I think I'm going to try and get Seven. I'm not going to pull hard for her, but I'll use up my tickets and maybe a daily pull or two to try and get her. I think she would fit my current squad lineup quite nicely and she has the potential to be a decent hybrid unit.
Plus, truth be told... I'm tired of sitting around waiting for a good banner. I know it's short sighted and dumb to pull on a so-so banner, but I am seriously ready for a new unit to play around with. I haven't really pulled since the Noctis banner except a random one now and again, and this game is at its most fun for me when I have a new unit to level and gear up.
I could see myself losing interest in this game AWFULLY quickly if the only thing I have to look forward to is TM farming. Because that, to me, is not a game. Hell, with switch control going I'm not even playing the damn thing.
So when a unit comes along that I can actually try for (especially a base 4*), I'm going for it even if they're not amazing. It's the actual fun part of this game for me, so I'll indulge now and again.