OK I am back from the cinema, what happened???
OK I am back from the cinema, what happened???
How are you doing there, Dumbledore?BLARGONAUT USED PHOENIX DOWN
Thanks for Quoting that flawed list of mine. At least that brought some attention to those that are missing or just posting to get by in order to be part of the 4 players that get to play in the party.Every new page on 50ppp, you're going to go after a new person and then flee the battle near the end of the page.
Why am I in that list? 🤔
I saw it , waiting until I get off mobile.
I can say that my earlier comment was in response to the "multi game gambit" shit Darryl said though.
Every new page on 50ppp, you're going to go after a new person and then flee the battle near the end of the page.
Not sure if you saw my earlier question, but what's your opinion on Darryl and Xam right now?
How are you doing there, Dumbledore?
I know you can do better than that.
Show it to me
It's WHO! Come on Blarg I know your brain can do better than that.HEW???
How does it feel to be alive again? Anything relevant to say?
I know we won't since it's D1 but hell, someone has to try
Darryl is being himself at the moment, not everyone is going to like his aggressive way of taking but I don't see anything that would be important atm. Sorian Darryl was their way of showing their shiny teeth. Xam did nothing to impress me at this point. Sorry but both of you are in the lower ends of my list in order to level up.
Hmm... so that's a no? x_X;
I agree that Darryl's being himself at the moment, but I'm still curious to hear her opinion regardless. And you don't need to apologize for pressuring me, that's the nature of the game.
Wait WHAT ?! when did she drop the bomb ?
I saw it , waiting until I get off mobile.
I can say that my earlier comment was in response to the "multi game gambit" shit Darryl said though.
Why are you dragging me for that? Sorian literally said that was a multi game gambit he pulled. I'm not making this stuff up. Maybe some people could see why I think he's so scummy if they read what we were talking about. This is GAFIA cinematic universe weird shit, tie-ins and all.
I have everything you need.
Why are you dragging me for that? Sorian literally said that was a multi game gambit he pulled. I'm not making this stuff up. Maybe some people could see why I think he's so scummy if they read what we were talking about. This is GAFIA cinematic universe weird shit, tie-ins and all.
Since everyone is going to keep quoting Nin's list to figure out inactives, keep in mind that Nin crossed TheAwesomePossum off his list when TAP has done nothing this game too. Actually, Blarg is here now and will be doing whatever he is doing anyway.
VOTE: TheAwesomePossum
Thoughts on Darryl vs You: The usual Day 1 "let's randomly give this person a bad time because day 1 is poorly designed with there being no leads" I like my Day 1 to have at least one interesting development to jump-start convos. So far, it's purely RNG.
You can add me to that list of yours.
I wont respond though, since you seem to be irrelevant atm
Except I did say something. That's why Nin crossed me off the list. It's just that no one responded to me except Nin.
You underlined a quote I made about Sorian deflecting. What, in specific, made you underline this quote? As I've already made clear multiple times (too many) my argument does not (has never) have anything to do with who Sorian has voted for or what his methods of RNG voting were. I called this deflecting by him making that his main defense, which it absolutely and undeniably is. Now, I want you to explain how this isn't deflecting. I need to know that you know what we are talking about.
I'm obviously reaching. We have to reach, Unless someone slips up and calls themselves scum on accident, you aren't going to make many arguments on day 1. This looks like feigning participation on your behalf.
I'm trying to understand this:
So, the motive behind this vote is either:
1. You want to generate discussion.
2. You have a reason to believe Hyperactivity is a warrior of chaos.
3. You're a warrior of chaos.
It's obviously not point 1, since you are vocally aware that one vote is meaningless in the grand scheme of things (even raising this point yourself).
If it is point 2, you haven't brought up any reasoning for this alongside your vote.
I think it is point 3, you're a scummy warrior of chaos.
RNG discussion
Now that the snark is out of the way. Of course the vote breeds discussion. I put in a whole disclaimer BECAUSE I know that one vote can get people all bothered and start spilling secrets. I want to see the reactions but I don't want someone to claim stupidly (hey there Darryl).
Welcome to Final Fantasy mafia everyone! (this is pre-typed, I have a work meeting a half hour before time starts that could last anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour so hopefully this gets posted on time, I'm just going to post it when I get back and confirm day start.)
Most of the people on the list aren't new and past that most have played with me before so this is nothing new to a lot of you but we do have the one new face and some others that I don't think would hurt from this advice.
IT IS DAY 1. YOU DO NOT NEED TO CLAIM JUST BECAUSE THERE IS ONE VOTE ON YOU. Votes on day 1 are going to fly around for what seems like no reason, you don't need to spill all of your secrets when you have a little bandwagon of three people, you are not in danger of dying until we are much closer to the deadline. These are 72 hour day phases, you don't need to claim to try and save yourself until that last day (don't claim in the last five minutes either, if you think you are going to die, you'll know it like an hour out, give people time to digest and figure things out).
With that out of the way, time for my RNG vote. Today we got lucky number 13:
VOTE: Hyperactivity
judging by the role text, i doubt the neutrals are anything to worry about.
You literally need to stop arguing on behalf of other people. You also need to read the posts fully if you're trying to understand these arguments. If you're town and Sorian is scum, you're just giving him an easy out. I hope you realize that. Your defense of him doesn't even have an impact on my argument against Sorian. I do not care who Sorian voted for. He could have voted for you or me. I'm questioning his conflicting motives.
I don't care what inane methods you use for your sacred random voting technique. That's blatant deflecting, as I never cared why specifically you voted for Hyperactivity. I'm questioning why you're trying to preface your "pressure" votes with advice that actually deflates the pressure and makes the whole process arbitrary. That opening post appears very much like someone trying to look town. Giving arbitrary towny advice and a meaningless vote gesture meant to advance the game, which simultaneously conflict in purpose. You either want to pressure people or you don't. Right now, you are inbetween. Why are you inbetween?
judging by the role text, i doubt the neutrals are anything to worry about.
I don't care what inane methods you use for your sacred random voting technique. That's blatant deflecting, as I never cared why specifically you voted for Hyperactivity. I'm questioning why you're trying to preface your "pressure" votes with advice that actually deflates the pressure and makes the whole process arbitrary. That opening post appears very much like someone trying to look town. Giving arbitrary towny advice and a meaningless vote gesture meant to advance the game, which simultaneously conflict in purpose. You either want to pressure people or you don't. Right now, you are inbetween. Why are you inbetween?
Is trying hard bad behavior? I should just casually breeze-by with quips and personality insults. That's how we play mafia.
Your response doesn't answer any of my concerns, either. It only elevates them as it is more middling, meaningless text. You want pressure in the game but you're so scared of it.
I'm curious about a system of name claiming on demand. If anyone asks, you have to out it immediately. Thoughts?
Why are you dragging me for that? Sorian literally said that was a multi game gambit he pulled. I'm not making this stuff up. Maybe some people could see why I think he's so scummy if they read what we were talking about. This is GAFIA cinematic universe weird shit, tie-ins and all.
I'm not giving a genuine effort to you. I purposely do the same thing at the beginning of each game that I play because I know someone is going to come up with some ridiculous argument against it every once in awhile and when it's a vet who knows better, it tells me that they are reaching. I'm glad we have your permission to hear from other players, is it ok if I ask Nin about his vote?
VOTE: Blargonaut
You posting a bunch of shit that means nothing doesn't count as showing up or being active, I might as well consider you as absent as people who haven't posted a thing
So Blargonaut, I've noticed that you've been uncharacteristically quiet, mind telling me your read on anything going on?
Also I don't want to deal with this bullshit anymore
From one game into the other. I thought you got used to his way of talking.Also I don't want to deal with this bullshit anymore
Nothing happened
So Blargonaut, I've noticed that you've been uncharacteristically quiet, mind telling me your read on anything going on?
Also I don't want to deal with this bullshit anymore
That awkward moment you realize you're in a game with Blarg...
I'm 2 pages behind (50ppp), will chime in shortly.
"Blarg, tell me your thoughts but I don't want to deal with you anymore."
It comes as a package Hyper, gotta accept it and work with what you have.
Can I join your party?
I underlined it because it seemed like an example of you reaching. If you want a detailed runthrough of why your theory is shit, I can go through everything, step by step
"Blarg, tell me your thoughts but I don't want to deal with you anymore."
It comes as a package Hyper, gotta accept it and work with what you have.