lag. Any hope to playing the game without lag is though ps2 emulation on pc with graphic and performance assists.
Worst: Arcana Heart 2 Suggoi on ps2. Nearly all characters lag up the game in matches. Only card girl is remotely playable without lag. Any hope to playing the game without lag is though ps2 emulation on pc with graphic and performance assists.

Oh damn, I remember the fallout back when this launched. I woulda been heated if I imported.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
worst for me is VF3tb on Dreamcast

I've been ranting about this game in the DC thread. it's really frustrating as a huge fan of VF3 and I feel that it is largely responsible for the entry's poor reputation with a general audience: to date, 3tb is the worst-selling entry in the VF series. while yes there are other console ports of other games which fail in more important ways than 3tb DC, this game's problems IMO hurt VF in the west, which is something i care about. watching casuals play this game is always terrible for a fan of the (arcade) game.

primary offenses:
  • looking WORSE than the arcade game... which was 3 years old when the console conversion of tb was released
  • having a complete nonsense controller options (d-pad required, no button combinations on default config, custom configs must be loaded everytime you boot the game) -- Saturn VF2 already did this correctly!
  • no command training (which had appeared in fighters megamix and last bronx before it...)
  • guaranteeing that future generations will look back on 2 with positive nostalgia and 3 with scorn :mad:

redeeming qualities:
  • it's VF3 at home... if you're into that (i am...)
  • sound test is good?


"arcade perfect but better" - vsav on saturn

  • best looking saturn fighter (imo)
  • huitzil
  • unlockable english translation

"looks worse than arcade but overloaded with content" - vf4evo on ps2

  • goes the extra mile in every direction; best everything
  • $20 msrp

Azure J


Between this post and Beezelbufo's "I'm an adult" quip, I'd say this thread is already delivering some quality fuckery. :lol

Damn everyone's on this hype train.

They should make a Splatoon-themed FG. Movement options would be interesting.

No lies, I was already working on a similar "literal space control" mechanic for a fighting game concept in the background. Imagine Vsav's Dark Force x Splatoon's turf wars with magicians trying to control and conquer space and you've got a light idea of what I had in mind.


Hi, Midwest Championships are today, and here's the schedule for the streams:

Remember this is a small 2 day event, but some good players will be here. During Ultra Fight Night tonight there will be the KaneBlueRiver vs Full Schedule FT10. I still like Full Schedule.



This is what I get for staying humble smh

Dudley aint low tier breh.

Gouken is solid IMO, Cobalt knows the cheesiest corner setups that'll have you guessing each time.
or just mash DP

Are you going to be on the PS4 version when it starts working sometime within the decade?

They really gave that new Tekken character a literal Tiger Uppercut. Harada-san running out of ideas.
I will! And dudley is not top tier if that's what's you're suggesting, just because smug is turning water to wine doesnt change the fact that he's fundamentally flawed, not everyone can whiff punish with standing rh xx . MU numbers>>>one dudes weekly results. It's like how snakeeyez makes sagat matchup not look terrible. As for gouken, he's still not good, I shy away from using him because I just don't enjoy playing him as much anymore, I like being able to play more aggressively now. So I'm considering ini or e. Ryu.

I'm trying to change my fighting game philosophy. I need a character with some bullshit. Out of my characters, dudley has some bullshit for my opponent to deal with. Gouken doesn't.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Hi, Midwest Championships are today, and here's the schedule for the streams:

Remember this is a small 2 day event, but some good players will be here. During Ultra Fight Night tonight there will be the KaneBlueRiver vs Full Schedule FT10. I still like Full Schedule.

Still haven't slept and I'm supposed to leave in an hour or two. Let's hope I don't fall asleep at the wheel.

EDIT: Glad to see you back.
Hi, Midwest Championships are today, and here's the schedule for the streams:

Remember this is a small 2 day event, but some good players will be here. During Ultra Fight Night tonight there will be the KaneBlueRiver vs Full Schedule FT10. I still like Full Schedule.

You got my attention.

Is the event on central time?
Blackule, DahBomb and BakedYams are officially the 3 worst FG players in this thread

I severely doubt it. I can maybe crunch how things work well, but when it comes to actually playing well or playing enough I'm atrocious.

Warning: Skip if you've got a DJ tier attention span.

Tbh there's been a large amount of pushback against "SJWs and Political Correctness" in the FGC lately, just in the past month or two alone.

This should not be that surprising. Political correctness is, at heart, an attempt to control people and force them to conform to standards that the people XYZ pushing PC, not people XYZ, find comfortable, and the people advocating it don't tend to see the other side of the comfort coin - it is not a monotonous increase in comfort, but rather taking comfort away from some people and giving it to others. I can personally vouch that the more PC a place gets, the more I just want to stop going there. The atmosphere is stifling and feels like walking on a minefield.
It's not much of a surprise people see this as threatening and start pushing back, especially because the mentality among the supporters is that this is a universally good thing and they get everywhere and turn every place into a PC place. It is not "we have our needs, they have theirs, lets have (public) spaces for both". It is more "our needs are objectively good needs, they are merely assholes or bigots, let's drive them out and make everyplace better for everyone". A sensible attitude if the core idea of it being better for everyone was true, but it is not. As a result, fun environments disappear and turn into minefields.

Secondly, correctness-oriented do not offend anyone mentality turns taking offense into a tool of control. Get offended at something, get said behavior banned or restricted. You can already see the results in some of the crazier parts of the internet where people are inventing ever more delirious reasons to be offended to gain power and attention. Bear in mind I'm not talking about deliberately attacking people, especially those who have actual problems, but just people taking offense at whatever you say. That is something utterly outside of your own control and entirely in their control, short of you catering to an ever more insane list of demands. This, again, is probably understandably threatening.

The third cog of the wheel that tends to tag along is the idea of rights inhering in refrence groups instead of individuals. It excuses systematic discrimination of people in the name of some statistical fairness born of the assumption that everyone is the same and any difference in distribution is just culture (and that the difference will get corrected by forced inclusion rather than changing the culture of the group that is trailing behind).
It gets to the point where protected groups get enshrined in law and you can't make certain observations of, say, a black or a muslim, but can make them of the majority group or a member of one because of some notion of systematic oppression. What you end up doing is discriminating against innocent individuals. This manifestation of the ideology I find frankly heinous.

Notions of systematic oppression and silencing criticism as oppression also create a mentality that doesn't fix problems - if a group is perceived badly, they shout and tell people to shut up and are done with it. If that was seen as illegitimate, the impulse would more likely be directed at actually fixing whatever was causing the problem, changing behavior so the old perception becomes invalid. I'd hope, anyway.

"SJW" got co-opted by conservatives to mean "any progressive", rendering it useless as a term since people can't tell what exactly you're referring to without other context. So if you're throwing it around liberally today, you're either oblivious to that distortion or you're just an a-hole.

Not necessarily - SJW in the way I see it used very much has a meaning of someone really concerned with political correctness and reference group politics, not just a generally progressive-leaning person. Not an American though, so I see what's online and not the streets.


As for gouken, he's still not good
Agreed. He's still vulnerable to focus attacks and his opponent just walking forward. And has crappy options when forced to hit-confirm out of crouching lights. Gouken would be really strong if the game favored zoning just a tad bit more. What I'd give for his EX fireball to be turned into a two-hit horizontal projectile.


Agreed. He's still vulnerable to focus attacks and his opponent just walking forward. And has crappy options when forced to hit-confirm out of crouching lights. Gouken would be really strong if the game favored zoning just a tad bit more. What I'd give for his EX fireball to be turned into a two-hit horizontal projectile.
I like the way you think
It is more "our needs are objectively good needs, they are merely assholes or bigots, let's drive them out and make everyplace better for everyone". A sensible attitude if the core idea of it being better for everyone was true, but it is not. As a result, fun environments disappear and turn into minefields.

Well that's what equality means, dragging the people in a better position down. Usually because they are better off at the expense of others.
What a shitty fucking character Leo is. I'm literally going to have to pick him up to learn how to fight him.

Yup. Complained about this exact thing some months ago. Exception-based design where many attacks look similar => Go to the lab to figure out what you even got hit by. It's shit, always has been.


ST definitely has some BS. However, its still the best game in terms of raw fundamentals and footsies. In fact, its nothing but that.

El Sloth

Even Vega has to play footsies until he gets a knockdown, and he has some of the best. Random wall dives on a standing opponent are annoying but can be countered.
My footsies are shit, so no claw player ever needs to respect me (and don't) orz
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