I agree, she could use some enhancements down the line. Her break duration will not be enough in future harder content.
It wouldn't be fair to WoL to give Ling an equivalent debuff a full month in advance of his upgrade. But definitely, her debuff duration will get adjusted once the smoke clears down the road when enhancements arrive on global.
All that said, time to play "what is this week's new event"?
As the CNY event is an exploration event, next up would be a Mog King Event. As we all know at this point, there are two candidates --> FFZ2 and FFT2.
Looking at the JP release schedule, a series of coincidences caused me to raise an eyebrow.
-- Had the CNY "global exclusive" event not occured, this week's exploration should have been FF2.
-- However, according to release schedule, FF2 occured **after** the release of Zoldaad, Part 2.
-- Global is still missing Zoldaad, Part 2.
-- Patches usually occur on story mission release days.
-- Therefore, the CNY "global exclusive" event occurred because the servers are missing the required patch needed to run the FF2 event.
So with that logic in mind:
1) FFZ2: Does not require the missing patch. No straight datamine of the event has been found yet, but lots of potential placeholders from previous patch.
2) FFT2: Does require the Zoldaad, Part 2 patch. Can still occur, but would require the release of the the rest of the island (or another painful half, if Zoldaad is being cut into fourths). Reasonably plausable as well.
We'll likely know in roughly 60 hours or so. Which one does everyone believe the event is going to be?