More Mercedes Love.
Her best build:
Mercedes 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Viking Axe +125ATK+Water Element
Left Hand: Viking Axe +125ATK+Water Element
Head: Black Cowl +28ATK+25DEF+25SPR+100%Sleep
Body: Brave Suit +51DEF+15%ATK+15%MAG
Accessory 1: Bracer +30ATK+15%HP
Accessory 2: Genji Glove +10%ATK/MAG & Dual Wield
Ability 1: ATK +30% +30% ATK
Ability 2: ATK +30% +30% ATK
Ability 3: ATK +30% +30% ATK
Ability 4: ATK +30% +30% ATK
Pot Stats: HP: 390 MP: 65 ATK: 34 DEF: 26 MAG: 26 SPR: 26
Esper: Odin HP:5450 MP:3955 ATK:6250 DEF:4310 MAG:2075 SPR:2270
Total Stats: HP: 5359 MP: 250 ATK: 937 DEF: 265 MAG: 197 SPR: 193
937 ATK.But axe mastery enhaced gives +100% axe atk. So if Mercedes base ATK is 216, we need to add the extra 50% of the mastery enhaced. (108 ATK)
So, 937+108 = 1045 ATK
And if you have 1 genji glove and you use it in your other OP unit, Mercedes ATK with Dual weild is still 1003 ATK
She's indeed a beast. But you also need to enhance her Sea King Chop to maximize her damage potential. 962% damage after 2 hits.
Also, might work quite well with Tidus.
And then I realize that Cecil wasn't included in 1st enhancement wave as well.
Gumi why you hate tanks!
Oh wow, that banner.
Excited for the trial though! And waifu Ariana! Wonder if any of the enhancements (Rain?) will be worth it...
The backlash is funny
The enhancements are good and make the said characters more viable
The investment and JP Future effect is fucking with community yet again
Its sucks that we cant enjoy anything because we are always glancing over at how OP JP stuff gets in the future
It just goes to show that Global still isnt doing enough to diverge our version of the game
As a short term solution they should make the enhancements for cheaper/weaker units MUCH easier to aquire. There needs to be a balance of investment and for the return to be worth it. And quite honestly? Medius's Enhancements should have just been his actual 6 star status
More Mercedes Love.
Her best build:
So what are we guessing is the cost of these ability enhancement mats. 100 rainbow eggs for 1? 200 rainbow eggs?
Also saw that Lasswell season 2 is gated as a 5* rare summon instead of being a story unit, really disappointing.
Let's hope this won't happen to Rain season 2 when he'll be available someday.Yes I know what happens to him in the story
Also saw that Lasswell season 2 is gated as a 5* rare summon instead of being a story unit, really disappointing.
Let's hope this won't happen to Rain season 2 when he'll be available someday.Yes I know what happens to him in the story
To be fair, making him a gated unit also allows them to make Lasswell ridiculously buff. Based off his preliminary stats from reddit, he's a top class unit. He even gets to equip all the other Lasswell specific equipment and get their bonuses as well.
I'm not sure why Chizuru didn't make it in as her enhancements aren't particularly long-lasting. It'd make her very useful right now if they included her.
That's what I said lol. But I was thinking about it and it may be due to the fact that even at high ladder she is still really common in the arena. Couple that with the fact that everyone complains about evasion and I can kind of see why they left her for now.
Brave Exvius was a mistake.GL batch 1 ability awakenings
kuja, lid, rain, fina, krile roselia mercedes lightning medius seven
so bad
dark beast trial and some garbage banner to help you beat them?
lightning, medius, seven, mercedes
- Lightspeed (Support): 30% Chance Dodge Physical Attack > 30% Chance Dodge Physical Attack & 20% Chance Dodge Magic Attack
- Area Blast (Power): 180% AoE Physical Attack > 220% AoE Physical Attack
- Crushing Blow (Power): 270% ST 4 Hit Physical Attack & ST 3 Turn -20% Thunder Resist > 350% ST 4 Hit Physical Attack & ST 3 Turn -75% Thunder Resist
Here's my plan for Mercedes, using only secondary TMs that won't impact Noctis at all.
Not as crazy as Valentus' BIS builds, and it doesn't have the enhanced attack from upgraded Axe Mastery, but still a pretty solid "backup" damage dealer.
Mercedes 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Viking Axe +125ATK+Water Element
Left Hand: Moon Blade +118ATK+Dark Element
Head: Black Cowl +28ATK+25DEF+25SPR+100%Sleep
Body: Demon Mail +10ATK+55DEF+20%Dark
Accessory 1: Bracer +30ATK+15%HP
Accessory 2: Bracer +30ATK+15%HP
Ability 1: Dual Wield Equip two single handed weapons
Ability 2: Dark Knight's Soul +30%ATKw/Sword+20%ATKw/HeavyArmor
Ability 3: Equip H Armor Can equip Heavy Armor
Ability 4: ATK +30% +30% ATK
Pot Stats: HP: 390 MP: 65 ATK: 34 DEF: 26 MAG: 26 SPR: 26
Esper: Ifrit HP:4500 MP:2200 ATK:5100 DEF:2800 MAG:2100 SPR:2100
Total Stats: HP: 5940 MP: 233 ATK: 842 DEF: 254 MAG: 163 SPR: 192
With moonblade, sea kings chop Will only do 12,5% more damage instead of 25% because you are running dual element
Yes, it is indeed very painful to upgrade, but the satisfaction of having a base 4 star more powerful than base 5 star units is amazing
Also, +100% atk buff should be a must have in any phys party until ramza (that we dont know when the hell he will come)
If you're going with a damage burst team, then that's definitely a no-brainer.
If you're going with a survival team with 1 or 2 damage dealers though, I think Minfilia is the better (or at least equal) option. You can get the same 100% attack buff on her off turns in between the big elemental resistance buff.
Is there any reason for me to keep the FF14 raid materials if I've made all the equipment?
I don't think there's any reason to keep any materials from any event after it ends. Even some of the equipment are questionable.
Anyone notice that all forms of egg are only 1 gold a pop?
You mean egg recipes? That's 1 rainbow egg per recipe. The actual combines consume considerably more rainbow eggs.
No, I mean in the sense of normally you can make bank selling whatever the item is for 50g or more... this time it's 1 per egg![]()
Should I just save metal egged until Friday? I'm guessing the enhancement mats will be gained from the metal egg summon?
Enhancements should be up as soon as the servers come back online.
T5 (purecrysts) are only purchasable from the event innkeep (proabably for a VERY expensive price).
T3 (heavicrysts) are being added to the event summon pool.
T1-4 alcrysts are randomly obtained via running the new permanent Vortex of Gems (many, many, many runs needed because RNG).
Yeah. I could see that with the metal eggs, but to make all the eggs sell for 1 gil sucks.
Holding 100k eggs, hopefully that nets me a little outright... Wonder if the T5 will be a 1x purchase of each type.
Guess they didn't like the massive money net that was ifrit coins.
Surprising. Zidane got a 94 rating on Altema.
Also, what's up with the trend for strong Orlandu's with level 40 Odin's and no bladeblitz?