I'd be willing to try with either/both. Haha. I gotta figure out whats best though magic wise to tackle him with. It's not like he's weak to anything particular. Anyone who has tackled it, what is best magic you've found to tackle Willy with?
I went in with Dark Fina and dual ultimas but ended up dying. He hits super hard and one shots a lot of characters even when he's attack broken. You have an Orlandu right? Despite the physical resist just take a friend's in and do the perfect chain. It's what I did on my second try and it still wrecks.
Hmm okay, will try that in a few moments. I guess tip here is to bring some good MP pots since Divine Ruination is an MP hog. I didn't feel so bad for getting Wil down to almost 20% or so. But then he ROFLstomped me.
If my Orlandu's LB is lv 20, would it be worth using or just continue chaining?
Alt pulled daily. Gold here too. Wut. Was like it won't be a Zyrus. Open up... Zyrus. Fuck you game. I wanted him on my main.I want that Spike. Guess alt is getting the Spike today.
Wondering if Jean's TM is worth it.
Whew!!! Beat him!!! Thank you Zera's hax Orlandu. Mine isn't that great.. yet. I am sure he is what was holding me back a bit, but got it done! Thank you GAF!
75.3% on Excalibur now. :3
Whew!!! Beat him!!! Thank you Zera's hax Orlandu. Mine isn't that great.. yet. I am sure he is what was holding me back a bit, but got it done! Thank you GAF!
75.3% on Excalibur now. :3
Came into work today, and had a $200 Visa giftcard waiting for me for a contest I won! It of course went to Lapis. Decided since I got free monies I would do a few 11 pulls for Will since I wasn't expecting it. Got him. oh and another Queen...oh and another Orlandu...oh and another Noctis. W..T..F.
I haven't tried ELT yet, so no idea if she's up to the task, but I put up my Trance Terra, she's got 4.5k hp and 866 mag.
I can put TT up for you if you'd like. 4.3-4.5k hp 900+ mag, and Ring of the Luci/Alterna.
I've suspected that for a while as well, don't care though, if it makes him happy.I'm calling your bluff dude. You're actually spending far more than you're letting on. I don't care if you deny it or nobody believes me but I know what's really going on.
I bought all the Black/Power/Support ones personally. Going to probably get all 3 Purecrysts also. Fuck it.
Shit, so we need half a decent tram for that last fight >.>
C-murph,your Orlandu is such a troll. Deathbringer + no Bladeblitz lol.
Lol. I've been avoiding Cmurph's Orlandu since Bahamut.
I know that Orlandeau! No Dragon Killer right?
Man, glad Bahamut Raid gave me 2 turns sometimes.
got nothing from the Wilhelm banner, oh well. I'm looking forward to the livestream for JP next week. I wonder what they'll announce.
Came into work today, and had a $200 Visa giftcard waiting for me for a contest I won! It of course went to Lapis. Decided since I got free monies I would do a few 11 pulls for Will since I wasn't expecting it. Got him. oh and another Queen...oh and another Orlandu...oh and another Noctis. W..T..F.
. Also I bought myself a new toy, a ford mustang, so that took much of my time!
I've suspected that for a while as well, don't care though, if it makes him happy.
Haven't been playing a lot lately, kind of bored with the events and the banners lately. Also I bought myself a new toy, a ford mustang, so that took much of my time!
Came into work today, and had a $200 Visa giftcard waiting for me for a contest I won! It of course went to Lapis. Decided since I got free monies I would do a few 11 pulls for Will since I wasn't expecting it. Got him. oh and another Queen...oh and another Orlandu...oh and another Noctis. W..T..F.
Your luck is absolutely crazy. I've spent much more than double that today (even with Amazon coins) to get him, and all I got was him and Ramza. In fact, in the last 500 pulls or so I've only gotten 4 rainbows (2 of them were Ramza). Looking at your luck makes me suspicious that my account may be cursed on pulls, or yours is blessed.
I know Gumi cursed my account now that i am not whaling.
Imagine if Gumi had some giant user tier list like we list their characters.
Man someday I just want to give up even trying to be in top 30k in the Arena, everyone got troll teams with full ribbon / full evade, it's not fun anymore.
It's pretty telling when best weeks are when status ailments are banned / worst weeks is no dual cast.
Gumi should do something about it since it's so easy to get TMs in Global.
Oh I'm sure they have that very info in a database some where. It should consists of their top spenders, how many pulls they do per banner, etc.
Man someday I just want to give up even trying to be in top 30k in the Arena, everyone got troll teams with full ribbon / full evade, it's not fun anymore.
It's pretty telling when best weeks are when status ailments are banned / worst weeks is no dual cast.
Gumi should do something about it since it's so easy to get TMs in Global.
Yeah. I have a million other things to do. I'm so invested with Exvius though that I feel like I can never stop. I really really really need to stop putting money into it. That's the biggest issue with all of this. Such a god damn waste.
I'm buying all the Support/Guard/Tech G-crysts. Gunna buy the Guard and Tech P-Crysts too if I have time. Wanna have enough to max out WoL enhancements once they drop.
By the way with esper skills like dragon killer are they just auto equipped with the espers or something? I checked my materia list and never found it.
check your traits and you should have dragon killer with "Esper" as the source
Awesome! More slots for TM's then. No wonder those Orlandeau were doing so much damage.
Different sources stack. So say you have Man Eater on an Esper. That's one source. They say you have the ability Man Eater. You could equip that and have it stack on top.
As of now, I am. <3Got the fucker, 4 multis.
I added all the friend request. Feep please put "GAF" on your greeting or i will delete you sooner or later.
My lightning is still setup, please post here when you are done with it.
Enjoy the best katana in the game.
Bought that $12 bundle ($10 of it from google reward surveys)
Sign me up for the whale club!
Hope you'll find a way out, but I think playing less will help with the pull addiction 💪.
As much as I hate Arena its unfortunately crucial for getting pots (and the daily rewards). I would suggest just making a single team of a bunch of mages (Exdeath even) and doing mindless Ultima/Meteor/whatever, and skipping weeks like this where DC (or blackmagic) are banned. The most annoying part is inputting the commands personally.
I really wish they would revamp Arena. Its just a chore and isn't fun at all.