Awww EDarkness and Muku both getting old men is adorable <3
Who care about Oldandeau when Youngion Knight release.Gratz to his new owners!/s
New topic name should be
[OT5] it's not my fault i'm not like orlandeu
So many Orlandus in GAF. Congratulations to everyone, especially to you Muku.
Tidus? I'll be saving up for Cloud insteadthat will be the next time I buy lapis.
Mainly been doing the Event today with no refreshes. Got everything I want so just grabbing a few more of the expensive materials (10-20) for a top up on ones I'm low on.
Tidus? I'll be saving up for Cloud insteadthat will be the next time I buy lapis.
Mainly been doing the Event today with no refreshes. Got everything I want so just grabbing a few more of the expensive materials (10-20) for a top up on ones I'm low on.
Noctis mainly uses 'Shift Break', which your standard ST Def ignore spammable nuke which comes with ATK/DEF Break.
[B]Using 'Shift Break' will allow him to use "Zero-distance Shift Break' which is the huge Def Ignore Nuke, which still comes with the ATK/DEF Breaks. [/B]
Using his Jump (Map Shift) will also allow him access to "Zero-Distance Shift Break".
It's a 1-turn jump that restores his HP and MP. He also has 'Parry' that allows him to evade Phys AND Mag attacks as well as counter physical attacks and restore his own HP as he does.
Decided to do some TMs even though I said I wasn't going to for awhile but nothing else to do sooooo. Will have Quick Assualt # 4 and 5, Genji Glove #2, Mateus's Malice # 2 (DW Dark Fina incoming) and Ring of Lucii #2. After that I truly don't have anything else to get unless I want more Quick Assaults and shit I won't use. Dragon Quest if we get it is probably the banner that I will start to farm them again.
Burned my 30k lapis on the FFT Banner and still got no base 5* welp I'm out. This game has awful odds. Never got any base 5* since I started playing when the game launched haha.
Guess I gotta farm Noctis TM one day or another so my Emperor actually gets a strong AoE.
Yeah I should get his TM sometime too. Maybe after I'm done with Shine.
I can't wait for a Black Mage to replace Exdeath. Not as keen on the character, and have a personal grudge as I couldn't defeat him in FFV when I got to him, and had to backtrack all the way to the world map to get my team sorted for a few days before having a rematch! Only finished it for the first time a few weeks ago.
I'm still working on my 3rd Dual Wield and didn't even start my second Excalibur, but right now I need to finish :
Zidane - 18,7% DW #3, have a 4th Zidane at 13;9%
Snow - 75,4% Champion Belt #2
Ramza - 57,2% Brave Suit #2
Karl - 71,1% Seal of Destruction, got a second Karl at 69%
Ludmille - 35,4% Dual Cast #2
Then I got Black Cowl #2, Excalibur #2, Ribbon #1 (have 5 Kefka, will probably try to get 2) to work for, those are my most "urgent" TMs to get for now, at least until Dragon Quest event.
Guess I gotta farm Noctis TM one day or another so my Emperor actually gets a strong AoE.
Doing this because I need to rank what TM to prioritize. Like I still haven't done any Shantotto's one and have to get ready for event where physical get resisted.
Funny how they changed Zidane's name in the french version considering one of the most famous french is Zidane lol.TM update, that was 2 weeks ago
And now
Doing this because I need to rank what TM to prioritize. Like I still haven't done any Shantotto's one and have to get ready for event where physical get resisted.
So : Ring of Lucii / Mateus Rod / 1 Ribbon (for now) / at least 1 MAG +30% for trying to make my Emperor useful / Excalibur 2 for when I get a good DPS to chain with.
I also have loads of Chizuru for Blade Mastery 2 and maybe 3 and way later Dual Wield 4, guess I'm perfectly fine not pulling for TM for 3 months haha.
all tmrs all the time!
nice to not be glued to my phone grinding raid and events for awhile
ill catch up on the story missions tuesday thru thursday i think
pumped to see what banner is next
It's nice to not even care what's coming until FFX. I think. Unless Gumi throws us for a loop.
My in-game goals are basically to level Minfilia, Yoshi, and Lasswell to 100; max out my remaining espers; and get the Ruler's Ring recipe (2 trophies away).
What about everyone else?
TMs, finished a dark knights soul and two champion's belts this weekend. Now started 5 shines.It's nice to not even care what's coming until FFX. I think. Unless Gumi throws us for a loop.
My in-game goals are basically to level Minfilia, Yoshi, and Lasswell to 100; max out my remaining espers; and get the Ruler's Ring recipe (2 trophies away).
What about everyone else?
Funny how they changed Zidane's name in the french version considering one of the most famous french is Zidane lol.
It's nice to not even care what's coming until FFX. I think. Unless Gumi throws us for a loop.
My in-game goals are basically to level Minfilia, Yoshi, and Lasswell to 100; max out my remaining espers; and get the Ruler's Ring recipe (2 trophies away).
What about everyone else?
Working on a set of Refias when I finish. Is there a reasonable case for 2 Mentalities versus 1 in the long run?
Luka's TM is basically the same as Refia's. Less SPR, More MP + some Water Resistance. Add that in, where if you're sitting on 2 or 3 of her. Just get one of each and you have two.
I feel like you only have a spot for one, maybe two on a healer anyways. Refia is needing a spot for DC and you want at least two to have HP + One of the three other stats(SPR, MP, or MP Refresh). The materia slots are where the majority of your HP+ is going to come from. So two pure SPR/MP items will gimp you considerably.
Mentality to me seems like a great TM for a tank. WoL's MP use is pretty heavy (but he also has a 30% chance to regenerate 25% of his MP when he gets hit with magic) so throwing one or two on him maybe wouldn't be a bad call?
Just depends on what else you have in the queue. I've pulled several Refias and just merged them all because I doubt I'll ever make more than one.
Yup. I wouldn't put any of the "healer" TMs on an actual healer, at least right now. That's why Y'shtola's TM looks not particularly interesting to me past maybe the first one. Though it would be funny on WoL if you had Marie's TM to pair it with...
Luka's TM is basically the same as Refia's. Less SPR, More MP + some Water Resistance. Add that in, where if you're sitting on 2 or 3 of her. Just get one of each and you have two.
I feel like you only have a spot for one, maybe two on a healer anyways. Refia is needing a spot for DC and you want at least two to have HP + One of the three other stats(SPR, MP, or MP Refresh). The materia slots are where the majority of your HP+ is going to come from. So two pure SPR/MP items will gimp you considerably.
The other day there was a very serious assertion forwarded on Reddit that actually gained considerable traction doing just that. The argument being that as WoL can wear robes and that he has generally high DEF, so he can considerably benefit from Shard of Genius to help him better be a SPR tank and make up the DEF difference from wearing a robe.
Any guesses whats the ETA for Rikku?
Just realized that we dont get Lapis as a clearing Reward for new Story stages anymore....but Potions, Tent etc. - thats bad :-/