For the Hein Trial...what am I doing wrong?
There are times that it seems he's casting 4-5 spells and just causing my support team to wipe even though I have the elemental buffs with Rikku. Not enough buffing/debuffing probably?
Better to do barfira, barblizzaga etc.?
For the Hein Trial...what am I doing wrong?
There are times that it seems he's casting 4-5 spells and just causing my support team to wipe even though I have the elemental buffs with Rikku. Not enough buffing/debuffing probably?
Better to do barfira, barblizzaga etc.?
I'm confused. Why is nobody talking about Charlotte?
Just did Hein. Relationship ended with A2. Enhanced Dark Fina, Luka, and Soleil are my new waifus.
Just did Hein. Relationship ended with A2. Enhanced Dark Fina, Luka, and Soleil are my new waifus.
Charlotte is a big deal. She doesnt measure up to the tank trinity of Wilhelm, EV, and WoL, but she's better than Cecil now. She lacks breaks, and her equips are very limited.
I have her maxed and ready to mitigate some magic damage! I havent done her enhancements yet, but I will. Im severely lacking in Support Crysts
Nobody's talking about anything because we're all in mourning over Valentus leaving. I know there's no hope for Chilly returning at this point, but Im holding hope that Val returns once the he's had some time away.
Never really used cover until 100% dodge WoL (recently) became a thing on JP -- always just felt like there was a big chance to just get wrecked by the dmg otherwise.
Main reason why I was hyped for WoL was because he could do breaks and tank, main reason why I was interested in EarthV was because of his AoE debuff resistance and high counter rate and multi-turn provoke.
I'd generally favor innate draw attack tanks, but GL still lacks the accessories/armor/shield to bump that 50% attract up to 70%+
For dodge setup I might still favor WoL due to the larger equipment pool.
What do you use on Ashe? that damage/healing skill?
Heavens fury. With 3 or 2 ashe and ga spells you can wipe out any team.
Making annoying arena units is the real meta and a great joy in my life. Not sorry for my Noctis x2, Ashe x2, and Rem team. Also could be worse, could throw my D Fina in there.
Right now I have 3 Ashe using Heaven's Fury and Tidus using Energy Rain. They chain together into the high 30's/low 40's every time and I oftentimes see over 1k damage to the enemies per hit. I would venture to say that I do ~6k-7k damager per unit using that skillset in arena, and I don't even have my Ashes equipped with anything.
You're selling EV a bit short here - 3-turn break immunity and the massive DR on his Limit Burst are also selling points, as well as his substantial crisis buff if you aren't utilizing Soleil. If you are utilizing Soleil then Embolden isn't really relevant as a feature.
She's crazy good for a 3* base though.
Wilhelm 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Swordbreaker +43ATK+5%P.Evasion
Left Hand: Demon Shield +43DEF+50%Dark+5%P.Evasion
Head: Grand Helm +45DEF+100%Sleep/Silence/Confuse+20%DEF with Heavy Armor
Body: Assassin's Vest +40DEF+20SPR+100%Poison/Paralyze+10%Evasion
Accessory 1: Ring of the Lucii +3MAG/SPR+25%P.Evasion/P.Counter
Accessory 2: Ring of the Lucii +3MAG/SPR+25%P.Evasion/P.Counter
Ability 1: Quick Assault +30%ATK +10%Evasion
Ability 2: Quick Assault +30%ATK +10%Evasion
Ability 3: Quick Assault +30%ATK +10%Evasion
Ability 4: Mechanical Heart +15%HP/SPR+30%Counter w/Mechanical Heart
Pot Stats: HP: 390 MP: 65 ATK: 26 DEF: 34 MAG: 26 SPR: 26
Esper: Golem HP:6400 MP:4330 ATK:3335 DEF:4860 MAG:1630 SPR:1630
Total Stats: HP: 6116 MP: 261 ATK: 381 DEF: 458 MAG: 161 SPR: 259
Crit Rate: 10% P. Evasion: 100% M. Evasion: 0% P. Counter: 84.25% M. Counter: 30%
Where's my goddamn Fan Festa rewards!!!
Don't know if the rest are coming today, but the free summons is live. Look under the standard summons tab.
Got my 11th WoL, but hey... free is free.
Oh shit, did that go live today or did I miss it yesterday?
Edit: OMG
that free summon went Gold to Rainbow!
Oh shit, did that go live today or did I miss it yesterday?
Edit: OMG
that free summon went Gold to Rainbow!
Messing with S2 Nicol right now and while I need the datamine to confirm, he could be the new go to buffer possibly, especially if you have a character that can protect against status down. Now I just need to pull him, lol.
I tried Silt's skill that protects from status down but Nichol's 65% debuffs still applied. That being said this kid still seems pretty broken with his ST 130% buff skill and a potential 134% buff with his LB.
God I just cleared all the free contents I have left to have barely enough lapis for a 10+1 pull. I dunno if I should spend it on the 3rd step gacha or Nichol's banner![]()
I gave up on chasing after Sephiroth but it seems like a huge wasted opportunity if I pass on the guaranteed rainbow on the 3rd step albeit the risk of getting a dupe.... decisions...!
Grats on the Nichol btw!
wait since when there is free pull?
Don't tell me i miss several days of free pulls
I haven't had anything good from free pulls other than the Jiraiya at the start but there's still a lot of time left on it.
Datamine is probably delayed because the reddit people that do it are asleep, I bet. lol
I think GL just got it today? JP has a month of it ongoing.
Oh that's good. So how long did we get the free pulls?
I dont remember seeing any updates that say about free pull.
I'm not seeing free summon under standard tab even after restarting. Did they take it down again?
But the weapons has only +1 atk....wouldnt that still be pretty shitty ? Dont get it.Damage range 120% - 650%
My will is too weak. Spent my last 10+1 on the 3rd step.
And got 2 rainbows!
Guess what.
I have 4 Lila's now.
lol...."just the gear is worse" is what i said a couple of days ago before i wanted to switch main and alt acc. But yeah this isnt stuck to my main account. I could pull the best units ever my alt but the Gear difference is just too big. Would have to spend months to farm the TM needed....if i even have the units with those TM there.
Grats I guess. Hopefully you can do some nasty & fine shenigans with 4 Lilas. OTKO "everything"?
My will is too weak. Spent my last 10+1 on the 3rd step.
And got 2 rainbows!
Guess what.
I have 4 Lila's now.
PS. Anyone here invested in Fixed Dice ? I have 3 Setzers but dont really understand how this TM works....apparently you wont be able to Dual Wield with it equipped.
But the weapons has only +1 atk....wouldnt that still be pretty shitty ? Dont get it.
I know I said I'm not chasing after Sephiroth, but I don't think I'd ever need more than 2 Lila's. This just broke my heart and all my resources.
It's the second time Gumi accidentaly put free summon and I still manage to miss it, gratz on the big win Vashetti!
It's the second time Gumi accidentaly put free summon and I still manage to miss it, gratz on the big win Vashetti!
Onion Knight
is a pretty solid team right?
You're selling EV a bit short here - 3-turn break immunity and the massive DR on his Limit Burst are also selling points, as well as his substantial crisis buff if you aren't utilizing Soleil. If you are utilizing Soleil then Embolden isn't really relevant as a feature.
Lots of us have Rikku's Pouch by now, which lessens the uniqueness of Cleansing Light - which is Esunaga and doesn't clear Petrify, unlike Panacea. Patriot is also worse stat-wise than Genji Shield, so you're sacrificing something to get not much.
You're left with MP regen, death protection and a bigger party cover. You have to pay gil and crysts for all of these things to be meaningful. And then right now there's no content around where Charlotte is meaningfully better than either of her competitors. So that's why no one is talking about her.
She's crazy good for a 3* base though.
Yeah gear is huge thing. We are getting 10 freebie pulls (nonbanner I think) + those 7 EX 3* tix + 10+1 tix + another from daily logins. There is decent chance you pull something good with those. Not saying great chance, cause rng and gumi.
I do have Fixed Dice. Do you want to test it if I swap FV to friend unit, go to some exploration to do tests with it.
FV is up, go and test FD in some exploration![]()
Onion Knight
is a pretty solid team right?
Yeah..Gear is pretty much everything - when you have units like Ashe who are nice suddenly realize that you still need Dual Wield, Dual Cast etc. for them the hype dies pretty fast
And yeah cant wait for those good...if i could just pull one of those 5* suckers...Tidus, DV, Oldman, Fry, OK...
Just wann stop chasing them - makes saving up/hoarding so much more difficult.
Thanks man...i will give it a try in a bit.
But just without testing and hearing it from the TM worth farming ?
Reddit discussion said:[–]WayneJarvis:
One of the reasons that the weapon works better with FV too is his ability to both imperil for multiple elements while adding that element to his attack. This means FV can take advantage of the high variance and make fixed dice an elemental weapon. So this means with luck you can do his 500% finishing move have a 6.5x variance multiplier, a 1.5x imperil multipler, and a 4x chain multipler for a 195x hit.
Forgot to add the killer too
True, I also forgot about his counter abilities that can give 100% imperil and 1000% damage. So with 1 killer you can get up to 780x damage.