So now I need to learn how to use Fryevia. I really should have saved those TM's way back when she was released lol. Wiki says she can chain with Orlandu. Anyone have any experience with that? My current team is 2 Landu, TT as the finisher with ring of lucii, Tilith, and WOL tank. Should she replace TT (can't believe I'm even saying that as that's my love!) or one of the Orlandu? She's currently at 821 mag without her sword or dual wield. This is with 3 letters and arms and the Enhancer. Should I get Aqua Blade to allow dual wield as I only have 2 dual wield and 1 genji glove?
Stumbled across this on reddit but sadly I only have 87 Star Quart that I need 113 more to get Equip Rod:
Just a quick heads up to all of you that were lucky enough to pull a Fryevia.
A DW Fryevia loses only 7 MAG (according to the excellent unit calculator, haven't tested myself yet) if you substitute a Letters and Arms for an Equip Rod / Draco Spike in offhand. This is assuming you would have equipped Enhancer instead.
Both Equip Rod (fat chocobo) and Draco Spike are "free" (at least if you played previous raid).
It might even be worth swapping out an LnA and give it to someone else (like TTerra or Exdeath) if you are short on them, for greater team damage (although your friend list epeen does shrink by 7 MAG)
Both builds posted below:
3x Letters and Arms (but not second needle)
Fryevia 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Fryevia's Needle +92ATK+112MAG
Left Hand: Enhancer +82ATK+23MAG
Head: Creepy Mask +15MP+15DEF+30MAG
Body: Siren's Robe +30DEF+40MAG/SPR+100%Sleep/Silence
Accessory 1: Magistral Crest +30%MAG+30%SPR
Accessory 2: Magistral Crest +30%MAG+30%SPR
Ability 1: Dual Wield Equip two single handed weapons
Ability 2: Letters and Arms +50%MAG Sword
Ability 3: Letters and Arms +50%MAG Sword
Ability 4: Letters and Arms +50%MAG Sword
Pot Stats: HP: 390 MP: 65 ATK: 34 DEF: 26 MAG: 26 SPR: 26
Esper: Ramuh HP:2800 MP:6200 ATK:1600 DEF:1100 MAG:5900 SPR:4500
Total Stats: HP: 4168 MP: 415 ATK: 422 DEF: 202 MAG: 896 SPR: 318
2x Letters and Arms, Equip rod and Draco Spike (still no second needle, do I look like a whale? Ok rude, I have gained some weight lately, sorry.)
Fryevia 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Fryevia's Needle +92ATK+112MAG
Left Hand: Draco Spike +30ATK+101MAG+Dracoslayer
Head: Creepy Mask +15MP+15DEF+30MAG
Body: Siren's Robe +30DEF+40MAG/SPR+100%Sleep/Silence
Accessory 1: Magistral Crest +30%MAG+30%SPR
Accessory 2: Magistral Crest +30%MAG+30%SPR
Ability 1: Dual Wield Equip two single handed weapons
Ability 2: Letters and Arms +50%MAG Sword
Ability 3: Letters and Arms +50%MAG Sword
Ability 4: Equip Rod Can equip Rods
Pot Stats: HP: 390 MP: 65 ATK: 34 DEF: 26 MAG: 26 SPR: 26
Esper: Ramuh HP:2800 MP:6200 ATK:1600 DEF:1100 MAG:5900 SPR:4500
Total Stats: HP: 4168 MP: 415 ATK: 370 DEF: 202 MAG: 889 SPR: 318
Fryevia 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Fryevia's Needle +92ATK+112MAG
Left Hand: Bowie Knife +82ATK+DualWield
Head: Creepy Mask +15MP+15DEF+30MAG
Body: Siren's Robe +30DEF+40MAG/SPR+100%Sleep/Silence
Accessory 1: Magistral Crest +30%MAG+30%SPR
Accessory 2: Magistral Crest +30%MAG+30%SPR
Ability 1: Equip S Sword Can equip Daggers
Ability 2: Letters and Arms +50%MAG Sword
Ability 3: Letters and Arms +50%MAG Sword
Ability 4: Letters and Arms +50%MAG Sword
Pot Stats: HP: 390 MP: 65 ATK: 34 DEF: 26 MAG: 26 SPR: 26
Esper: Ramuh HP:2800 MP:6200 ATK:1600 DEF:1100 MAG:5900 SPR:4500
Total Stats: HP: 4168 MP: 415 ATK: 422 DEF: 202 MAG: 873 SPR: 318
There, you dont have to farm star quartz lmao xD