Yooooo.Sorry about the bootleg phoenix :<
So, I got a new job recently
Suddenly my 24k month isn't looking so bad.
Hngh sooo lewd - http://blog.amiami.com/amiblo/2014/08/post-1215.html (NSFW)
Name: Yoann
Thank you for your message
I gave the information to my superiors
They decided to leave you the choice
Either we refund you your money and in this case you have to send the figure back
Or we sending you another snow Miku
Yes i do know the question that going to come straight away which is going to be what insure you that you will receive the real one
My answer would be Do you really think we would send a bootleg knowinly and twice in row ?
Or we can open the product take picture and send it out to you so you can confirm what is inside.
We apologize for the trouble but we expect that you believe us when we telling you it is not something that we do "selling bootleg" is not our business
Also as compensation we will join another figure to your order if you decide to take a new Snow miku.
Please accept our deepest apology and i'm waiting to know what you want to do.
Kind Regards
Latest from Nippon-Yasan:
Maybe I'm reading the tone wrong but I think I pissed them off lol
Latest from Nippon-Yasan:
Maybe I'm reading the tone wrong but I think I pissed them off lol
I'd dispute the transaction with my bank to get an instant refund and never buy from N-Y again. Fuck their attitude.
Why should you have to waste your time and money returning their fake shit just so they could possibly push it onto a less discerning or assertive customer?
Their response:phoenix296 said:A few questions before I make a decision.
1. Will I need to send my bootleg to you if I decide to get another Snow Miku?
2. What is meant by "join another figure"? Are you offering a free figure in addition to Snow Miku?
3. If I decide to get a refund will you pay for the shipping to return it to you?
nippon-yasan said:Hello
Thank you message
1) Yes please send it back as we need proof
2) Yes you will have a Free figure since it is our mistake
3) Yes we will cover the extra shipping well to be more accurate you will have to send it back first and as soon as we receive it we will refund you the money for the shipping back to us
Are you OK with us opening the product and sending picture to you ? Obviously only the brown box and we won't disturb anything inside.
Kind Regards
phoenix296 said:One last question before I make my final decision.
Is there a price limit on the free figure?
nippon-yasan said:Hello
Thank you for your message
It needs to be a nendoroid product and for the same price has the Snow miku you paid for
Please let me know so i can return to my superior before the end of the day
Kind Regards
Latest from Nippon-Yasan:
Maybe I'm reading the tone wrong but I think I pissed them off lol
BiJ and NY. They do write lower prices on their invoices
Shaking my head at this whole N-Y situation. My heart goes out for Phoenix, nobody should be treated in this way when there is clearly a legitimate problem with a purchase that is bought in good faith which turns out bad.
I've had a run-in with Nippon Yasan in recent times - I requested cancellation of several preorders (about 6) for items that would not be sold for months. They had cancelled orders without issue in the past, and tbhere was nothing in their terms stating that cancellations are not permitted (like in the case of AmiAmi). After a slight delay to the usual response time, they finally came back on the service ticket stating that cancellations are not possible. No exceptions.
Now bear this in mind: I have put a lot of business their way over the past 12 months. I'm not a new customer who got trigger happy on preordering. This counted for nothing, certainly if the attitude of the live support was anything to go by. Reading Phoenix's round the houses chat log brought back some unpleasant memories, as that is exactly what I went through with them, several times in fact. Broken English, brick wall responses, a general attitude of 'it's your problem, not ours'. They threatened me with account termination over and over. Yep, that's how you maintain good customer relations according to Nippon Yasan.
The strange thing is, as every preorder has come up for payment and gone unpaid, my account still stands... even after I had repeatedly called their bluff, telling them to kill the account as I wouldn't be using them in future. This happened for 4 orders, and yet I'm still not locked out. Not that I would order anything from them again anyway, and that was before this bootleg drama started unfolding. Now I'll go out of my way to discourage anyone to order from them.
In conclusion: order from Nippon Yasan and you are gambling with your money. Chances are, you'll lose.
phoenix296 said:There is a concern from many people on myfigurecollection.net that you will resell the figure if I send it back.
Therefore I ask that you send me a new Snow Miku 2014 and a Hakase #270 https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figure-nichijou/3588-no270-nichijou-nendoroid-hakase.html as compensation for this problem and I will not be sending back my bootlegged Miku. I also ask that you send pictures of both figures to ensure their legitimacy. You can open the brown box of Snow Miku and open the panel to show that the figure is in fact legitimate.
nippon-yasan said:Hello
Thank you for your message
In Any case you will need to send this figure back
We won't provide any other product unless the wrong product is return
Our point of view is if it is a bootleg and you don't want it we do not see your concern of sending it back If you keep this product it means that you are satisfied with it and in no case we will be able to provide a new product or a refund.
Again as said the shipping fee will be fully refund to you as soon as we get this product.
I'm reallly sorry but if you don't want to send that figure back there is nothing i can do.
Please let me knkow what you decide.
Kind Regards
phoenix296 said:That sound reasonable. Please do not resell the bootleg figure.
Is it possible that you can give me a prepaid shipping label so I do not have to pay for it myself and wait for a refund?
nippon-yasan said:Thank you for your message
I'm not sure about the return label as i don't think it is possible
We won't resell that figure we have no use for it
Again we might have lost your trust but we are not a bootleg selling shop that is all i can assure you
My superior is not here at the moment
I will ask for all this and give you an answer tomorow if it is ok with you ?
Kind Regards
phoenix296 said:This is fine. I will wait for your response tomorrow.
To reiterate:
I would like a prepaid shipping label to you if possible.
I would like a new Snow Miku 2014 and a Hakase #270 nendo with picture evidence of both as proof of their legitimacy for compensation of this problem.
Please let me know what your superior says tomorrow.
Thank you very much for all of your help.
Latest from Nippon-Yasan:
Maybe I'm reading the tone wrong but I think I pissed them off lol
Hmm I don't like that tone. At all...glad they are helping you but what the hell..
I think the engrish makes it sound worse than it meant to be.
Hmm I don't like that tone. At all...glad they are helping you but what the hell..
Sounds like just bad English, I always had to go back to edit my post because it is hard for me to express my tone with writing.
^please read this with atone.
Yeah, about that August Month of Death...
I could also call it the Kill la Kill month.
Apparently my parcel is still awaiting payment of charges despite me paying them last week. I thought maybe the payment didn't go through but I checked my bank and it did. I need to phone parcelforce :/
Well at least the Ryuuko fig from Phat is most likely being delayed.
Well at least the Ryuuko fig from Phat is most likely being delayed.
Decided to make an excel document in order to see all the stuff I've ordered so far. This is what it looks like from now until October. The maroon stuff is what I've got ordered currently but I'm going to cancel, that includes Link Nendoroid, Bayo 2 and Asuka and the red stuff (Gurren Lagann, GITS) I'm going to cancel because I've ordered them cheaper elsewhere.
I probably should do this too lol.
At the least I have the figures I ordered indicated on MFC.
Spread out amongst GSc. Amiami, and the vast majority from HobbySearch
All my purchases are on AmiAmi...all I have to do is log in if I want to make my wallet cry.