Trial rewards seem a bit lackluster. I feel like Echidna's Kiss should have been mag +30% and something else (hp +10% or something). For someone who hasn't farmed mag +30%s it will be useful though. And Assassin's Vest means one less quick assault I'll need to farm for Chizuru arena cheese.
Going to assume the status ailments the trial boss applies are paralysis and poison considering that's what the vest gives immunity to.
Ok, free daily was Lightning. Not terrible, but I'm not sure what to do with her or if she's even worth maxing out. (daily banner was Leon)
Maybe someone can help.
My current team is Yun (850 atk, have 2 quick assaults almost done), Noctis, Setzer, Refia and Cecil.
My only other 5* is two Ace's and now a Lightning.
So, is Lightning worth using anywhere? I don't see much use outside of Arena, which I am already able to easily get the 2nd level rank each week/month, and unwilling to try for the top 3000.
you would need to enhance her and then ahe becomes quite good
but i dont know if they ever adjusted the enhancement costs on batch 1
batch 2 characters seem to be magnitudes more economical but if you dont have any other enhancement candidates she is solid
Good for me at least. I've no mage gear to speak of and currently tm farming three letters and arms for Freyvia...and who did I pull on a ticket today? Another Freyvia. Need to seriously focus on magic tms, so this is perfect...
Gaf, what was your best and yourst worst banner?
New trial reward is just "oh neat, one less Shantotto TM to farm" otherwise it's not as good as other trials who get nice abilities.
Yeah, but Crushing Blow, which I'm guessing is the only one worth enhancing, is still 4 purecrysts for both levels (not to mention 12 giantcrysts), which really doesn't seem worth it (not that I have 4 power purecrysts) when it seems better to wait considering they aren't easy to get, and there will be much better options, even if I have to wait a while. Honestly not sure how much help that 75% Lightning resist would even help since she can't really chain or finish all that well.
Just took a look at the news. Guess the gil farming is kinda handy? Bahamut is already taking care of that though. How often do the events with 6* awakening mats roll round? My Orlandeau is ready and waiting along and so are the cactuars but I may have to spend them on other units if it's gonna be a while. Especially as I just hit the Veritas and kinda needs to work on healers who too now.
Gaf, what was your best and yourst worst banner?
They seem to have buffed Rem. DW daggers and a skill Boomerang Dagger; I'm assuming it's going to be like Ace's GL exclusive ability, Wild Card; which would be nice.
DWing daggers doesn't seem very useful, other than this events's Defender's Daggers (ATK +12, MAG +68, SPR +35, Manalchemy:3 MAG +15%, Auto-regen) there isn't a good dagger with MAG. Hopefully you can get two of them from the event. But I really wish you could also DW swords as well to take advantage of Fryevias Needle, meaning her BiS build will still require Genji Gloves.
If they were gonna buff her however I wish they buffed her Raise to a Full-Life.
Gaf, what was your best and yourst worst banner?
6* material is always available from mog events, and we're getting a new one in 2 days.
Wait, FRep requires you to enable it through USB debugging every time you reboot? Not a major issue but kinda a shame.
Wait, FRep requires you to enable it through USB debugging every time you reboot? Not a major issue but kinda a shame.
Yeah unfortunately so, unless your root your device. It's an inconvenience, especially if you have multiple batteries like I do, but as you say not a major issue. You can just keep the files on your device so you can activate FRep via any computer you have access to.
Yea. Get's frustrating sometimes when a battery dies or something and you've no access to your computer. It's not a big deal though, takes between 5 to 10 seconds to reset up after your phones been turned off or battery dies. Other than that it's very reliable. The macro I run is much shorter since the auto auto update. Don't have to worry about the actual battle during the macro, just need to press auto on the first run and then leave it at it. Find it very good in general.
Wait, FRep requires you to enable it through USB debugging every time you reboot? Not a major issue but kinda a shame..
Only an issue if you turn off your phone... lol
They need to implement a feature where we can break down Purecrysts into Giantcrysts... or just give us more Giantcrysts. Either is fine.
Memory lane time
I took this screen capture 20.5.2016, it was my 4th day of playing. Thus I started 1 year 1 day ago. I have missed day from here and day from there.
That Gil amount spend without enhancements taking their part...
Garnet will prolly be my first unit to be maxed. I think you need 25/25 LB and 100% TM and 100/100 lvl?
Gaf, what was your best and yourst worst banner?
Oh we get a ticket today
Pull - Gold - Shine
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Atm for me the ratio of this banner must 2/3 gold. And still 0 banner units.
About the fact that we still don't have WoL awakening, I fear Gumi will do something like "1st year anniversary, Final Fantasy 1 Global Exclusive event"
They'll probably beg Square Enix to make/release a 5* FF 1 character, since it's the only unit series currenly released in Japan who don't have one yet. Dunno which one it could be though.
About the fact that we still don't have WoL awakening, I fear Gumi will do something like "1st year anniversary, Final Fantasy 1 Global Exclusive event"
They'll probably beg Square Enix to make/release a 5* FF 1 character, since it's the only unit series currenly released in Japan who don't have one yet. Dunno which one it could be though.
Matoya first GL exclusive 5* mage. Bookmark this post.
We have the anniversary coming up, right? Wonder if the next event after the FF Type 0 will be leading into that.
Here's the countdown for the 1 year anniversary of the official Global launch.
Xon's treasure hunter works. Ran the chamber of gems all weekend without him, no t4. First run with him on the team I get one.
Matoya first GL exclusive 5* mage. Bookmark this post.
Ehhh it might help a bit I dunno. I just started this morning to run a 2 Xon/3 Locke team, and already at 250 NRG, and nothing. Actually I take that back I got a Healing Giancryst on the first run, but otherwise I have seen no difference. Still have had runs with 1-2 Alcrysts and that's it. I'm just gonna go back to using my TM team with a single Xon.