No one is picking at random, don't straw man for your bad vote. You're pressing Blarg because you're trying to act engaged.
That's awfully presumptuous.
You may not have the same perspective of me of what went wrong in NX, but I think letting Blarg's craziness snowball caused many of us a lot of grief there. Take it for what it is, Sorian, you're wasting your time with these potshots.
In a later post, you mention he's been valuable before. Elaborate please. Either my memory is failing me or I just wasn't around for it.
UltraJay - I'll get it out of the way and say that I think UJ is scum this time. I'm not super confident but he has been hovering in the background a lot. There has been a lot of promises of posts to come but they seem to not pan out or not be as in depth as one would hope. Here's the kicker for me though, he votes for Xam as a prod and then
gives a scum read on him later. Which comes across as him trying to justify a vote that was just sitting out there to me. This reasoning came almost a full 20ish hours later (maybe a tad less) and while Xam did not really respond to the prod during that time, the information that UJ uses to justify Xam's scumminess came from before the actual vote. I think he found an easy target to land on and went back to find good justification for leaving that vote there all day.
VOTE: UltraJay
Narrative or not Darryl, I hope you understand that it's all in the game, I'm not as blind as you seem to have been posting.
Here's why I don't think UltraJay (or Xamtheking, since the reasoning applies to him too) are not scum.
Their posting is far too uncoordinated. You guys are taking shots at UJ for stuff like not following up on posts. That behavior is more consistent with player's who are less engaged. What I've learned to expect from mafia, especially those who do not have the name Darryl, are posts that are much more coordinated - those that try to imitate "good" town players. Now, that said...
Hyperactivity - Hyper has been dismissing this whole day phase and has gone out of his way to always fall on the side of each argument. Look to the Darryl/Sorian fight to see what I mean. He made a mega post that basically berated both sides and sided with both sides. I originally commented that it was a good post but, that was the point, it looked good surface level but really was a whole lot of eh, whatever. I honestly see Hyper as scum as well. Has given himself plenty of excuses to be missing from the proceeding but still shows up with big posts that seem to look like he is paying a lot more attention than he lets on. - Leaning scum
This fucker right here is giving me scummy vibes. He's not said much in the last few days, which is typical behavior from someone who doesn't want to reveal too much information. Plus, he's been...
If we're lynching an inactive, I'd really rather rgo after Seath. Xam and UltraJay seem to have at least made an effort. Especially in Xam's shoes, I'd be frustrated, as everyone in werewolf called him frustrating, annoying, etc, and he openly said he was aware of these complaints. Seath hasn't even tried, he hasn't posted a single thing worth anything. Even Blarg had one post
VOTE: Seath
blatantly ignoring the climate of the thread. I would make two predictions from this:
1) He's scum
2) He's scum and he's trying to draw attention to or away from one of UJ and/or Xam.
Thoughts, Sorian? You are the most concerned I not vote for Blarg.