I know people aren't too high on the idea of an "A Squad" around here since you should build your teams based on the challenge rather than have any kind of dedicated team. But I just like having a go-to team. It's how my brain is wired.
So my best overall units are:
... and a whole smattering of other decent units like Bartz, WoL, Seven, Snow, Luka, Xiao, and Primm.
I had been rolling with a DPS focused squad of Yun, Lightning, Firion, CoD, and Refia, but I think I want to change things up a bit. Be more strategic overall and have fun with the battles instead of just hitting auto and looking away.
So I was thinking of the following as my main squad:
Yun -- DW, kaiser knuckle x2, PoC, bracer, Odin
Ling - survival edge, Diabolos
Nine - DW, holy lance, twin lance, dom ring, Ifrit
Refia - DC, Carbuncle
Lightning - BM, Excal, Sakura, Golem
My thinking is that Ling could do my breaking and fire debuff for Yun. Nine, Yun (with Odin's bladeblitz), and Lightning could do the AoE crowd control as well as dish out ST damage. And Refia for obvious reasons.
I have a few more TMs coming down the pike shortly, like a DW for Ling, a couple black cowls, and a champion's belt for Yun. After that, I have a whole bunch of Sheras and Leons to farm.
Any thoughts or suggestions? Just playing around a bit.