Have they announced anything about Zargabaath's release date? I'l probably save my 11 pulls for him.
Just July.
Have they announced anything about Zargabaath's release date? I'l probably save my 11 pulls for him.
My JPN team is CG Fina, Beatrix, Naked Fina, Veritas of Earth, Kefka. Have a 2nd CG Fina in reserve, but Kefka is nice to use for missions because of his BM variety. I will look to replace Kefka however when the ATK type banner is back up. Focusing on leveling Beatrix first.
And here I am still trying to roll for a great account to start JP, just had an Aranea/Lulu/Lightning roll and I swear I would keep it if it weren't for Lightning lmao.
I really regret not saving the code from my Fina/Wilhelm/Lulu pull, by then I didn't know the free 11 banner would be gone >.>
Half NRG campaign is probably the best moment to go back and get all the vault keys.
Still need to do that hunger quest. :/
It does count. I didn't activate the quest because I must have deleted earlier on or something.Wasn't there a ton of hungers when we were farming the bear stage for eggs or do those not count.
I'm starting to feel a bit lost and need help:
-- What are the priorities around ability awakening materials? What should I be buying from the mog king?
-- Is it me or do all of the units with those options currently seem not needed at all? I'm guessing that in the distant future ability awakening is a huge deal and we get them for better units?
-- Is doing this supposed to be easier than it appears? None of this is adding up for me.
I'm starting to feel a bit lost and need help:
-- What are the priorities around ability awakening materials? What should I be buying from the mog king?
-- Is it me or do all of the units with those options currently seem not needed at all? I'm guessing that in the distant future ability awakening is a huge deal and we get them for better units?
-- Is doing this supposed to be easier than it appears? None of this is adding up for me.
Now we know why there is a 10+1 ticket banner (source) :
Might just be the free summon of next week and we can use it whenever.
I thought we were getting a free 5* pull? Is this something else?
Anyone playing on NOX? I keep getting "A connection error has occured" and can't get past the title screen. On my phone I can login fine though.
Anyone playing on NOX? I keep getting "A connection error has occured" and can't get past the title screen. On my phone I can login fine though.
I am getting this error too and I am on my phone. Wtf?
Haven't played in awhile and had 28k lapis and 47 tickets. Used all tickets and spent 15k lapis. Got Elsa, Wilhelm and Tilith.
Tilith is the one I was chasing but I just read that Wilhelm is a good tank. Still have a couple 10 pulls to hail mary for Tidus if he ever comes.
Haven't played in awhile and had 28k lapis and 47 tickets. Used all tickets and spent 15k lapis. Got Elsa, Wilhelm and Tilith.
Tilith is the one I was chasing but I just read that Wilhelm is a good tank. Still have a couple 10 pulls to hail mary for Tidus if he ever comes.
Support was quick with the fix. Apparently it was only a Hero's Ring I had crafting and not a Ruler's Ring, but I received a quick reply back from them stating such and had a Hero's Ring waiting for me in my inbox.Yeah I'm hoping support can get on this quickly. But I am worried that those items have simply been wiped and if so there's no way for them to fix it.
Otherwise the update is great.
Is there any vault related items I should focus on collecting?
Reset command is bugged, new updates, new bugs.
Reset command is bugged, new updates, new bugs.
Expeditions are ok. I think I'll get super bored of keeping up with them after awhile just cause I've done stuff like it too much (the garrison quest thing in WoW and ventures in FFXIV).
I added most of you already but here is my JP ID I'm case I forgot any of you: 366 404 728
Support was quick with the fix. Apparently it was only a Hero's Ring I had crafting and not a Ruler's Ring, but I received a quick reply back from them stating such and had a Hero's Ring waiting for me in my inbox.
JP is on Maintenance now for anyone wondering. They need to fix the drop rates on the 4-star and 3-star crafting materials from the raid gatcha.
Onion Knight and S2 Lasswell are both great characters. OK is pretty straightforward as he's a top class chainer. S2 Lasswell is a finisher with some very strong single hit attacks. They both have their strengths and weaknesses of course but they're a solid set of DPS. Lasswell also benefits from his character specific equipment from S1 which helps ease the gear burden.
Seems like Maxwell ELT can be solo'd by Maxwell or Cecil with any offensive esper.
Bugged or changed to be the best QoL.
I'm actually doing Arena again.
How so? Does it do holy damage only or something?
JP is on Maintenance now for anyone wondering. They need to fix the drop rates on the 4-star and 3-star crafting materials from the raid gatcha.
Based on wiki, he does all light damage.
For PRO, Maxwell/Cecil needs to hit +200% Light Resist if going for Diabolos summon. Since Diabolos has -50% Light Resist and Maxwell will hit you with -50% Light debuff as well.
Not the cakewalk I assumed based on this post. Went in with Cecil, Maxwell and friend Maxwell. Still got damaged a lot though many moves were completely negated. Couldnt keep up with the healing with just cecil. Mayber bring a healer with carbuncle and extras lightg resist, then it should be very simple.
JP really getting behind on us, their maintenance correcting a fuck up just got extended apparently.
We are at least 6 months without a single unexpected maintenance nor any form of delay here on Global. Incredible how Gumi got their shit together after almost killing the game last year.