So I'm the only one who didn't get 2B huh lol? Dem feels!
Husband hasn't either
So I'm the only one who didn't get 2B huh lol? Dem feels!
So I'm the only one who didn't get 2B huh lol? Dem feels!
Thank you everyone!
So I'm the only one who didn't get 2B huh lol? Dem feels!
So I'm the only one who didn't get 2B huh lol? Dem feels!
Me and the wife (Bunches, 602 076 823 if anyone wants to add her) friended her. Always fun to have more couples!
I find that really cute, couples playing this together, so I added bothMe and the wife (Bunches, 602 076 823 if anyone wants to add her) friended her. Always fun to have more couples!
Oh shit, JP gives an 100% Moogle for completing the Season 1, can't wait to get the 10% version on global.
So I'm the only one who didn't get 2B huh lol? Dem feels!
If anyone wants to add my gf it would be greatly appreciated.
She's still only Rank 20 and just started playing: she has A2, Lunera, TT, Ramza...
ID: 870, 969, 352
Oh shit, JP gives an 100% Moogle for completing the Season 1, can't wait to get the 10% version on global.
I hope to be proven wrong when that time comes
Went and setup a cheese party for world destroyer, since I felt like I managed a legit run whatever~ perfect setup and and.... this 2b (gaffer let me down) had an excalibur on smh... i was only 1 round deep and -50 energy >.>; so i went down my list of 8 2b's and 3 had excal on, 2 were gaffers... and realized no its my fault, i should have checked ; ; /shakesfist edit, finished already~
Wait so you got it? If not I can switch my unit to 2B real quick just let me know.
Anyone kind enough to share their 2B for the Aigaion trial?
Oh and my friend ID for the Gaf database : 980,883,382
Sent you a request and set 2B as my leader. I tried to make her as indestructable as possible so she has almost 11k hp and 400 def. If her attack is still too high let me know. Good luck!
Wait so you got it? If not I can switch my unit to 2B real quick just let me know.
Robotuw, your 2B is insane. I was able to get the Ramuh achievement done! Whew. My group ended up being well prepared for it and I easily got it done. I probably could have done it normally, to be honest. Remember, folks, Bushido Freedom is your friend. Thanks wifey and Robotuw, your 2Bs really helped out!
Well i'm a little disappointed. I apparently don't have a device old enough to get this Aigion thing to work with 2B. How old are the devices you guys are using?
Robotuw, your 2B is insane. I was able to get the Ramuh achievement done! Whew. My group ended up being well prepared for it and I easily got it done. I probably could have done it normally, to be honest. Remember, folks, Bushido Freedom is your friend. Thanks wifey and Robotuw, your 2Bs really helped out!
Well i'm a little disappointed. I apparently don't have a device old enough to get this Aigion thing to work with 2B. How old are the devices you guys are using?
Well i'm a little disappointed. I apparently don't have a device old enough to get this Aigion thing to work with 2B. How old are the devices you guys are using?
I used an iPad 2. I was sweating bullets when it came time to summon Ramuh. I was convinced the game would crash when it tried to play the CG cutscene.
I found an old ipod touch. wish me luck, i'm hoping to get it charged before maint. Also, don't even know if it will install the game.
I feel like I'm on an episode of 24. Everything is against me.
OMG!!! :O LOL wow
Damn, the ipod was too old, it was on iOS 4. Found an old iPad now. trying..
Man no way am I going to have time to try the Tidus/Garnet trick for the Ramuh thing, but I might be able to quick 1 shot him. Data is downloading on the ipad now. I had way too many updates to do.
Don't think I'm going to make it though...we'll see..
*Edit* - didn't make it. I tried a quick round of the raid to see if it would even work with the device, and it took me 2 rounds to get it to work, but it did. Hurried up and put 2B in my Aigion team and went at it, but again the first time Spear didn't glitch. I reset the app on my iPad and when it logged back in, maint had started.
What a wild ride that ultimately proved fruitless. I gotta say though, the game looks really good on an iPad.
What was your strategy to survive Aigaion and gather enough orbs to evoke Ramuh??
Haha nice! Share some of that WoL luck!Hahahahahahaha random ticket because my Mobius pulls were trash... finally got WoL!!!!! Can definitely safely ignore the upcoming banner now. Kind of funny that I finally got my first Soleil and now WoL on the Nier banner.
That said, I have recently got some good TM's to farm for Noctis, some Champion Belts, Quick Assault, Dark Knight's Soul, Monster Breast Plates, everything except for Brave Suit and Genji Glove. However, I pulled two Freyvia's chasing A2 and 2B and I have everything, Letters and Arms, Magistral Crests, the works really, except Genji Gloves to make her bad ass. Noctis is closer to being as good as I can make him barring Genji Gloves or the Brave Suit while Freyvia would be starting from zero on all of her TMs. Which should I focus on? Right Now my Noctis still out damages her with the TMs I do have for her but it looks like in the end Freyvia'd totally outclass him. Should I switch gears and start farming 3 Letters and Arms, her TM sword and some Magistral Crests immediately or keep focusing on Noctis first?
Hey, Randi enhancements are in the sneak peek. Time for folks that got him to enjoy his power, lol.
Power Charge
Effect: Increase the limit burst gauge fill rate by 200% for 5 turns to self,Increase ATK, DEF and SPR by 100% for 2 turns to self,Gain access to following skills for 3 turns (1 use):
Swinging Slash (502050)
Whirlwind Slash (502060)
Torrential Slash (502070)
Is it just me or is the Soleil buff crazy good ? 120% atk/mag ?
Here i am still using Embolden with my Refia lol.
Actually in GL it's even stronger, 120% buffs last 2 turns instead of 1 in Japan + extra 35% breaks. So you can have constant +120% all stats if she don't die.
Surely Ramza is next getting his enhancements. (I wish)