Tomorrow everyone that played it nonstop without refresh will get the final reward, so I expect a major drop in the bonus. It's all downhill from there.
So if I already pulled a Y's and I have the material to 6* bad of an idea is it to sell all of the coins for fat stacks? Are her unit specific equips worth it?
I think rank 22 will be our breaking point, especially if the timer drops again. It's nice to see this level up and be different from the Christmas raid.
Dont TM and Walking Dead guys. This may happen to you.
rip my olive
18 Y'shtola moogle now, 173/175 unit slots, I guess this is where I stop using raid coins.
At least I'm less than 300k points away of getting her.
175 unit slots? Whew lawd how does one survive with that many?
I did a similar thing, as long as that's pro and not elt, you could use ling to paralyze and hope you kill it fast D: !
Oh God, I finally got Greg. Decided to do another pull and he was there. Thank the Lord.
I need some advice on TM farming. I've managed to end up with 6 Cecil, 7 Zidane, 3 Bartz, and 3 Chizuru. I've already got one DW. How many of those should I go for multiples of the TM and how many should I just smash together? Since I already have one, I was thinking of doing the Zidane's in two TM's. Would it be worth trying to get two Excaliburs or just smash them all together for a quick one? Also, I think I'm dumb and can't get the Discord chat in the OP to work. Is there a way to get added to that? Thanks!
I think rank 22 will be our breaking point, especially if the timer drops again. It's nice to see this level up and be different from the Christmas raid.
I feel so incredibly inadequate compared to all of you when I read this thread. I can 2-turn Pro with Noctis + 2x Exdeath + Friend Noctis / Olive but I can't do anything to ELT. I'm only at 300k raid points after 4 days, so I doubt I'll even hit the free Y'shtola reward.![]()
I feel so incredibly inadequate compared to all of you when I read this thread. I can 2-turn Pro with Noctis + 2x Exdeath + Friend Noctis / Olive but I can't do anything to ELT. I'm only at 300k raid points after 4 days, so I doubt I'll even hit the free Y'shtola reward.![]()
I feel so incredibly inadequate compared to all of you when I read this thread. I can 2-turn Pro with Noctis + 2x Exdeath + Friend Noctis / Olive but I can't do anything to ELT. I'm only at 300k raid points after 4 days, so I doubt I'll even hit the free Y'shtola reward.![]()
TM team currently has 4 Zidanes in it. Likely, by tomorrow, I'll be in a spot where I can cash them out for 2 DW. The million gil question is that as I already have a DW innately (Luneth), is 3 total DW users good enough? Or should I really need to grind out all 4 of them for another month or so? Gut feeling says: good enough for now and move onto other TMs and come back later if really needed.
Nothing more fun that dying on purpose on ELT to avoid getting rank exp. After I got back from work, I had 79 NRG with only around 900 exp to rank up so I had no choice because I wanted to TM farm tonight
I feel so incredibly inadequate compared to all of you when I read this thread. I can 2-turn Pro with Noctis + 2x Exdeath + Friend Noctis / Olive but I can't do anything to ELT. I'm only at 300k raid points after 4 days, so I doubt I'll even hit the free Y'shtola reward.![]()
I say good enough for now, I farmed up 1 DW, and 1 Genji, and use 2 units that have Dual innate which I doubt will be replaced easily anyhow~ If something however changes, I have 3 Z's waiting on me, and a Doublehand until that DW is ready.
It's okay. I'm at about the same point. I just want Y'shtola. Got her on my alt, which is cool but not where I wanted her. Got lucky on a pull. Hoping to get lucky on a pull on main, but that doesn't seem to be happening. Not like I can even make Minfilia's stuff either. Bullshit items always drop the same shit and not what I need for her gear. Not making any of Than's. He can go fuck himself.
175 unit slots? Whew lawd how does one survive with that many?
TM team currently has 4 Zidanes in it. Likely, by tomorrow, I'll be in a spot where I can cash them out for 2 DW. The million gil question is that as I already have a DW innately (Luneth), is 3 total DW users good enough? Or should I really need to grind out all 4 of them for another month or so? Gut feeling says: good enough for now and move onto other TMs and come back later if really needed.
O damn...It begins.
No more daily on PC banner. 1 ticket and 800ish lapis, Orlandu I'm coming for u ��
This is it. Half the player base will die.
Orlandu Im coming for YOU!!
The other units on the banner, Any good?
4* base is Soliel, who I'm pretty sure is considered the worst 4* base in the game from JP players or something.
Ovelia and Lawrence round out the 3* slot, and they have some alright body armor TMRs, but nothing great.
So my team isn't terribly "advanced"...I took a five month break in there. Currently running:
I hope to replace Refia with Y'shtola, but that's independent of lapis, obviously.
SO, do I save the 4 summon tickets + 5000 lapis I have for Orlandeau, or do I try to get a Noctis or Gilgamesh? Obviously I will probably get neither. But...
*nodnod*If you are not putting money into the game, don't chase a five star character.