Figure GAF |OT| Rebirth


Man, really tempted on this one:


I like everything but the drills, they look really cheap with that finish.

SF Kosmo

I build models. We don't really have a thread for that, do we? I'm not so into pre-made figures, but I love making models, mostly Gundam, not because I am actually into the anime, but just because Gundam are the best models, but sometimes I do ships or vehicles or other stuff. I started off doing cars, once upon a time.

All of them are at least detail painted, decaled, and top coated, but these days most of them are fully airbrushed as well, and I'm getting more into making my own custom color schemes and getting creative be with them (note the three RX-78-2 Gundams in the top pic, all looking wildly different)

I also don't like "collecting." And I don't want to let my home get taken over by this stuff. So I recently bought a Detolf from Ikea stuck all my favorites in it, and threw out or packed away anything that wouldn't fit. Now if I want to make something new, I have to get rid of something old.

I realize I am making a bargain with myself and most people will still think it's a case full of toys, but they make me happy so...



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SF Kosmo

Good that I run out of space so I can stop posting here ><
At least 13 year old Kotobukiya figure but was brand new never opened happy to have it 😍
It has to be said without knowledge of the game, the bridge baby is creepy as fuck. Just looks like a pickled punk.

SF Kosmo

Man, really tempted on this one:


I like everything but the drills, they look really cheap with that finish.
I think the finish is up to you, man, it's a plamo.

It does look pretty cool. I have never made any of Sentinel's kits before, though and it's pricey.

Unrelated: I found this old Xevious model for $10 and I'm stoked:

SF Kosmo


Ok, the Xevious model is rad, really nice and detailed. Non scale but roughly 1:72. Smaller scale than like an airplane model, but bigger than like a pre-made figma or the RC Berg resin kit. The base is made to look like the Andor Genesis, I had fun with the metal finish and candy details on that.


I just got triggered looking at Tsube Art figures, they are so expensive yet so ugly when compared to similar priced and even cheaper figures...i started to wonder, who buy these?
I guess the stands and the size must be the appeal, because most of the ones i checked have downright awful paint jobs and sculpts on the characters.

As an example, this ugly Sasuke is 379 Euros before shipping....

Compare that to a 75 Dollars before shipping Megahouse Sasuke, and it's even smaller mind you...

Edit (i had no idea this thread existed, last one i posted in was nuked out of existence a couple of times)
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I just got triggered looking at Tsube Art figures, they are so expensive yet so ugly when compared to similar priced and even cheaper figures...i started to wonder, who buy these?
I guess the stands and the size must be the appeal, because most of the ones i checked have downright awful paint jobs and sculpts on the characters.

As an example, this ugly Sasuke is 379 Euros before shipping....

Compare that to a 75 Dollars before shipping Megahouse Sasuke, and it's even smaller mind you...

Edit (i had no idea this thread existed, last one i posted in was nuked out of existence a couple of times)
I have the same feeling with some tsume statues.
Some are amazing (pose, movement, effects ) but the painting and faces are really hit or miss.
even the +1000€ Ones.


Gold Member
Looks like this OT has been dead for a bit. Hope it comes back to life since I love looking at other folks fig collections and swag haha! (Unless a new OT has started up...)

Finally got my Rex in the other day to go with the matching Ahsoka Star Wars figure I bought and they are absolutely awesome together. Rex came with a lot of different options too for his arms, as well as a head or helmet option. Ahsoka doesn't have any interchangeable pieces, but honestly is fantastic anyway.




I took a lot of photos of each fig but I don't want to scroll-bombard the thread and my post, so I've tucked them under spoiler tags.












I ended up putting them on a shelf of a new bookcase I bought which looked pretty neat but hard to see cause of the lighting in the room, so I decided to set up an LED strip. I didn't want to drill holes into the back of my new shelf or have a messy cord run through the front, so I ended up getting a USB 5V strip that I tucked into the right edge of the shelf to run the wiring to the bottom compartment and hooked it up to a compact 10kmAh power bank. I am extremely happy with the end result. Just need to get some fasteners to replace the twist ties I used on the grating part to make it look a bit cleaner.




There is a thread in community as well but there doesn't seem to be many collector's here. Or maybe the fact that it's in community is making it dead.


What's the thread called in the community section

I guess it's more of an action figure thread, I saw Nebula posted above who is an action figure.



Honestly moving this thread to Communities where the threads move more slowly would probably help it. I forget that it exists and when I'm looking for it, I always waste a bunch of time scrolling through Communities only to remember it's not there.

Dr. Claus

Honestly moving this thread to Communities where the threads move more slowly would probably help it. I forget that it exists and when I'm looking for it, I always waste a bunch of time scrolling through Communities only to remember it's not there.

Its been moved! I have a few statues I would like to post eventually, but need to wait for better lighting.

SF Kosmo

Necro bump, I got a 3D printer recently and I've mostly been using it to make custom figures. I'm not really a guy who ever collected statues, but I really love making them, so I've been doing commissions and making gifts.

I'm really happy with how they've been coming out so far. The quality of these home resin printers is now so good that I can't really tell the difference between them and cold-cast resin garage kits.

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