Sakura is the best mage in JP right now. Super good and basically the equivalent to Ayaka for black mages. In longer fights where there's no Lightning Resistance, she gets up to 6600% per turn if her 100% Lightning Imperil activates. In shorter fights, she has Rebel Intention as an ender. She also has several different buffs including a 100% ATK and a 100% MAG (separate), a 50% elemental buff, and a 20% Damage cut.
The banner that has MAX on it is the type separate banner. Only units that they've classified under the two types listed (Magic and Defense) there show up and they come out at max level so you can evolve them right away.
Damn, Destiny 2 looks good.
Injustice 2 also looks good and just dropped.
Why are there so many good games to play these days?? Can't keep up when I spend all my time playing BE lol. The backlog is impossible at this point.
I just put in like 140 into Persona 5. Nier is next. Then I have no idea. Maybe I'll get back into FF14?
I beat the ADV and PRO version of Echidna, and with that and the wiki page I think I have a plan ready for ELT.
Ling (status heal, mp restore, backup rezzer)
Minfilia (confusion block and wind resist)
Refia (#1 healer girl with dualcast and safety bit)
Orlandu (chainer)
Orlandu friend (chainer)
Refia is going to need the safety bit since this setup won't include a tank with provoke. With her guaranteed to live she can full-raise the rest of the group. The Landu's can just attack until the esper summon is ready. I'm debating putting the blind sword on Landu instead of Excal, though the elemental chain is probably still worth it. Unless I get unlucky I shouldn't need items either, since Ling and Refia will both have auto-refresh.
I wiped. I underestimated the charm (which is bullshit by the way since it's unavoidable and the only way to get rid of it is to exploit a targeting bug) and after she hit Refia with it twice in a row I was done. It didn't help I put bushido on Minfilia, who really shouldn't have it since she's the one applying buffs in the first place. Silencing Echidna with thunder blade to bait the tornado attack worked well when I had Minfilia's wind and confusion resist up. I'll probably try that again. I might give up trying to get all missions at once and take Cecil along, he would make this so much easier.
Damn, Destiny 2 looks good.
Injustice 2 also looks good and just dropped.
Why are there so many good games to play these days?? Can't keep up when I spend all my time playing BE lol. The backlog is impossible at this point.
Time to say goodbye Kains.
So who needs help with the trial?
I plan on sharing a Perfect Evade Ling since she is so damn useful on this trial
Just read up on the Echidna trial. Man I fucking hate status effect trials. I'll give it a try this weekend I guess.
If you build a perfect evade unit, do you still get it with charm and the other statuses?
So, anyone have like hardcore Reddit maths on Fryevia gear?
Someone did a more hardcore analysis a while back, but here's some builds.
L&A Build
Right Hand: Fryevia's Needle +92ATK+112MAG
Left Hand: Enhancer +82ATK+23MAG
Head: Creepy Mask +15MP+15DEF+30MAG
Body: Siren's Robe +30DEF+40MAG/SPR+100%Sleep/Silence
Accessory 1: Magistral Crest +30%MAG+30%SPR
Accessory 2: Ruler's Ring +5DEF/SPR+5%HP/MP+15%ATK/MAG
Ability 1: Dual Wield Equip two single handed weapons
Ability 2: Letters and Arms +50% MAG Sword
Ability 3: Letters and Arms +50% MAG Sword
Ability 4: Letters and Arms +50% MAG Sword
Pot Stats: HP: 390 MP: 65 ATK: 34 DEF: 26 MAG: 26 SPR: 26
Total Stats: HP: 4347 MP: 366 ATK: 433 DEF: 196 MAG: 812 SPR: 234
Her doublehand is not to be underestimated though. If you take off enhancer and add another L&A in place of dual wield you get
Total Stats: HP: 4347 MP: 366 ATK: 443 DEF: 196 MAG: 957 SPR: 234
Your more half-assed build would be
Right Hand: Fryevia's Needle +92ATK+112MAG
Left Hand: Enhancer +82ATK+23MAG
Head: Creepy Mask +15MP+15DEF+30MAG
Body: Siren's Robe +30DEF+40MAG/SPR+100%Sleep/Silence
Accessory 1: Earrings +3DEF+20%MAG
Accessory 2: Earrings +3DEF+20%MAG
Ability 1: Dual Wield Equip two single handed weapons
Ability 2: Power of Creation +30% ATK +30% MAG
Ability 3: MAG +30% +30% MAG
Ability 4: MAG +30% +30% MAG
Pot Stats: HP: 390 MP: 65 ATK: 34 DEF: 26 MAG: 26 SPR: 26
Total Stats: HP: 4140 MP: 353 ATK: 460 DEF: 197 MAG: 700 SPR: 186
Someone who actually has her should be able to tell you where the doublehand tipping point is. I'd recommend playing around with the unit calculator if you haven't already.
Don't forget to put Dual Wield on Snow, counters for days.
I seriously cannot wait till we get the training dummy
would be so much easier to track damage potential and comparisons
Im also trying to figure out the best build for my fryevia
Huh? DW doesn't trigger on counters.
Is there a reason why not to use Genji Glove if one has it? Obviously go with DW if no GG.
I seriously cannot wait till we get the training dummy
would be so much easier to track damage potential and comparisons
Im also trying to figure out the best build for my fryevia
I'm 99% sure Balthier will be in the next batch of enhancement candidates and being my very first premium 5* DPS I absolutely want to enhance him, but god help me coz i'm only sitting at 2 T4 red crysts!
3rd echidna wipe in a row now. This is getting annoying. Flare just doesn't seal. Silencing it just makes flare and tornado happen. Qon's WKN was MVP but I can't do much when she flare's, charms, and drains on the same f'ing turn. Anyone got an evasion cheese friend set up?
3rd echidna wipe in a row now. This is getting annoying. Flare just doesn't seal. Silencing it just makes flare and tornado happen. Qon's WKN was MVP but I can't do much when she flare's, charms, and drains on the same f'ing turn. Anyone got an evasion cheese friend set up?
3rd echidna wipe in a row now. This is getting annoying. Flare just doesn't seal. Silencing it just makes flare and tornado happen. Qon's WKN was MVP but I can't do much when she flare's, charms, and drains on the same f'ing turn. Anyone got an evasion cheese friend set up?
Damn, Destiny 2 looks good.
Injustice 2 also looks good and just dropped.
Why are there so many good games to play these days?? Can't keep up when I spend all my time playing BE lol. The backlog is impossible at this point.
Better get farming then! I just did the 90 EN Story mode again and got another T4 Attack Cryst. =o I'm up to 13 now, yas
Firion's Fin Briar is the only red upgrade I've done, lol.
Better get farming then! I just did the 90 EN Story mode again and got another T4 Attack Cryst. =o I'm up to 13 now, yas
So basic, TM farm now as much as you can.
Only Firion? Don't you have like an Orlandu, or Tidus? lol
I'd have more than that if I took back all my enhancements though, lol. Randi, Tidus, Orlandu, etc
Recently pulled Eileen, but she's still lvl 1. I kinda like Nyx better as my dmg dealing chainers, might have to eventually enhance Eileen if only for that friend level though...
I'll probably hold off on it until weapon enhancements are in game, just to make sure those dont use the same mats.
And nah, no Orlandu or Tidus. Prishe was my only 5* chain unit up until guaranteed rainbow gave me 2 Nyx....and then now Eileen on Sakura banner.
Recently pulled Eileen, but she's still lvl 1. I kinda like Nyx better as my dmg dealing chainers, might have to eventually enhance Eileen if only for that friend level though...
I'll probably hold off on it until weapon enhancements are in game, just to make sure those dont use the same mats.
And nah, no Orlandu or Tidus. Prishe was my only 5* chain unit up until guaranteed rainbow gave me 2 Nyx....and then now Eileen on Sakura banner.
Say what? That sounds interesting
My PS4 Backlog alone is at around 120 games right now. That doesn't even count Switch/Wii U/PC/Everything Else. I just started putting the names of my games in a bag, and pulling one out and I play what it says. I put new games in the bag as I buy them. Exceptions are out there like DQ Heroes 2 I played instantly and so on.
Yep, fuck this trial. Insta-killed Refia with 5k hp, 300 def, and 400 spr with a 40% def/spr buff on (and no it wasn't the death kiss, she had the safety bit on too). Evasion Noctis it is; you won't play fair then I won't either.