What sorta increase? Looks like it's 60 in the States now... (never bought psn before >.> )
From 31.8.2017
UK 10£ more per 12kk
EU 10€ more per 12kk
What sorta increase? Looks like it's 60 in the States now... (never bought psn before >.> )
Damn Gilga dupe is fantastic. Second Genji Glove!Was going to save my 10-1 ticket but just went ahead...
Gilga dupe...damnit , thought for a second i could have some luck.
Is this banner worth pulling on? I could probably use a debuff character but being 5* I don't really want to put all my assets into getting one when I have to save for a finisher. If they were 4* I'd have definitely gone for it. Just to double check again though, there's no expiry on that 10+1 right? The banner won't just disappear?
No, it isn't worth pulling on.
No, there's no expiration on the 10+1.
I'm about done feeding anything into this game. Kind of getting fed up with the artificial barrier to do the hard stuff because I don't have DPS like the game wants me to.
Trance Terra on my 10+1 ticket...any use if I've already got double Freyvias? I suppose could use rods instead of swords. Any other physical resist bosses coming up?
When have they renamed "Protection of the Gods" to "Protection of the Twelve"?
Should I use the 10+1 now or save it for some reason?
Please take holy weapons off your friend units
Cmon now
If you guys have world destroyer, use it on your Agrias. With Diabolos and around 700 ATK you can pretty much 1 shot the boss and the other 2 mobs. Haven't tried lower ATK but I think it would still work
Damn Gilga dupe is fantastic. Second Genji Glove!
My 10+1 ticket was garbage...
The 10+1 is not banner-specific and will have no rate-ups so there is no reason to wait unless you want to pull on a larger, more diluted pool. And it will all be trash anyway.
The 10+1 is not banner-specific and will have no rate-ups so there is no reason to wait unless you want to pull on a larger, more diluted pool. And it will all be trash anyway.
Used my 10+1 ticket. Finally got a zidane!
So my Agrias won't let me open her unit details from the awaken abilities menu...Can she not be enhanced in the global version or is this just locking me out due to lacking the mats? If it's the latter, how the hell am I supposed to tell what mats I need and how many I have?
Ooo nice tip. I've been using my Frye to carry because she can aoe one shot the final round and I'm too lazy to do divine 3 times lol. I can now use a full bonus team with this.
Edit: I tried it. It didn't work lol. Maybe if I had a second man eater source it would work. No deathbringer or genji glove to open up a slot.
Actually, it recently occured to me that the most valuable thing you can do with your 10+1 ticket is use it to avoid spending actual resources when you get the urge to pull.
You know, you haven't done anything in the game for a while, you're feeling a bit bored, you've got lapis burning a hole in your, uh, account. So you think, "I should really do some pulls, I bet I won't get six Bediles this time!"
But now instead of spending tickets or 5,000 lapis or whatever, you can use your 10+1 ticket to get those six Bediles, and it will kill your urge to pull stone dead. Yay!
Her enhancements aren't on GL yet. Maybe next month.
pains me to see so many pulls on this banner D: but grats, hopefully you got what you wanted.
Noctis flask with x5 blade blitz smashes the final wave, maybe chain ashe off of them, and see if its enough?
Hmmm you're right, I forgot that deathbringer had man eater. What's your atk and are you close to 1 shotting them?
10+1... Gold was Xon... and that's it. Does he have any use? Is it worth levling him up?