Thank god the arena is full of 100% evade Noctis, IT BALANCES EVERYTHING!!!!THANKS GUMI!!!!!!
... who are y'all gunning for?
Noctii can't dodge status effects though, even if physical damage is evaded (though they can be blocked via gear/TMs).
Can't dodge Death though. Whoops!
edit: hey, I'm a member. The trick to not getting banned as a junior on GAF is to make your first 300 posts in a community thread. #lifehacks
But yeah, is no one hoarding for Aileen anymore? Seems her star tanked rather quickly.
Love how 99% of the time the boss of pro difficulty snorts your friend unit.
Hey player, fuck you.
Also is there a way to quit a battle? It's pointless to try if friend dies and cannot find a way to flee so I just have to sit there and slowly die.
Love how 99% of the time the boss of pro difficulty snorts your friend unit.
Hey player, fuck you.
Also is there a way to quit a battle? It's pointless to try if friend dies and cannot find a way to flee so I just have to sit there and slowly die.
FFXII is my favorite FF, along with V and XV. If there's a good XII banner, I'm done.
Love how 99% of the time the boss of pro difficulty snorts your friend unit.
Hey player, fuck you.
Also is there a way to quit a battle? It's pointless to try if friend dies and cannot find a way to flee so I just have to sit there and slowly die.
Don't worry the hype will come back the moment we hear about the banner announcement...
pretty sure we have some people going for 2 a/eileens
So here's the thing with that, for me. I'm a huge Matsuno stan. Ogre Battle was one of my absolute favorite games of all time, Tactics Ogre may actually be my favorite game of all time, Vagrant Story is in the top 10 easy, I love Final Fantasy Tactics, hell, I enjoyed Crimson Shroud. But I never played XII. Through a series of boring circumstances, I just never got around to doing it.
I'm pretty sure I'll like it. I'm 99.9% sure if the remaster drops on PC I'll buy it and play it. But as of yet, that favorite factor isn't there for me to chase Balthier (who I understand is a great character)
I'll wait for Lyrian's statistically sourced, peer-reviewed research (with footnotes) detailing how well she chains with other party members. Only partially kidding. I love Lyrian posts. He's singlehandedly convinced me to make Garnet great again.
I'd love this. Really wouldCould the Nier collab come over and surprise us next week or anything, or is that beyond doubtful? I feel having it 6+ months away when the release was just 1 1/2 months ago seems silly to not capitalize on that... >.>;
Very true. Do we have any idea what the consolation prizes on that banner are? Do we even know Aileen's next?
See, I've never played Ogre Battle or Tactics Ogre, but FFT -- yes. Crimson Shroud? One of my favorite 3DS games! $5 for 20 hours of D&D-inspired writing with style? Yes, please.
Could the Nier collab come over and surprise us next week or anything, or is that beyond doubtful? I feel having it 6+ months away when the release was just 1 1/2 months ago seems silly to not capitalize on that... >.>;
I wish they would actually say if they will bring noctis back to JPN level eventually or if they will do it by enhancements.Be careful what you wish for.
If it came over, the units would be reduced in power similarly to Noctis - 9S's TM alone would need an almost complete rebalance. 21O could probably be ported over as is, the others would eat nerfs of varying levels.
You aren't wrong re: capitalizing on Nier's current buzz, but just be aware of what'll come if it actually happens.
Sylvia's TM, Sorcery, is a 100 ATK 84 MAG 1h sword. She's a 4* base. She's also months and months away, so...
I wish they would actually say if they will bring noctis back to JPN level eventually or if they will do it by enhancements.
4) Noctis is deleted from your unit list and replaced with Lightning except she has blue hair and her attack animation now features dramatic slowdown at random times as though Zack Snyder was choreographing it. Ring of the Lucii is replaced with a unique version of the Aurora Scarf that duplicates the slowdown effect for your other characters.
Thanks! My interview went well, and some unexpected people pulled some strings... and I got the position.
... who are y'all gunning for?
But yeah, is no one hoarding for Aileen anymore? Seems her star tanked rather quickly.
Ah Yeah!
It my favorite time of the month. TM Completion Time.
All five are approaching completion and should be done by tomorrow.
First up is Shine with Quick Assault No.3 GET!
96k fish so far. Should be done by tomorrow night. Needed a lot of 6* mats.
Rikku, Ashe, Tilith and will go all in on onion knight. Might do a few 10+1 pulls on the tidus banner that includes Rikku but thats it, no interest in Aileen whatsoever.I... honestly don't even know what units I'm looking forward to at this point besides Rikku and (okay, there it is) Onion Knight. We're at this weird stage where enhancements will make characters we've already got exceptionally useful. See, e.g., Ramza, Agrias and, in my case, Randi.
I guess these are the ones I'm interested in:
Onion Knight
Lasswell 2.0
... who are y'all gunning for?
No, it just appears randomly. There's two types of them but that was the first time I encountered both.You don't have to do anything special to fight the bonus monster right? I haven't seen one yet and have spent all my energy on ELT since it started.
No, it just appears randomly. There's two types of them but that was the first time I encountered both.
Oh sorry, yes. Easy encounterI meant like with Nimbus you couldn't attack him or Gigantuar with super high defense. This one you just kill regular easy peasy?
Daily pull today was Gau.
So I have Setzer and Gau. 15 tickets, 1x 4* ticket and 1,500 lapis remain.
I should stop now, shouldn't I? Lol. Not going to land Trance Terra.
Double encounters are nice, first time I saw 7 battles!
96k fish so far. Should be done by tomorrow night. Needed a lot of 6* mats.
The next one could be T. Terra!
Some asked yesterday if Setzer chains with Yun (I think it was crzyivan).
They do chain easily, but I can't find the right timing yet for the full 19 hits.
Just finished summoning my last 400k metal eggs I had left. Up to 15 Burst Pots for OK! As for who I will be shooting for in the future. 2 Eileen...2 Tidus...2 OK...1 Cloud. 1 of each of the 5* Veritas and then I don't know outside of those. Oh and Rikku of course.
youll get them all on dailies i imagine
you bastard
So True (to both)
youll get them all on dailies i imagine
you bastard
To be honest I did two lapis refresh and I gained a rank for a complete refill. I was super lucky for bonus encounters though and going with 5 bonus units + oliveI'm at 30k fish, going at 1/3rd your rate haha