I was going to say I was curious what everyone has and doesn't have for 5*s. Personally only missing WKN/Demon Rain and Dracu Las. I didn't pull for any of them though.
I have
4 - Luneth
3- Emp, Noctis, DKC, Orlandu, Y'shtola
2- Dark Fina, TT, Fry, Reberta, Delita, Ramza, Queen, Aileen, Greg
1- Lightning, Randi, Yun, Rem, Ace, Olive, Elza, Maxwell. Oh forgot Marie as well.
So 46 base 5 it seems. Yikes that's way more than I thought lol.
Off of the top of my head,
I made sure to have at least doubles of chainable attackers; Yun, Reberta, Fryevia, Aileen, and Orlandeau (which I have 3 of). And I'll probably try for more than one Tidus (as long as my first ain't too painful).
For some reason, Ramza, Ace, Lighting and Olives I get a ton of; 4 each. I also get multiples of DKC, Queen, Delita, etc. I only have one each of D. Fina and TT unfortunately, the ones I want the most multiples of, I don't get.
And I also only have one WKN and Dracu Lasswell; I wouldn't mind having another WKN, I hate his sprite, but he has really good utility.