It's super easy to fulfill all the daily quest requirements.
Why is everything about this game a complaint for you? You don't seem to enjoy it very much.
Nono I thought there was more free stuff

I always do the dailies..
As for my complaint..
You must have me confused with someone else.. because the only thing I complain about the game is the gacha rates..
Rest of the game kicks ass..
Tmr is a cockblock but farmable with little effort, which in a lot of game isn't..
Units are quite a lot, and yeah you might miss ONE specific unit, but ultimately there's no irrepleaceable unit//item.. most of the nag 5* are fairly balanced and the outliers are simply the bad ones (e.g. Lightning, mages in general)..
Gearing//ability setup is fun and reminiscent of when such things MATTERED in rpg.. nowdays most rpg don't give a flying fuck About status alteration, and apart from persona//smt almost no jrpg gives serious penalty for elemental misusage..
Plus the battle system with static threshold that you have to consider, buff//debuff are actually meaningful (and the debuffing part is almost gone from persona even, you usually just buff yourself.. last game that expected you do keep buff/debuff up and stack debuff was smt3..)..
And the concept of challenge is nicely integrated in the game, if a bit frustratring (e.g. Kill with esper.. like..ffs...) at times..
I actually made 5 colleagues of mine (fully grown men in the 29-36 range) join the game, and I wouldn't have if I didn't feel like the game was solid..
Honestly don't put in my mouth words I didn't say

For me ffbe is one of the best mobile rpg ever made, the only downside is that while they're generous with currency, the atrocious rate can easily piss you off, but if you're not a completionist, you can just ram through content with properly geared units of 4* quality, as valentissimo has demonstrated multiple times...