Gumi: Thanks for pre-compiling a list of units to delay their enhancements for at least 3 months!
Was it ever settled on what fryevia bis is?
Noctis fulfilled the promise of Peter Molyneux​
So I can't make this shit up. I'm sure a couple of you remember months back I was bitching about 400+ pulls and getting notta.
Just now while waiting on a response to whether or not I should pull on rare or that easter thing, I did 1 rare summon with a ticket, got Noctis.
What do I do with this guy? Just got to the starting town. I'm scared.
As long as story events give 2 T4 it should be alright.Do you guys prefer 1% drop rates needing 6 pieces or 100% needing 1000 pieces?
Gonna give the game a shot again. Not going to worry about the .0000000001% chance to get a rainbow.
Are you rerolling? Most here don't agree with me BUT rerolling and going completely F2P has done wonders for me. I rerolled until I got top tier attacker (Olive), and then went through the plot. I'm at 4 5* base now (got my fourth today). I'm a lot happier now that I don't pay in the game. It takes a lot of the sting out of the game.
For the record I am two months clean on spending money on mobile this Sunday.
somehow i am beginning to think that unless you are a whale, base *5 are just used for showing off and not to be actually used in real combat.
I have 6 base 5* Lightning, DKC, Emperor, Randi, Gilgamesh, Olive and in the last 2 trial, i don't use any of them.
Somehow base 4* are actually the one most people used on trial (aka the real MVP). Unit like Ling, Refia, Minfilia, Xon. And between WoL, Rikku, Ashe, Tilith all being base 4* instead of 5*, it somehow affirmed my belief.
Sure base 5* is a hell lot stronger in dealing damage but most lack utility (except Noctis) and unless you are a whale that can one-shot all boss, it is safer to go with unit with a lot of utility.
It doesn't help that there is damage cap in Arena, making base *5 damage potential pointless.
I had an interesting tank idea... would it be feasible to use a double style tanking system like Noctis with a secondary tank of Cecil or WoL. Noctis using fish so all attacks target him, and then using Cecil/WoL covering Noctis to just make the damage laughable?
Fuck, you were right.Yeah it sure can.
Olive doesn't need to hit last to benefit the bonus.
The best way to do it is just chain 2 Orlandus, and time both Olive to hit after the 10hit chain to gain the max bonus damage.
You should max that 2nd Olive, double Olive is as good as double Orlandu, damage wise. 1st Olive = Shattering Shot, 2nd Olive = True Shot. Almost triple damage than a single True Shot.
That's a 5 person team including companion. So apart from the specific mission, you can still bring in 6 people in total.I have 2 Noctis (both over 800 ATK) and it seems they wont help me at all in this newest trial :/.
Reddit | Boberochs guide to Dark Espers
Will use that setup.
If anybody has a minute, what's the BiS situation for Dark Fina currently? I haven't geared up a magic user in so long, I have no idea which TMs to get for them now.
Just glancing, looks like Vanille's TM is pretty neat.
If anybody has a minute, what's the BiS situation for Dark Fina currently? I haven't geared up a magic user in so long, I have no idea which TMs to get for them now.
Just glancing, looks like Vanille's TM is pretty neat.
For that Ariana 20 NRG stage, there's a tm moogle if you don't use any abilities, what are considered abilities? Is divine ruination or true shot an ability?
Ah OK, thanks a lot.Yep, so is dualcast, I'd recommend 2 healers, I used Refia and Cecil and literally AUTOATTACKED the whole time (minus thundaga with grande), thunder is like the only element its not resistant too...
Boss is a demon, so dust off those Diabolos on your strongest dd, added him to Gilga with an aurora scarf~
Ah OK, thanks a lot.
somehow i am beginning to think that unless you are a whale, base *5 are just used for showing off and not to be actually used in real combat.
I have 6 base 5* Lightning, DKC, Emperor, Randi, Gilgamesh, Olive and in the last 2 trial, i don't use any of them.
Somehow base 4* are actually the one most people used on trial (aka the real MVP). Unit like Ling, Refia, Minfilia, Xon. And between WoL, Rikku, Ashe, Tilith all being base 4* instead of 5*, it somehow affirmed my belief.
Sure base 5* is a hell lot stronger in dealing damage but most lack utility (except Noctis) and unless you are a whale that can one-shot all boss, it is safer to go with unit with a lot of utility.
It doesn't help that there is damage cap in Arena, making base *5 damage potential pointless.
No Ability.
First thing i did: Embolden.
I have 2 Noctis (both over 800 ATK) and it seems they wont help me at all in this newest trial :/.
Reddit | Boberochs guide to Dark Espers
Will use that setup.
Haha, I tried last night with Cecil, Noctis, Refia, Y's, Orlandaeu, Orandaeu and got owned every timewas dealing out too much as Ifrit nearly got one shorted. Had small amount of health left and threshold instant wiped the team each time. Might give that strategy a try too.
So I finally got a one of the banner units today! Aiden. Been sticking to Dailies only.
Haha, I tried last night with Cecil, Noctis, Refia, Y's, Orlandaeu, Orandaeu and got owned every timewas dealing out too much as Ifrit nearly got one shorted. Had small amount of health left and threshold instant wiped the team each time. Might give that strategy a try too.
So I finally got a one of the banner units today! Aiden. Been sticking to Dailies only.
You're right. This is the game's most open secret. Plus, in certain circumstances, base 3* units are optimal -- Cecil (for now) and Firion (as chain finisher when killers proc), for instance. Exdeath is still serviceable. Even Call of Duty can be useful. And we're slowly approaching the era where Agrias, WoL, and Tilith are top-tier.
For the last trial, I used Refia, Ling, Marie (although Minfilia would've served just as well), Orlandeau, Friendlandeau, and Olive. To be perfectly honest, Olive could've been replaced with another healer or another DPS unit without any real impact.
I believe it's why most say everything is doable with base 3 and 4 units. None of the utility is hidden through 5*.
Rather 5* units are just that, Orlandu outside of needing TM gear, also needs a second Orlandu. And he is the definition of a one trick pony. If it works, great, if it doesn't, he gets benched, because he's useless. He brings nothing else to a party. Outside of Noctis, who I still say is the best 5* unit, the majority are just that. They can hit harder, but it's ironic. The harder they can hit, the more babysitting they need to between unit set up and TMs.
It seems to continue. Ramza finally will become not the most useless 6* unit with his enhancements. But once again, it's one trick and you need outside of getting him, 2 months of enhancement material to make him useful.
Whats up with Gigantuars ? When did they improve the stage ? So much exp per run i wish i had some new shiny units i could use it on.
Whats up with Gigantuars ? When did they improve the stage ? So much exp per run i wish i had some new shiny units i could use it on.
Just a friendly reminder that if you have any Friendlandeaus with 850?ish attack (Olive friends can do it too, I think?), Beasts of the Dark ADV is better NRG:EXP than even a perfect Dunes run, plus it doesn't cost gil.
I'm using it to level Delita, a unit I will never use outside of Earth Shrine - Entrance.
Just a friendly reminder that if you have any Friendlandeaus with 850?ish attack (Olive friends can do it too, I think?), Beasts of the Dark ADV is better NRG:EXP than even a perfect Dunes run, plus it doesn't cost gil.
I'm using it to level Delita, a unit I will never use outside of Earth Shrine - Entrance.
If you're never going to use him, why bother leveling him up?
If you're never going to use him, why bother leveling him up?
2x Mateus's Malice (Emperor TM) / Omnirod (Arc TM) as the discount/realistic option
Creepy Mask
Rainbow Robe (Marie TM) / Siren's Robe (Dark Espers)
Genji Glove
Magistral Crest (55 MAG vs. Ice Rosetta's 50, I think)
Dark Bond (her own TM) + 3 MAG+30%
Replace one MAG+30% w/ Dual Wield and add another Magistral Crest if your Genji Glove is being put to better use elsewhere (or doesn't exist)
Ugghhh. I need to step my egg farming game up. I've been using my 6* Xon to steal each round of the Snow Peaks or what ever the hell it's called in Mysidia (I probably butchered that name too!) and I only had enough rainbows to get the power cryst. I need the Support and possibly healing one before this event ends.
Had 17 tickets. I'm weird. I wanted it to be an even #. Figured I'd burn one.
..... XON~ Okay now I can get these fucking Patches out of my inventory.. and use my own to steal the shit out of stuff.
Edit: 60% on Patches. LOLOLOL. Freyvia's Needle TM... I have 21. Fuuuuuck. Now I need Freyvia.
I feel ya. I had well over 30 of them. They seem to drop the most followed by Patches than the robe. Probably GUMI's way of keeping you pulling for a 5*.